The History of Liberalism: 1945 to present


With Nazi Germany out of the way, full-blown liberalism made huge inroads globally and especially across the West. Thanks to rapidly developing communication technology (noted below), indoctrination of the human mind on a massive scale became possible. The following events are mainly US-centric though some important events outside of America were included.

1945 – The United Nations forms, replacing the League of Nations.

1945 – Notorious Jewish crime family Bugsy Siegel, Meyer Lansky, Gus Greenbaum, and Moe Sedway buys up Las Vegas’ first major resort, the El Cortez, from Kell Housells for $600k. They help turn Las Vegas from a sleepy Western town into the “Sin City” that it is today.

1946 – The Grand Lodge of Yokohama was reactivated with the assistance of the American Occupational Forces. Since then, all Masonic activity has been restored in Japan.

1946 – Eugene Meyer becomes the first president of the World Bank. He was a former chairman of the Federal Reserve (1930-33) and became owner of the Washington Post in 1933. His daughter Katherine inherited the paper and it has stayed in the family throughout the 20th century.

1947 – Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier. MLB baseball integrates.

1947 – The Journey of Reconciliation, which was a precursor to the “Freedom Rides” of 1961, was a non-violent civil disobedient act in protest of segregation laws. Activists toured the mid-South on interstate buses. Judge Henry Whitfield of North Carolina condemned the act:

“It’s about time you Jews from New York learned that you can’t come down here bringing your niggers with you to upset the customs of the South. Just to teach you a lesson, I gave your black boys thirty days [on a chain gang], and I give you ninety.”

1947 – GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) forms in Geneva. This organization was responsible for the early stages of globalism by reducing tariffs among participating countries. In 1947, the average tariff for GATT members was 22 percent. This number decreased to just 5 percent in 1999 after the Uruguay Round.

1948 – Israel becomes a nation. Jewish immigrants and refugees from war-ravaged Europe start to populate the country. Israel’s strategic location in the Middle-East has unleashed a series of tumultuous conflicts between them and their Arab-Muslim neighbors that continue to this day. The Israel-Arab conflict cumulated in the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War, Desert Storm, and the War on Terror. Not to mention their continuous conflict with the Palestinians. While the Jews have long been advocates of diversity and multiculturalism for the West, apparently their very own people felt threatened by it and wanted to create a racialist haven for themselves.

1948 – Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. Gandhi was best associated with non-violent resistance, popularly termed, Gandhism.

1948 – Catherine Nimmo and Rubin Abramowitz creates the first vegan organization in the US.

1949 – China falls to the communists and becomes the “People’s Republic of China” (PRC). CCP (Communist Party of China) leader, Mao Zedong (rumored to have Jewish ancestry), institutes the Great Leap Forward that transforms China from an agrarian society into a Communist state. Zedong nationalizes all private property. Tens of millions of ethnic Chinese were killed trying to resist radical changes sweeping the country.

1949 – Basic Law instituted in Germany to bring the constitution back.

1949 – In West Germany, the 174 lodges that had been dormant during Nazi rule became reunited under the Grand Lodge of Germany.

1950s – Post-war suburbanization leads to consumerism, materialism, and the “keeping up with the Jones” phenomena. Zoning laws in America separated businesses from residential areas, forcing people to be dependent on automobiles. Meanwhile, once beautiful cities in America were turned into literal war-zones overnight as a result of urban decay, as whites fled the cities and minorities moved in.

1951 – Israel requests $1.5 billion (equivalent to $15.7 billion in 2020) in reparation payments from Germany (this was later reduced to $845 million). This request marked the beginning of continuous monetary extortion from Germany and other European countries to the Jews and Israel. It was one of the greatest wealth transfer schemes in history.

1952 – Norman Haire (Zions) dies of a heart attack in London. He was considered the “most prominent sexologist in Britain” between the World Wars.

1953 – Winston Churchill releases a giant six volume, 4448 page set titled “The Second World War.” These set of volumes never mentioned anything about a Holocaust, a Jewish genocide, or any gas chambers that were used to kill Jews.

1953 – Playboy magazine, founded by the Jew Hugh Hefner, is launched. The Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award was established in his honor in 1979.

1953 – Erich Mendelsohn passes away. He was a pioneer in the modernist architectural movement and was known for his expressionist architecture in Germany during the 1920s. His practices were abolished by the Nazis in 1933 and Mendelsohn fled.

1954 – Brown v. Board of Education. This landmark ruling essentially reversed the 1896 Plessy vs Ferguson case and made “separate but equal” unconstitutional. Racial segregation in public schools and public facilities became illegal. At that time the US became more and more involved in International affairs and promoting liberalism. Legalized segregation prior to this ruling made the US look illiberal.

1957 – Atlas Shrugged was released by Ayn Rand, born Alisa Rosenbaum, a highly influential novel in the field of liberalism. Rand was a huge proponent of capitalism and individualism. She developed a political philosophy called Objectivism. As a Jew, Rand supported the Yom Kippur war against the Arab “savages.” She advocated repealing laws against homosexuality. She believed that the American colonists had the right to take Indian land away. Rand associated with many influential Jews such as Alan Greenspan, Nathan Branden, and Leonard Peikoff.

1957 – The world’s first satellite, the Sputnik I, was launched by the Soviet Union. The world’s first communication satellites were launched by Pioneer 1 and SCORE from the US a year later. With this invention, television, cellular, radio, and Internet communications could be transmitted over vast distances.

1959 – Cuba falls to the communists, led by Fidel Castro. Multinational firms that had been doing business in Cuba for years became nationalized. All private property, including those held by Americans, become nationalized. Cuba becomes a sub-third world country with Marxist-style communism taking over.

The 60s

During this era, liberalism came in full force. Not surprisingly, America’s trust in public officials went into a tailspin after the optimistic 50s and has not recovered since.

1960s – During the sixties, the Counterculture Revolution, the Civil Rights Movement, the desegregation of public schools throughout the South, the gay rights movement, the feminist movement, the sexual liberation movement, and the rise of the New Left all take place.

The Civil Rights Movement reached it’s zenith during the 1960s. It was a (mainly) nonviolent struggle of blacks in their attempts to achieve equality in society, particularly in the South. According to Jonathon Kaufman, in Blacks and Jews: The Struggle in the Cities, Jews contributed between two-thirds and three-quarters of the money raised by Martin Luther King and other the civil rights groups during the 1960s. Many observers derided the Civil Rights Movement as being a communist front.

1961 – Raul Hilberg publishes the first edition of The Destruction of the European Jews. This book was considered a landmark and has spurred an avalanche of Holocaust material since. Holocaust revisionists such as Carlo Mattagno, Jurgen Graf, and Arthur Butz were not so enamored as they found a preponderance amount of exaggerations, lies, and half-truths in it.

1962 – Ninety percent of all US households possess a TV.

1963 – Martin Luther King delivers the famous “I had a dream” speech to a crowd of 200,000 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. The speech, which lasted 17 minutes, was nationally televised. Some of the notable lines from the speech:

In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the “unalienable Rights” of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” …

With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day…

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plain of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protests to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force…

(The last line)

And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, Black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.

Though King’s famous speech was considered one of America’s most defining events, parts of the speech were plagiarized from other sources, including Pastor Archibald Carey’s speech at the 1952 Republican Convention.

1964 – Freedom Summer was launched in an attempt to register as many blacks as possible in Mississippi to vote. The activists comprised of both blacks and “whites.” The whites, the majority of whom were Jewish, according to Jonathan Kaufman, were mainly from the liberal cities of the North. Mississippians were not enamored by the activists and saw them as radicals trying to turn their society upside down. Violence in some places was unleashed on them. The most famous case was the murder of James Chaney (black man), Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner on June 21. Both Goodman and Schwerner were New York Jews.

1964 – The Civil Rights Act was signed into law that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, and gender.

1964 – The 24th Amendment to the Constitution was passed prohibiting the use of a poll tax. The poll tax had been used in many Southern states to discourage the poor, which included many blacks, from voting.

1965 – The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was passed. This act was a radical departure from immigration policies of the past. It lifted restrictions on immigrants that were not from white countries (particularly northern and western Europe). The basis for admitting immigrants was prioritized for children and immediate relatives of US citizens regardless of background. Also admitting immigrants based on skill was de-emphasized. In this instance there was no quota. But for the first time in history there was a quota for immigrants coming from the Western Hemisphere. The old National Origins Formula that held from 1921 to 1965 was abolished. Under that old formula, immigration from East and South Asia were effectively banned while immigration from Africa was severely restricted. Jewish leaders and lawmakers were essentially in solo in support of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act.

1965 – Griswold vs Connecticut. This Supreme Court decision legalized the unrestricted use of contraception for married couples without interference.

1965 – Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed that prohibited racial discrimination in voting. This Act enforced the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution and was considered “one of the most far-reaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history.”

1965 – Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, otherwise known as Le Corbusier, was a controversial urban planner and architect. He designed many structures in Brutalist style. Surprisingly (or not surprisingly) seventeen of his projects were inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Urban planner Robert Fishman on Le Corbusier: “He believed that the city should be opened up to autos, that “the city that achieves speed achieves success.”

1967 – Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black to serve on the Supreme Court.

1967 – Loving vs Virginia. This Supreme Court decision made laws that prohibited interracial marriages unconstitutional.

1967 – Habitat 67 was designed by the Jew Moshe Safdie (also designed the IMF building) for the Montreal Exposition of 1967. It was an incredibly bizarre architectural design that drew both praise and criticism.

1968 – Martin Luther King is assassinated. Blacks nationwide take to the streets, causing massive damages to cities across America.

1968 – Civil Rights Act of 1968 was passed: Fair Housing Act (FHA) makes discrimination in housing illegal. Laws against “hate crimes” and laws against discrimination with those with disabilities, in regards to housing, were made illegal.

1968 – The MPA film rating system comes into being. Though the intended purpose may have been to protect minors from objectionable materials, in actuality it gave the movie industry the green light to produce films with sex, violence, and obscenity on a scale never seen before. The MPA film rating system is voluntary, though few theaters will show a movie without a rating.

1968 – Deja Vu, founded by the Jew Harry Mohney, makes it’s debut and eventually becomes the world’s largest strip club firm. In addition to strip clubs, Deja Vu owns numerous gay bars, adult novelty stores, and nightclubs.

1969 – ARPANET is born, which becomes the predecessor to the modern Internet.

1970 – World’s first gay pride rallies take place in New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco. The marches were in commemoration to the Stonewall Riots that took place the year before, when New York City police came into violent confrontations with the gay community.

1971 – The Bretton Woods Systems ends, as with the convertibility of the US dollar into gold. The US could now run large trade deficits. This de-industrialized America, outsourced American jobs, and brought in cheap low-quality goods from China and other developing countries in the name of profits and free trade. The end of Bretton Woods began the era of globalization.

1971 – The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was founded by Morris Seligman Dees, Joseph Levin, and Julian Bond. The SPLC is a radical liberal organization that goes after white nationalists and other “hate” groups. They work closely with the federal government and the FBI. A little background on SPLC’s founders: Joseph Levin was a Jew and Julian Bond’s second wife was Jewish. Co-founder Morris Seligman Dees claims to not be Jewish. The story was that his grandfather named him Morris Seligman in honor of a Jewish friend.

According to Wikipedia, Stephen Bright, an Atlanta-based civil rights attorney and former president of the Southern Center for Human Rights, wrote in 2007 that Dees was “a con man and fraud”, who “has taken advantage of naive, well-meaning people – some of moderate or low incomes – who believe his pitches and give to his $175-million operation.”

1971 – Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education. The Supreme Court ruled that busing was allowed to integrate schools and ‘equalize’ learning opportunities.

1971 – The 26th Amendment to the Constitution was passed prohibiting discrimination to vote based on age. The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18.

1972 – The Equal Employment Opportunity Act was passed.

1972 – Eisenstadt vs Bird. This Supreme Court decision legalized the unrestricted use of contraceptions for unmarried couples without interference. This decision along with the 1965 decision effectively nullified the 1873 Comstock Laws on birth control.

1972 – California Proposition 19 was defeated. This was the first attempt to legalize marijuana in the United States. Gilbert Baker, who worked on the proposition, was the man who six years later designed the Gay Pride flag.

1973 – Miller vs California. The Supreme Court decided that the definition of obscenity be changed from “utterly without socially redeeming value” to that which lacks “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value”. Marvin Miller, a Jew, was convicted of operating a mail-order business that dealt with graphic pornographic material.

1973 – Roe vs Wade. The Supreme Court ruled that abortions were constitutional.

1974 – Hustler magazine was founded by the Jew, Larry Flynt. He was a close friend of Al Goldstein, who was the founder of Screw magazine in 1968. The magazine reviewed everything porn – movies, peep shows, brothels, strip-clubs, etc. Goldstein had been arrested many times during the early 1970s on obscenity charges and fought the courts on First Amendment rights.

1974 – Equal Credit Opportunity Act was passed to make it illegal to discriminate against any applicant based on race, gender, marital status, and religion.

1976 – Black History Month was recognized by President Gerald Ford.

1977 – The Atari 2600 is released. It was the most successful early computer gaming system with over 30 million units sold during it’s lifespan.

1978 – Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office in California, was assassinated at San Francisco City Hall. The assassin, Danny White, was acquitted of first degree murder and was convicted of voluntary manslaughter instead. In response to what many thought was a slap on the wrist, riots broke out in the city. Milk became a martyr for gay communities across America. He was a Jew.

1979 – Ron Jeremy Hyatt, a Jew of Russian and Polish descent, debuts in the porn film business. In his multi-decade career, Jeremy performed in more than 2000 sex videos, setting a world record that has not been broken since. Jeremy had been charged with sexual assault and rape multiple times during his career including sex with minors.

1980s – Salomon Brothers issues the first mortgage backed security (MBS).

1982 – The Mises Institute, a radical free-market capitalist think-tank, was founded by the Jew, Lew Rockwell. The institute was named after Ludwig von Mises, a highly influential intellectual in the field of economics and classical liberalism. Some of the most prominent members of the organization were Jewish, including Von Mises himself. The Mises Institute was a follower of the Austrian School of economics. Libertarians abide by the non-aggression principle (NAP), a very important philosophy under their ideology.

1982 – First Gay Games takes place in San Francisco. This was modeled on the Olympic games and just like the Olympics would take place every four years.

1983 – Martin Luther King Day was signed into law and became a federal holiday in 1986.

1983 – Bob Jones University v. United States ruled that tax exemption does not apply to a religious university that practices racial discrimination. The court claimed that the ruling is not a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution.

1983 – The Trilateral Patent Office was an organization that coordinated the efforts of the EPO (European Patent Office), JPO (Japanese Patent Office), and the USPTO (US Patent Office), the world’s largest patent offices. This was another step towards a global patent system and globalization.

1987 – Ernő Goldfinger passes away. This Hungarian Jew was a pioneer in the modernist architectural movement, especially in the “brutalist” style. He designed many large apartment buildings in London, many of them were architectural eyesores and unpopular with the public.

1987 – Music “artist” Tracy Lauren Marrow, more popularly known as Ice-T, releases Rhyme Pays, under the label Sire, founded by Seymour Stein and Richard Gottehrer. This album defined the gangsta rap genre, a controversial style of music that glorified violence and filth. Gangsta rap may have helped contribute to rebellious behavior in teens, both black and white.

1988 – The Las Vegas Sand Corporation was founded by the Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his partners Irwin Chafetz, Ted Cutler, and Jordan Shapiro. In addition to Las Vegas, the company owns giant resorts in Macau and Singapore. The Sand Corporation is the largest casino operator in the world. As a side note, Adelson was the number one donor to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

1989 – The fall of the Berlin Wall and the fall of communism across much of eastern Europe. Much hopes was placed on democratizing these areas by making them key players in globalism and free trade. Part of the strategy may have been to weaken Russian power by Westernizing their former satellite territories.

1989 – Reuben Sturman was arrested on charges of evading as much as $40 million in taxes from his business of distributing hardcore pornography. According to Nathan Abrams, Sturman was considered the Walt Disney of porn and controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country during the 1970s. He also co-founded Doc Johnson, which was one of the world’s largest sex toys company. Sturman was a Russian Jew from Cleveland. He died in prison. His son David continues to run the business.

1990 – The Immigration Act of 1990 was passed that reformed the 1965 Act. Under this Act, members of the LGBTQ community would not be discriminated, the English proficiency test would not be required for those living in the US for at least 15 years and over 55 years of age, and a lottery would be used to admit immigrants from countries with low representation in the US.

1990 – Judith Butler, a Jewish lesbian, publishes Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Her ideas was seen as foundational to the queer theory and a revival of the feminist movement.

1991 – The WWW (World Wide Web) is born. Tim Berners-Lee, a Jew, is credited for the invention. The World Wide Web would unleash a revolution like never seen before. Despite some battles with the law, online pornography became readily accessible to all age groups and in all corners of the earth. The alternative media sprung up, creating endless amounts of disinformation and fake news. The Internet has been responsible for the dumbing down of society on a scale like never seen before. The agendas of liberalism advanced rapidly with this technology. This information at your fingertips has created a new generation of youths that have short attention spans and a distorted sense of reality.

1992 – LA riots. Media cuts off footage that shows an intoxicated black motorist, Rodney King, leaping out and assaulting officers after being pulled over. The only footage seen by the public was King being beaten by four white officers. When the officers were acquitted, angry blacks rose up and rioted across South Central Los Angeles causing massive destruction. Many Korean-owned businesses were destroyed. King had a long history of run-ins with the law prior to and even after the arrest.

1992 – The Maastricht Treaty was signed, creating the European Union. This was a large step in turning Europe into the next United States. The plan was to abolish borders, create a common currency, and create a shared trade zone.

1993 – The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington DC opens to the public. The USHMM is America’s official memorial to the Holocaust. They have had nearly 50 million visitors since inception. Newly hired FBI agents are required to tour this museum as part of their training regiment.

1993 – America’s largest rally for gay rights takes place in Washington DC on April 25, 1993. Estimates on attendance varied between 300,000 to 1 million.

1993 – Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy was instituted for members of the armed forces. This was a compromise on gay rights. Though openly gay personnel were barred from service, closet homosexuals were not only accepted but protected from harassment and discrimination.

1994 – NAFTA forms. NAFTA and other trade agreements were responsible for the deluge of outsourcing. This has benefited Wall Street at the expense of Americans. The great bull market in stocks got underway the next year (Dow leapt up from under 4000 in 1995 to 11000 by 2000), just as the WTO (World Trade Organization) formed. One million jobs has been lost due to NAFTA.

1994 – Nelson Mandela of the ANC (African National Congress) becomes president of South Africa as the country ends almost a half-century of apartheid. The 1990s were a time of change for South Africa as the country became liberalized and blacks were granted more freedoms and the right to vote. Jews were also emancipated.

At Nelson Mandela’s inauguration, a Hebrew prayer was incited by Rabbi Cyril Harris. Mandela appointed two Jews to his first cabinet, Joe Slovo and Ronald Kasrils, both members of the ANC and the SACP (South African Communist Party). See Mandela and the Jews.  Slovo was a commander of Umkhonto we Sizwe, classified as a terrorist group by the United States, that engaged in multiple acts of violence against the South African government during the era of apartheid. With the ANC in power, South Africa slipped into perpetual cycles of poverty, violence, and corruption. Though violence and discrimination against whites increased, they were excused by the ANC. Mandela was a Mason.

1994 – Denny’s restaurant was sued for racial discrimination and settles for $54 million.

1994 – was founded by Jeff Bezos.

1995 – World Trader Organization (WTO) forms in Geneva, replacing GATT, and becomes the world’s largest organization of international trade. The primary goal of the WTO was to accelerate economic growth by reducing trade barriers between global trading partners and encouraging member states to lift tariffs and quotas. The organization has been controversial from the beginning and has been responsible for the loss of jobs due to outsourcing, especially in the US.

1996 – Texaco settles racial discrimination lawsuit for $176 million.

1996 – Google was launched by Jews Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

1997 – Reno vs ACLU. The Supreme Court struck down the anti-indecency provision of the CDA (Communications Decency Act) and ruled that regulation and censorship of pornographic and other obscene material on the internet was a violation of the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech.

1997 – Grand Theft Auto was released and was the first of many titles for this controversial series. The GTA games are known for it’s anti-societal material, including cop killings.

1999 – The Eurozone was established among 19 member states. The Euro becomes legal tender in the region.

1999 – The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was repealed and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act enacted. This piece of legislation deregulated the financial industry and contributed to the disastrous subprime crisis eight years later.

2000 – PNTR (Permanent Normal Trade Relations) was granted to China by the US and signed into law. This made trade and investments in China more favorable to American investors. This ordeal ultimately tapped into the cheap Chinese labor force and outsourced more US jobs.

2001 – 9/11 and the War on Terror gives the green light from the West to attempt democratization of the Middle-East and destroy the ‘enemies’ of Israel. The war against Afghanistan and Iraq was led by George W Bush, whose cabinet was filled with hawkish Zionist Jews. The war against Iraq produced backlash around the world. Bush announced the famous “you are either with us or you are with the terrorists” statement to get reluctant allies to join the war effort. There has been growing realizations that Arab-Muslims were not behind 9/11 and that Zionist Jews were in fact behind it. The War on Terror was declared on one of the last undemocratic societies on earth.

2001 – Wikipedia was launched by Jews Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales. Wikipedia’s content are consistently liberally-biased and labels any criticism of Jews as antisemitic. Wikipedia has constantly begged for donations from it’s audience since inception, which has drawn criticisms even from the mainstream media. Wales was a libertarian and a follower of the Austrian School of economics. He was also a former porn-peddler.

2002 – Museum of Sex was founded by the Jew Daniel Gluck, opens in Manhattan.

2003 – Goodrich vs Department of Public Heath. This Supreme Court decision legalized gay marriages in Massachusetts. Massachusetts thus became the first state in America to do so.

2004 – Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook has been criticized for abuses of privacy, spying on it’s users, and collecting sensitive information from it’s nearly 3 billion registered members.

2004 – The Terasem Movement was launched by the transgender Martine Rothblatt, billionaire co-founder of Sirius Radio. The Movement was a transhumanist school of thought focused on promoting joy, diversity, and the prospect of technological immortality via mind uploading and geoethical nanotechnology.

2004 – CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) forms.

2005 – The World Erotic Art Museum, owned the Jewish Wilzig family, opens in Miami Beach.

2005 – YouTube was founded, ushering an era of online video sharing and a further dumbing down of the people, especially youths. Susan Wojcicki, a Jew, became CEO of the company in 2014. Since then, the company began censorship of “antisemitic” material. Wojcicki’s sister, Anne, was married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

2006 – Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. Three of the four founders are confirmed Jews.

2007 – The Iphone was introduced and launched the smartphone revolution. The indoctrinating and the programming of the mind through social media and the Internet becomes readily available “on the go.”

2008 – Mortgage meltdown and financial crisis. The Jew Bernie Madoff was arrested but other Jewish crooks went off scot free.

2008 – Barack Obama becomes the first “black” president elected. The media gushes and drools over this. Obama appoints numerous Zionist Jews to his cabinet.

2008 – The Harry Mohney Erotic Heritage Museum opens in Las Vegas and claims to be the world’s largest sex museum.

2009 – Sonia Sotomayor becomes the first Hispanic and the first woman of color to serve on the US Supreme Court.

2010 – Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, was signed into law. Contrary to what many believe, Obamacare was not universal healthcare nor did it move America towards a universal system. It was a system that mainly benefited the private health providers and insurance companies and their bottom lines.

2011 – Arab Spring attempted to democratize the Middle-East through revolutions.

2011 – Libya falls. Led by Obama and the French leader Sarkozy, a Jew. Libya, a highly conservative country, was one of the only nations in the world that was not indebted to the Jewish bankers. In addition they were one of the only countries that had a balanced budget. Qaddafi was well liked by his people and they had access to free high quality healthcare.

2011 – Brown vs Entertainment Merchants Association. This Supreme Court decision ruled that restricting sales of video games to minors without parental supervision was a violation of the First Amendment.

2013 – Black Lives Matter forms in wake of the shooting of black teen Trayvon Martin.

2013 – Mississippi becomes the last state in the Union to make slavery illegal.

2013 -The Pentagon states that they have over 5000 bases around the world. Because of the sensitive nature, we don’t know what the actual number is. The US military has been a primary tool in destroying illiberal regimes around the world.

2014 – Ferguson riots.

2014 – The Boy Scout of America allows gays to become members for the first time. The following year they allow gays to become leaders.

2015 – The Charleston church shooting prompts movements of Confederate symbol removal throughout the South. Controlled-opposition hack, Jason Kessler, a Jew, organizes Unite the Right in protest of Confederate monuments beings removed in his hometown of Charlottesville. Kessler was a former Obama supporter but started supporting Trump thereafter.

2015 – Sarah Thomas becomes the first women referee in the NFL.

2015 – Obergefell vs Hodges. This Supreme Court decision requires that all 50 states plus the District of Columbia to license and recognize marriages between a couple of the same sex. The White House lights up in Gay Pride colors in commemoration.

2016 – Donald Trump was elected, largely through the efforts of the “alternative” media. Like other presidents throughout history, Trump filled his cabinet with many hawkish Zionst Jews. Trump, like Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, and Bush Sr was a Zionist and a huge Israel supporter.

2017 – Amazon bans Holocaust revisionist books and other racist and “antisemitic” material after receiving complaints from the Yad Vashem and other Jewish organizations.

2017 – Charlottesville Unite the Right rally was organized by the crypto-Jew “white nationalist” Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute and Jason Kessler. Other “white nationalist” Jews, such as Matt Heimbach and Mike Enoch, join in.

2018 – South Carolina attempts to pass laws making anti-Semitism illegal.

2019 – The Boy Scout of America changes it’s name to Scouts BSA as the program becomes feminized and permits girls to become members.

2020 – COVID creates more atomization of society with recommendations from health officials for people to keep distances from other people. Some rumored that COVID was intentionally created in a lab.

2020 – George Floyd an “innocent” unarmed black man is killed by a white police officer for resisting arrest in Minneapolis. This incident sparked massive protests and riots. Policemen nationwide start retiring in mass after many felt that they were discouraged from doing their jobs properly. Numerous societal changes occurred. Mississippi redesigned their state flag which no longer sports the Confederate symbol. NFL football team Washington Redskins changed to Washington Commanders. The MLB baseball team Cleveland Indians changed to Cleveland Guardians. NASCAR baned display of the Confederate flag at their venues. Anti-hate and anti-racism banners started appearing at sporting events.

2021 – Juneteenth Federal holiday was created to celebrate the emancipation of blacks from slavery.

2022 – Roe vs Wade reversed.

All you need to know about liberalism or the left-wing agenda is that liberalism promotes the sacrifice of the group for the individual. Traditional right-wing values is that of sacrificing the individual for the group. The definition of conservatism has been corrupted over time. What was considered liberal values during the 18th century is now considered conservative, such as the US Constitution and individual rights.


tolerance of evil
tolerance of deviant behaviors
open borders
sexual liberation
economic liberation (i.e. capitalism and free trade) **
living in the moment and sacrificing the future
the American Constitution and most other constitutions around the world

Examples of liberal societies

The West
Most of the developed world


emphasizes the group
aggression and defense
intolerance of deviant behaviors
no mercy
never forgive, never forget
mistrust of strangers
defense of borders
racism and discrimination
sacrificing the present for the future
national socialism

Examples of conservative societies

pagan societies
Nazi Germany
Native American and indigenous societies before colonization
civilization prior to the spread of organized religion

Examples of semi-conservative societies

North Korea
Islamic societies***
Europe before the Enlightenment

The big “acid test” of whether a society is conservative is if it protects the group and discriminates against those that do not fit in. The more that society protects the group, especially along ethnic and racial lines, the more conservative that society is. Communism does not protect against the group or race. A national socialist country DOES. Communists believe in equality. You can even say that the West is semi-communist in that they are huge promoters of equality. However, unlike communism, the liberal democracies of the West practice capitalism. Capitalism by nature is non-discriminatory. It does however discriminate based on ability. The more sly and deceptive one is, the better his or her chance of success under capitalism.

** Capitalism by nature is liberal because it sacrifices the group for the individual. It puts profits above everything else.

*** Exceptions would be Bahrain, the UAE, Oman, Qatar, and Kuwait

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  1. The History of Liberalism: 1900 to 1945 | Prison Planets

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