How I Came to the Jewish Question

I grew up in an Asian household in America. I was the quiet and introverted type. Though my parents were Republicans, I did not grow up waving the American flag or bowing down to the military like most Americans, it seemed. I guess I was pretty unconventional and always felt like a square peg in a round hole. Though I grew up as a Christian in the Bible Belt, it was not until college that I met someone that challenged my views. Up until that time I’ve only heard one side of the story. I started questioning Christianity and eventually became agnostic.

Like most people I had been under the impression that Jews have been unfairly persecuted throughout history. I had the notion that they were persecuted because they were considered “Christ killers.” Like all grade school students, we were taught about the Holocaust in history class. It was hard to imagine all those poor innocent Jews who were murdered just for who they are. I actually visited Auschwitz twelve years ago when I toured Ukraine and Poland. I felt disgust at what they went through and felt relief that the state of Israel was created. Those poor Jews had somewhere to go. I knew nothing about Israel at the time.

I shared an office with a Jew for three years fifteen years ago. He had a PhD degree. He was probably the hardest working person in my group. I had a Jewish boss for five years. He too was diligent and hard working. I respected those people. And while I did hear from various sources that many Jews were in high positions in the media and business, I thought it was all attributed to intelligence and work ethic. I had no concept of tribalism at the time. I didn’t think much of it and thought it was ridiculous that people would get upset over so-called “Jewish power.” I didn’t think it made much of a difference who the CEOs and bosses were as long as they did their jobs. They deserved to there because they earned it, I thought. “My people” were immigrants too and they worked hard to get to where they were. I was open to the fact that there were racial differences between black, white, and Asian in terms of IQ. But when it came to the most intelligent people, regardless of their racial background, I generally thought they were moral and did the right things. They had been through tough times and were unfairly picked on. Of course I wasn’t about to buy into any Jewish conspiracy. I didn’t even know anything about Zionism though I knew there was a lot of conflict between Israel and their neighbors. I wasn’t a person who followed the news or politics much. I had never even voted before. That was a dozen years ago and things were about to change.

About ten years ago, I decided to quit my job and travel. I wanted to visit countries in Europe, the Middle East, and southeast Asia. I had intended this to be a one year trip but it ended up being little more than double that. The world was much bigger than I thought. The reason I did this big trip perhaps was out of paranoia. Perhaps not. The world seemed like it was falling apart – especially just fresh out of the financial crisis. I was caught up with the gold pumpers and doom and gloomers. I needed to see some of those places before it was too late. The Middle East was the first region on my itinerary. Knowing it was a hotbed of conflict, I wanted to see a lot of the ancient sites such as Petra, the Pyramids, and Palmyra before something possibly happened to them. That was actually the reason why I went to Poland and Ukraine a little more than a year before. I was hearing rumors that NATO had plans to install anti-Missile shield in Poland. I thought there was going to be a possible conflict between Russia and the West. I want to see the rich historic cities of Krakow and Lviv before something happened to them. The Poland/Ukraine trip was my first overseas journey.

Back to the Middle East. At that time the Arab Spring was just getting started. Though it was not the best of times to go there the way things were going I didn’t know whether there would be another opportunity. Most people wouldn’t visit the Middle East even in the best of times but I was not that type of person to make a judgment on a group of people or their countries based on the media. I was a realistic person and had read up on the countries in travel books, such as the Lonely Planets, and forums. It seemed okay and I wasn’t taking unnecessary risks. Also about this time I was reading up on the Israeli/Palestinian situation for the first time. At this point I realized the Israeli government was doing bad things to the Palestinians and their land was being taken away. For the first time I labeled myself as an anti-Zionist but wasn’t quite anti-Jewish yet. I was becoming more skeptical of those people however. And yes, I began to lump the Israeli people with the actions of their government. I started off in Jordan, then Egypt, then flew to Turkey from Cairo, then Syria, then Lebanon, then back to Syria, back to Turkey, then Kurdistan Iraq, and then back to Turkey. That concluded my Middle Eastern leg. I then flew to Riga, Latvia and started my European tour. Yes I had been traveling for a long time.

Nine years ago for the first time I looked into 9/11 revisionism. Previously I had thought that the revisionists were a bunch of wackos trying to stir things up and get attention. But then again I never even looked into their arguments. Back in 2003 when Bush declared war on Iraq I knew something was wrong. I wasn’t really even supportive of the war in Afghanistan right after 9/11 but I knew the Iraq war was definitely fraud. I started getting into libertarianism at this time (I have gotten out of it since) because their criticism of American foreign policy made sense. 9/11 happened because of what the West, particularly the US, was doing over there I thought. Though I believed US foreign policy provoked backlash that resulted in the terrorist attack I wasn’t about to believe 9/11 was some sort of inside job.

Getting back to nine years ago, I saw some YouTube videos on the collapse of WTC Tower 7 and was shocked what I saw. The collapse of that tower was deliberate demolition and not brought down by fire. I had to do more research. I read David Ray Griffin’s The Mysterious Collapse of WTC 7 and was convinced that 9/11 was indeed an inside job. But I didn’t know who was behind it and what the motivations were. Now at this point I was open to conspiracies that previously I wouldn’t have bothered looking at. I started to look into Holocaust revisionism (something that I didn’t think I would ever do) and discovered that the story of the gas chambers and the six million number was exaggerated. I still didn’t look into the Jewish question despite at this point knowing about Israel’s aggression against the Palestinians and realizing that the Holocaust was a hoax.

Eight years ago I visited Israel and Palestine. When I did the Middle Eastern trip two years prior I had thoughts about including those areas on the itinerary but wasn’t really interested. Some travelers I met in Jordan and Egypt told me they didn’t really enjoy Israel and I wasn’t missing anything by not going there. When I finally did end up going there I spent four weeks in Israel and four weeks in Palestine. At this point I knew the Holocaust was a hoax and that Zionism was a problem, so being in Israel felt a little strange. I did see real conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians. Though I knew about it because I had read up on it, seeing it in reality was something else. On the settlements, I witnessed crazy Jewish fanatics who believed they were God’s chosen people and that the West Bank was for their taking. But I also met some really nice Jews while in Israel who would go out of their way to help me out with directions or a ride. I did learn a lot from my trip and was glad I went.

When I concluded my long trip and came home (I had come home a couple times in the middle of my trip to reload) I really started noticing that things were not right with America. At that time I was still not completely open to Jewish conspiracies, though more open than I had been. I continued to believe it was a Zionist problem. I was open to conspiracies in general but I was also getting sidetracked by obvious con-men such as Alex Jones and David Icke. This made it difficult for me to see the light but I did gradually connect more and more of the dots over time. Why I was able to see the conspiracy better than others had a lot to do with me seeing the actual reality instead of someone telling me the way it was.

About five years ago, I began to realize that Jews were in high positions in power all over, not just in Hollywood and big business, but also in politics, banking, academics, civil rights organizations, etc. Knowing that things in America were not okay I was not as easily about to let Jews off the hook. They had at least some culpability in the way things are because of their high positions of power. I knew the Holocaust was bullshit. And knowing that Israeli leaders were behind the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and that Jews in general get upset when they or the state of Israel are criticized, I realized there was a problem with their behavior and traits. Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique described Jewish ethnocentricism and this helped me immensely in connecting more of the dots. In time I did realize that MacDonald was controlled opposition but nonetheless he helped me see the light more than most things I read.

With regards to Judaism, I had heard about bad passages in the Talmud but still thought that the Bible was good and just. But when folks like Kevin MacDonald and George Rockwell exposed parts of the Old Testament I realized the Bible wasn’t as holy as I thought. So I sat down and read it and was shocked at what was in it. It was the complete opposite of what I was told. I realized that the rabbit hole went down much further than I originally thought. I suspected that not only was the media run by Jews but so was religion.

In conclusion I now believe that the entire world order is run by high level Jews (especially the powerful bankers) with the Gentile slaves doing all the dirty work for them. But the low level Jews certainly aren’t doing anything to expose the high level ones, even though they are also being enslaved by them. I realized Jewish tribalism prevents them from speaking out (and getting mad at the Goy who does) or wanting to believe that their people could have anything to do with this. In lieu of this they are just as culpable as the rich and powerful ones. But I am also noticing many low level Jews are acting as controlled opposition on the internet, social media, blogs, and comment section on blogs and videos. Jewish power and influence arises from strong loyalty to extended family, which they are actively destroying for everyone else. While many Jews at the individual level seem to be alright people, Jews as a whole are a paranoid group and they truly believe everyone is out to get them. They see faults in others but not in themselves. I finally realized that the combination of Jewish power, paranoia, and solidarity is dangerous and is destroying the world.

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  1. Leonardo

     /  January 21, 2024

    Ungodly faggots are often Jews. You are either a Jew or someone so subverted you might as well be. This is only the truth, no offense.

  2. PJ

     /  January 21, 2024

    This is similar to my own story. I lived in Paris for a year, and did work in several countries including Libya and Israel. I used to have a favorable impression of Jews, and still do in certain respects and personages such as the Warsaw uprising and people like Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard and Richard Feynman. But the ugly truth about Jewish lust for power and their hatred of the host nations they settle in, finally sunk into my understanding. I suppose the straw that broke the camel’s back was reading Solzhenitsyn’s “Two Hundred Years Together”.

    • I used to have a lot of respect for Von Mises and Rothbard. But then I began to realize that what this whole liberty and freedom thing benefits their people, the Jews, more than any other people. Jewish power is more dependent on the free markets than anything else. It is authority and unfree governments that has historically been the roadblock to Jewish success.

  3. IDK

     /  October 3, 2024

    Oy vey shut it down.


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