Part I
Freemasonry is an international fraternal organization and probably the most well known secret society. Few organizations have aroused as much curiosity and suspicion than Freemasonry. Throughout it’s history it had been under attack by various political leaders and religious groups. It took me a long time to figure what freemasonry was mainly because I was looking in all the wrong places. I’m sure that most who looked into this were just as clueless. Most have been imbued into the symbolism and rituals of Freemasonry. While those things are interesting and it is important to look into, this is a distraction from the main issue. The main issue is what are the missions, the objectives, and the goals of freemasonry? In order to figure that out let’s figure out who was a mason.
Freemasonry marked it’s modern beginnings in 1717 with the initiation of the Grand Lodge of London. The Founding Fathers of America such as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Hancock, and Paul Revere were masons. John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, all masons, published the Federalist Papers in 1788 which promoted the ratification of the Constitution.
Some Founding Fathers of America may not have been masons such as John Adams and John Marshall but it appears most of them were. Confirming who was and was not a mason isn’t always easy. Many records have been lost and deliberately destroyed through time.
In 1789, George Washington who was a Masonic Grand Master becomes America’s first president:
Washington was the unanimous choice for president and John Adams, a non-Mason, was chosen vice-president. On April 30, 1789, Washington took the oath of office as President of the United States administered by Chancellor Robert B. Livingston, Grand Master of the grand Lodge of New York. General Jacob Morton, Worshipful Master of St. Johns lodge in New York City—the oldest lodge in the city and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, was marshal of the inauguration ceremonies.
Of those who accompanied Washington in the inauguration ceremony, Roger Sherman, Alexander Hamilton, Baron von Steuben, General Henry Knox, and John Adams, all except Adams were Masons. It may be added that the Governors of the thirteen states at the time of Washington’s inauguration were Masons.
Washington chose four Masons for his first Cabinet as follows: Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson (disputed); Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton; Secretary of War, General Henry Knox; and Attorney General, Edmund Randolph, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia in 1788. One of Washington’s first duties was to appoint the first Chief Justice and four Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. Four of the five were Masons as follows: John Jay, Chief Justice, and Associate Justices William Cushing, Robert H. Harrison, and John Blair.
The first Congress elected under the Constitution had several Masons in its membership. In the Senate of the twenty-six members twelve are known to have been Masons: Oliver Ellsworth, James Gunn, William S. Johnson, Samuel Johnston, Rufus King, John Langdon, Richard Henry Lee, James Monroe, Robert Morris, William Paterson, George Read, Phillip Schuyler. (77)
John Langdon was elected as President of the Senate pro ternpore. Twenty of the sixty-six men who served in the House of Representatives are known to have been Masons as follows: Abraham Baldwin, Theodorick Bland, John Brown, Daniel Carroll, Elbridge Gerry, Frederick A. Muhlenberg, John Page, Josiah Parker, John Sevier, Nicholas Gilman, Thomas Hartly, James Jackson, John Lawence, James Madison, Roger Sherman, William Smith, John Steele, Thomas Sumter, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, (78) Frederick A. Muhlenburg was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. (James Davis Carter, Freemasonry in Texas, Chapter 4: Freemasonry and the American Government, p 144-46)
Richard Henry Lee calls for a declaration of independence from Britain in the Continental Congress in 1776. The Continental Congress refers to the First and Second Congresses of what would become the United States. It comprised of 56 delegates, of whom 32 were confirmed masons. (Carter, p 132)
When the war was declared, and every citizen had to take his stand, either for or against independence, it was found that every Masonic leader was among the patriots . . . Not only Washington (Commander in Chief), but also nearly all of his Generals were Masons, such as Greene, Lee, Marion, Sullivan, Rufus and Israel Putman, Edwards, Jackson, Gist, Baron von Steuben, Baron DeKalb and the Marquis de Lafayette. – Masonic Finds
At this point you get an idea of strong masonic influences during the early years of America. But it’s not just in America. A number of European figures were also masons such as Voltaire, John Locke, John Toland, and Baron de Montesquieu. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a mason. A number of revolutionary European leaders were also masons. Lafayette was a mason. Napoleon’s four brothers were masons, though it is uncertain whether Napoleon himself was a mason or not. Masonry is an international organization.
The following events happened roughly within 30 years of each other:
• American Revolution, 1775
• French Revolution, 1789
• The destruction of the French monarchy, began late 1700s
• The creation of the world’s first democratic republic – the United States, 1776
• The fall of the Holy Roman Empire which was just over 1000 year old when it fell in 1806.
What has been the trend since that time? How did that era differ than before that era?
The new era which began in the 18th century was the spread of democracies globally. It was the destruction of the monarchies, aristocracies, and royal families. That has been the world order since masonry (modern form) came on the scene 300 years ago. Masonry was not the only institution advancing this new order but it was among the most important ones. Now let’s take a closer look at Freemasonry.
(I encourage you to read at least a few pages of Chapter 4 – pages 119-154 FREEMASONRY AND UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT posted on my site.)
THE ROLE of Freemasonry and individual Masons prior to and through the American Revolution was that of the destruction of the traditional social and political order based on an authoritarian philosophy and characterized by inequality and privilege. Speaking generally, in the ancient regime the church and state mutually supported each other in maintaining their respective places of predominance and privilege. Liberalism and liberals, which included Freemasonry and Masons, were declared to be traitorous by the state, and heretical and atheistic by the Church.
With the victorious end of the American Revolution, Masonic philosophy had, for the first time in history, an opportunity to play a constructive role in the erection of a political and social order. The experience of Masonic organizations before the Modern Age had taught Masons that liberty for the individual has never been handed down by the government—that liberty is gained through the limitation of the powers of government, not the increase of them.
… Freemasonry became the missionary of the new order—a liberal, democratic order in which Masons sought to lead mankind through education into a more equitable and just society. (Carter, p 119)
The principles guiding Masonry, namely a constitution, was the blueprint for establishing the United States of America. Though there were previous attempts in creating a constitution, George Payne, who was a masonic Grand Master, drafted a constitution in 1720. In 1723, Reverend James Anderson revised that constitution and made it into a book. It became known as the Anderson Constitution and was a work so highly acclaimed that Benjamin Franklin who a masonic Grand Master and one of America’s founding fathers, reprinted the book to be used by all masons in 1734. Some of the principles of the Anderson Constitution included protecting ballots and elections from undo influence (article XXXIX), the idea of checks and balances (article XIV), majority rule and universal suffrage (section 2 of article XII), the freedom of speech (article XXXVII), and a supreme court to handle arbitration and appeals (article XXVII). (Carter, p 124-27)
A comparison of the principles of government contained in Anderson’s Constitutions, universally adopted by Masons, with those contained in the Constitution of the United States reveals that they are essentially the same in both documents. There is conclusive evidence that the majority of the men who worked for a federal union and wrote the Constitution were Masons. Some of these Masons were the most influential leaders of the fraternity in America, fully conversant with Masonic principals of government. Freemasonry was the only institution at that time governed by a federal system. There is not a scrap of evidence left by any member of the Constitutional Convention indicating that these principals were drawn from any other source. Since the government of the United States bears such a startling similarity to the government of the Masonic fraternity, both in theory and in structure, it is difficult to ascribe the similarity to coincidence. (Carter, p 141-42)
Also these ideas of democracy and equality were taking place overseas in Europe. In 1789, the French Revolution began. It began with the storming of the Bastille in Paris. Like the American Revolution, the French Revolution signified a clear change in the order and helped transform France from a monarchy to a democratic republic. Like the American Revolution, freemasonry was the driver behind it (There were French masons who did not approve of the events of the French Revolution, unlike American masons, who overwhelmingly backed the American Revolution.)
In 1804 Napoleon became emperor of France. The Napoleonic Code was instituted by the French Consulate to abolish feudalism and the monarchy. Historian Andrew Roberts on Napoleon: “The ideas that underpin our modern world—meritocracy, equality before the law, property rights, religious toleration, modern secular education, sound finances, and so on—were championed, consolidated, codified and geographically extended by Napoleon.”
During this time, Lafayette (Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette) an important French aristocrat, was drafting the Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1789 (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen) in 1789 with the assistance of Thomas Jefferson. This document was the French equivalent of America’s Declaration of Independence. Lafayette had previously fought in the American Revolutionary War. (So essentially Jefferson returned the favor.) Lafayette even had a son named Georges Washington in honor of the Founding Father. Lafayette was a mason.
Now in the backdrop of all these events, the movements of the Enlightenment was taking place in Europe. This movement had gotten under way during the late 17th century. Like Freemasonry, the Enlightenment promoted the ideals of democracy, the eradication of authority, the separation of church and state, and equality under law.
Some notable Enlightenment thinkers were:
Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) – A Sephardic Jewish philosopher from Amsterdam who was considered one of the most important classical rationalist. He may have been best known for his advocation of the separation of church and state.
François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) (1694-1778) – A mason, a French philosopher, and a prolific author who was a strong advocate of individual rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the separation of church and state. He was known for his attacks on Christianity as a whole, especially Catholicism. He written more than 2000 books and 20000 letters. Voltaire was considered anti-semitic.
Adam Smith (1723-1790) – A Scottish philosopher who was considered the founder of modern economics, published the Wealth of Nations, an early treatise on capitalism. Smith was a believer in strong property rights and individual rights. He was against the concept of the corporation and stock ownership however.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809) – An English philosopher and political theorist who migrated to America with the help of Benjamin Franklin. He was most famous for Common Sense which advocated independence from Britain and argued for an egalitarian government. This piece of writing was distributed all over the colonies. It remains the best selling title in America today.
Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) – An English philosopher who advocated freedom of expression, women’s rights, gay rights, animal rights, and the separation of church and state.
Other thinkers such as Immanuel Kant, Gottfried Leibniz, and Rene Descartes were considered the fathers of classical rationalism. Modern philosophy took off during the Age of Enlightenment. The philosophy of rationalism, regards human nature as basically good and human character and temperament — of the individual as well as of the group — as undetermined by inborn qualities.
Masons endowed the following schools:
George Washington founded a free school in Virginia at Alexandria, urged the founding of a national university, supported the establishment of the Military Academy at West Point, and left a bequest for a national university that was ultimately bestowed on Washington and Lee University. (34) Benjamin Franklin was the moving spirit in the organization of the Library Association of Philadelphia in 1731, the founder of the first free school in the city, and one of the founders of the Academy which grew into the University of Virginia.(36) Abraham Baldwin sponsored and was largely responsible for the founding of the free school system and the University of Georgia. The majority of the founding first Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia were Masons.(37) John Macon and David Kerr were founding members of the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina.(38) Gamaliel Painter gave his entire estate to Middlebury College.(39) John Dickinson was president and benefactor of Dickinson College.(40) Michael Myers founded Oneida Academy.(41) Samuel Kirkland founded Hamilton Colledge.(42) Stephan Girard founded Girard College.(43) Henry Knox proposed and Henry Burbeck founded West Point Military Academy.(44) John Kendrick erected a school at Wareham, Massachusetts. (45) DeWitt Clinton, the son of general James Clinton, founded the public school system of New York.(46) The minutes of Lodge No.2 of Philadelphia for February 13, 1781, read as follows: “A Representation of the unfortunate situation of the family of Brethren of Bro. Ad Betten deceas’d being laid before this Lodge from the Brethren of No. 29 it was therefore unanimously agreed that this Lodge pay Ten pounds specie, annually towards the Education of our deceased Bros. Eldest son until he is able to procure a subsistence for himself.”(47) the first normal school in America was opened in a portion of the Masonic Temple at Lexington, Massachusetts. (48)The Grand Lodge of Virginia set up the first Grand Lodge Educational Fund in 1812. (49) (Carter, pages 134-36)
What is important to understand is that masonry does not work against the founding principals of America but works hand in hand with it. Without masonry, there would be no Constitution. Without masonry, there would be no United States – at least not in any form that is recognizable. The spread of this system is global and attempts to turn the rest of the world into the next United States. This is the New World Order. That is, Order from the New World.
The old order was that of dogmatism, authoritarianism, privilege, inequality, and discrimination. The new order is that of reason, democracy, merit, equality, and individual rights. That is the only conclusion you can draw from the observation of events stated above. Events of the past 300 years has been that of the struggle and the fight against the old order. The old order may seem barbaric, but there was some good that came out of it.
You can say that all people have benefited from this new order. But the question is who has benefited the most? That will be discussed in part II.
Part II
In Part I, I discussed what Freemasonry is and how they were the drivers behind the Constitution and the founding of America. I also discussed how both masonry and the Enlightenment promoted the ideals of liberalism, which is that of democracy, equality, and individual rights. You also had the American and French Revolution, both in which masons were heavily involved. Those revolutions helped transformed those societies into democratic republics. I ended Part I with the question, who has benefited the most from all of this?
During the early days of America, the idea of equality did not extend to every people. While the Founding Father were promoting the ideals of equality and democracy, hypocritically they excluded certain groups of people. Blacks and Native Americans were excluded from being protected under the laws of equality (i.e. the Constitution). It was estimated that both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson each owned between 200 and 600 slaves. Washington acquired his first 10 slaves when he was just 11 years old. James Madison owned over 100 slaves. Twelve American Presidents were slave owners at one time. Even whites did not enjoy full equality. One of the darkest secrets of the history of this country was the fact that a large number of whites were enslaved during the early days of colonization. They called this indentured servitude which was a euphemism for white slavery. The servants rarely lived to see freedom and were treated very harshly and many died under brutal conditions (see the book White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh). These servants were lied to. Early 17th century estimates put white slaves at a 20 to 1 ratio to black slaves. Even at the end of the 17th century, whites slaves were roughly five-eighths of the newcomers.
So when you think about it, if the blacks, the whites, and the Native Americans had all been subject to harsh treatment and persecution during the early days, what was the one group of people that had not faced those things? What is the one group of people that has been more protected than anybody else throughout American history? It was the Jews. The idea of equality, at least during the early days, appeared to have been focused exclusively on the Jews and may have been better termed “equality for Jews only.”
During the 18th century we had the modern beginnings of Freemasonry and we witnessed both the American and the French Revolutions. In addition we had the movements of the Enlightenment. Now what was also occurring at that time was the liberation of the Jews across Europe. Prior to that time the Jews were treated as second class citizens and did not enjoy the full rights and privileges as the host majority people. Society at that time was illiberal, undemocratic, and discriminatory. Jews had long been seen by the host majority people as being predatory. The hope among leaders was that by emancipating the Jews and giving them full citizenship, they would stop their practice of usury and would start to take up the traditional Gentile occupations that were previously closed to them. A major objective of legislature was to divert Jews from their traditional occupations of money lending and trading. (Of course that did not happen.)
The advocates of Jewish integration persistently predicted that Jewish integration would have its effect on the nature of the occupations Jews were engaged in. Jews, granted free choice, would make ample use of it and their age-old addiction to trade and other occupations depending on the investment of money — especially usury — would disappear.
– Jacob Katz, Out of the Ghetto
France became the first country in the history of Europe to emancipate the Jews (and grant them full citizenship) in 1790 (first the Sephardic, then a year later the Ashkenazim). At that time, the French Revolution, which started a year earlier, was underway. Jews eventually became emancipated throughout Western Europe. According to the German historian Heinrich Schnee, the “emancipation of the Jews was the work of the Hoffactoren (court Jew).” **Court Jews were Jews who loaned money to the nobility and were predecessors to the modern Jewish banker. At this point the court Jew started to have tremendous influence. They operated mainly in Germany. While European leaders were promoting the ideals of Jewish liberation, especially the potential benefit to the economy, the people were highly skeptical. Though Jews were ‘emancipated’ it took years for them to be fully accepted into society, similar to the situations that blacks in the US faced immediately after slavery ended. But the important fact was that, over time, Jews were granted more freedoms and became better protected under law. Unlike in centuries past, they became more difficult to kick out.
Note: While secular-leaning Jews overwhelmingly favored emancipation the same could not be said of the ultra-orthodox Jews. They feared their identity would disappear through assimilation. The Hasidic movement in Eastern Europe was launched to address this.
Was there a Jewish conspiracy behind all this? Consider the following events:
• 1492 – Christopher Columbus. Columbus’ early life was a mystery. It was believed that he had ‘Italian’ roots. Columbus was best known for his `discovery’ of the New World. His first voyage came on the heels of the Inquisition. Columbus was financed by Luis de Santagel, Gabriel Sanchez, and Juan Cabrero. All three were converso Jews. Rumors had it that Columbus was a converso Jew himself.
Not jewels, but Jews, were the real financial basis of the first expedition of Columbus.
– George Cohen, The Jew in the Making of America
- 17th to 19th centuries – The transatlantic slave trade was primarily conducted by Jews.
- 1752 – Nathan Levy’s ship Myrtilla was reputed to have transported the Liberty Bell from England to Philadelphia
- 1775 – The American Revolution. The American colonies with the help of France defeated the Brits to gain independence. This paved the way for the world’s first liberal democracy. Haym Salomon, a mason, a slave owner, and a Jew, was the primary financier of the American side of the war, with his most important contribution coming immediately before the final battle at Yorktown. In fact he donated his entire fortune to the Founding Fathers and various military personnel to support the war against Britain.
- 1776 – The Bavarian Illuminati was founded by Adam Weisphaupt, a crypto-Jew from Germany. This organization was closely tied with freemasonry and other secret societies. The Illuminati helped undermine authority and the power of the Church.
The founding of America
There were heavy Jewish influences on religion and education in the New World. In 1620, the Pilgrims (known as Separatists at the time) sailed on the Mayflower and established the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts. The colony was named after Plymouth, Devon, where the Mayflower departed. The Pilgrims were a Puritan sect that left England to seek religious freedoms after bitter disputes with the English government.
During the Puritan Revolution in England, (1642-1648) some Puritan extremists had even sought to replace English common law with Biblical laws of the Old Testament (i.e. the Jewish Bible), but were prevented from doing so. In America, however, there was far more freedom to experiment with the use of Biblical law in the legal codes of the colonies and this was exactly what these early colonists set out to do.
– Rabbi Ken Spiro
No Christian community in history identified more with the Israelites of the Bible than did the first generations of settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who believed their own lives to be a literal reenactment of the biblical drama of the chosen people―they were the children of Israel and the ordinances of God’s Holy covenant by which they lived were His divine law. Since they viewed themselves as the persecuted victims of the sinful Christian establishment of the Old World (England), the Puritans also had a natural sympathy for the Jews of their own time. The Protestant Puritan leader Cotton Mather repeatedly referred to the Jews in his prayer for their conversion as God’s “Beloved People.” The New Israel―The influence of the Hebrew Bible marks every step of the Puritan exodus to their Zion in the wilderness of the New World. The Jewish Bible formed their minds and dominated their characters; its conceptions were their conceptions… The Puritans wholeheartedly believed that it was their special mission to establish in America a society precisely modeled on the precepts of Sacred Jewish Scriptures.
– Hugh Fogelman
By Tsivya Fox
The earliest knowledge of Hebrew being proposed as America’s national language is from 1620. At that time, William Bradford was the leader of the pilgrims who set off to the New World. They set sail on the Mayflower seeking to find freedom from religious persecution. They saw their journey as a re-enactment of the Jewish exodus from ancient Egypt.
Bradford sought to unify the group before they disembarked. He is recorded as being fanatical about the Hebrew language as he believed that after his death he would speak “the most ancient language”, Hebrew, with God and the angels.
It is noted that a vote was taken on the Mayflower as to which language the new settlers would speak in the New World. Hebrew apparently lost by only one vote.
In 1780, Hebrew was once again proposed as the official American language as the pioneers had an extreme dislike of anything British, including the English language. Marquis de Chastellux, a companion to George Washington, record that Americans “have seriously proposed to introduce a new language; and some, for the public convenience, would have the Hebrew substituted to English, taught in the schools, and used in all public acts.”
The Enlightenment
Part I mentioned some Enlightenment figures such as Baruch Spinoza, Voltaire, Adam Smith, Thomas Paine, and Jeremy Bentham. Other Enlightenment figures:
John Locke (1632-1704) – A 17th century English philosopher and considered to be the “father of liberalism.” He was an advocate of representative government and individual rights. His writings influenced Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In A Letter Concerning Toleration, Locke concluded “neither Pagan, nor Mahometan nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the commonwealth because of his religion.” John Locke was a mason. He was also an investor in the slave trade company Royal Africa Company.
John Toland (1670-1722) – An Irish Philosopher who was an atheist and a critique of Christianity but revered the Jews and Judaism. Jacob Katz in Out of the Ghetto written that in 1714, Toland wrote the paper Reasons for Naturalizing the Jews. Toland announced his conviction that human nature was essentially the same, a basic principle of the spreading idea of rationalism — and predicted that Jews, once granted the opportunity, would take to all occupations like any other human beings. Toland was a mason.
Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755) – Montesquieu was an 18th century French philosopher and judge who is the principal source of the theory of separation of powers, which is implemented in many constitutions throughout the world. He is also known for doing more than any other author to secure the place of the word “despotism” in the political lexicon. His anonymously published The Spirit of Law (1748), which was received well in both Great Britain and the American colonies, influenced the Founding Fathers of the United States in drafting the U.S. Constitution. Advocates of Jewish emancipation, such as Montesquieu, maintained that despite their religion, Jews should be granted civil rights. Montesquieu argued that emancipation itself would make the Jew a better person. Montesquieu was a mason.
Jean-Jacque Rousseau (1712-1778) – An 18th century Genevan philosopher and author who although was a critique of strong property rights, was a proponent of rule “by the people” and against monarchy. Rousseau’s Social Contract argued that each person was born with rights, and they would come together in forming a government that would then protect those rights. Under the social contract, the government was required to act for the general will, which represented the interests of everyone rather than a few factions. Rousseau may have been a Jew.
(Rousseau) not only demanded equal civic rights for Jews but he also, uniquely among French writers and thinkers of the Enlightenment, expressed Zionist-like beliefs, hoping that the Jews would be restored to a country of their own … Rousseau viewed Judaism as surpassing Christianity in its emphasis on compassion and justice, in effect urging modern nations to become more Jewish. – Jewish Press
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781) – Was a friend of Moses Mendelssohn. Lessing was a mason.
Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) – A German-Jewish philosopher. Mendelssohn believed that
the combination of church and state in both Christian and Jewish history is an outrage to reason, and should be terminated as soon as possible. Mendelssohn was unconcerned as to how this final termination was to be accomplished and relied on the ultimate victory of reason to fulfill his expectations. – Jacob Katz
Isaac de Pinto (1717-87) – A Jewish merchant and banker who was president and one of the main investors of the Dutch East India Company. He lobbied for removal of restrictions and regulations against Jewish merchants in Holland. Isaac de Pinto asserted in his polemic against Voltaire that the common prejudice against Jews might be valid against Ashkenazim but certainly did not hold for Sephardim. – Katz
Adolph Freiherr Knigge (1752-96) – A German writer who supported Jewish emancipation. Knigge once remarked, that the blame for the Jews’ social and moral shortcomings must be laid, to a great extent, at the door of the Gentiles who suppressed them and gave them only limited space to live in. Knigge was a mason and a leading member of the Illuminati.
Zalkind Hourwitz (1751-1812) – A Polish-Jew living in France during the Revolution. In the 1789 publication, Vindication of the Jews, Hourwitz demands that Jews receive the full privileges of citizenship, including land ownership, occupational freedom and education. That same year Hourwitz donated a quarter of his salary towards the efforts of the French Revolution.
Hourwitz argued to Christian theologians that if they were so interested in the conversion of the Jews, it would be to their advantage to grant equality of rights as the best possible means of ensuring it. He declared his conviction that, given status and opportunity, the Jews would cease to be different as to customs, occupations, and morality.
Christian Wilhelm Dohm (1751-1820) – A German philosopher and a friend of Moses Mendelssohn.
Dohm thought that by emancipating the Jews and separating church and state, the Jews would do good on their end by moving away from their practices of being traders and bankers. There would be more avenues to employment open so Jews could choose those practices instead. He thought that Jews would give up their Jewishness and assimilate. He thought that there would be more Jewish farmers and manual laborers … (He believed) the Jews, with changing conditions, would readily give up trade as their exclusive pursuit Dohm, like John Toland, fully expected because of his belief in the oneness of all human nature. – Katz
Dohm was a mason.
Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) -Jacob Katz on Humboldt: The state has only to act passively, that is, to remove the hindrances to the free development of its citizens. Consequently, it is not the business of the state to strive for the betterment of the Jews nor teach their adversaries to appreciate them. The state should only “reverse the inhuman and prejudiced way of thinking that judges a man not according to his individual characteristics but according to his origin and religion and conceives of him — in contradistinction to all notions of human dignity — not as an individual but as belonging to a race and sharing certain of its characteristics as of necessity.” How can the state accomplish this revolution in the way that people think? “By declaring in no uncertain terms that the State will no longer recognise any difference between Jews and Christians.”
On the basis of this conception, Humboldt recommended what later became known as full emancipation, that is, complete disregard by the state for the religious affiliations of its citizens. He expected from this swift and decisive step the best possible results, an ultimate integration of the Jews into the surrounding society. Jews would adapt themselves to the requirements of all the occupations open to them. The much-lamented immorality conditioned by discrimination would disappear and so would the cultural gap between them and their neighbors.
1790 – George Washington addressed the Hebrew Congregation of Savannah in a correspondence:
May the same wonder-working Deity, who long since delivered the Hebrews from their Egyptian oppressors, planted them in a promised land, whose providential agency has lately been conspicuous in establishing these United States as an independent nation, still continue to water them with the dews of heaven and make the inhabitants of every denomination participate in the temporal and spiritual blessings of that people whose God is Jehovah.
Washington was a religious man, raised as a churchgoing Anglican and well-versed in the Bible, who saw the Jews as the most persecuted minority in history deserving protection under the new Constitution. – The Jewish Press
1796 – John Adams of the Federalist Party defeats Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-Republican Party in the first elections that took place in America that featured political parties. This was the beginning of the two-party system in America. Jews unanimously supported Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans because they thought that party better upheld the principles of liberalism and equality (i.e. Jewish ideals) than the Federalists. The Federalists still clung to the old European ideas of aristocracy and were more reluctant to abide by the principles of the Constitution.
Though Jews unanimously supported Jefferson over Adams, Adams was no enemy of the Jews:
“I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty Sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.”
– The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: With a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations (Little, Brown, 1854), p. 609.
1800 – Thomas Jefferson defeats John Adams. When Jefferson died in 1827, Uriah Levy, a Jewish naval officer, purchased the Monticello (Jefferson’s estate) and restored it. Uriah’s nephew, Jefferson Monroe Levy, inherited the estate and sold it to the Thomas Jefferson Foundation in 1923.
I consider Thomas Jefferson to be one of the greatest men in history, the author of the Declaration of Independence and an absolute democrat. He serves as an inspiration to millions of Americans. He did much to mould our Republic in a form in which a man’s religion does not make him ineligible for political or governmental life.
– Uriah Levy
[I have] ever felt regret at seeing a sect, the parent and bases of all those of Christendom, singled out by all of them for persecution and oppression which proved they have profited nothing from the benevolent doctrines of Him (Yahweh) whom they profess to make the model of their principle and practice.
– Thomas Jefferson
What few people know is that Communist Party USA, which was founded in 1919, highly respected some of America’s early Founding Fathers, especially Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson eschewed the ideas of the separation of church and state, individual freedoms, and representative government. In fact CPUSA was so enamored by Jefferson’s ideals that they became inspired to name one of their educational facilities it founded in 1943 to the “Jefferson School of Social Science.” Jefferson may have been a Jew.
Coin showing Napoleon on the Sanhedrin in 1806 standing in great imperial costume, crowned with laurel, receives tables of the law presented to him by a rabbi seated before him, under the features of Moses.
Napoleon, the leader of the first French Consul of the newly formed French Republic, was considered a great friend of the Jews. It has been suggested that Napoleon did more for Jewish causes than any leader in French history. Napoleon closed the Jewish ghettos during his reign and made Jews equal to everyone else. Napoleon on the Jews: I will never accept any proposals that will obligate the Jewish people to leave France, because to me the Jews are the same as any other citizen in our country. It takes weakness to chase them out of the country, but it takes strength to assimilate them.
The first laws to emancipate Jews in France were enacted during the French Revolution, establishing them as citizens equal to other Frenchmen. In countries that Napoleon Bonaparte’s ensuing Consulate and French Empire conquered during the Napoleonic Wars, he emancipated the Jews and introduced other ideas of freedom from the French Revolution. – Wikipedia
Now Napoleon did not allow Jews to enjoy every single rights and privileges that the Gentile Frenchman had but he got the ball rolling.
Napoleon’s Zionism
During Napoleon’s 1799 siege of Acre (in modern day Israel), which was part of the Ottoman Empire, Gazette Nationale, the main French newspaper during the French Revolution, published in May 1799 this:
“Bonaparte has published a proclamation in which he invites all the Jews of Asia and Africa to gather under his flag in order to re-establish the ancient Jerusalem. He has already given arms to a great number, and their battalions threaten Aleppo.”
In February 1790, Thomas Corbet, a member of the Society of United Irishmen who served in the French Army, authored a letter to the French Directory, then under the leadership of Napoleon’s patron Paul Barras. In the letter he stated “I recommend you, Napoleon, to call on the Jewish people to join your conquest in the East, to your mission to conquer the land of Israel” saying, “Their riches do not console them for their hardships. They await with impatience the epoch of their reestablishment as a nation.”
Though the establishment of Israel did not come to pass during Napoleon’s time, he took the initiative that would lead to future advancement of Zionist causes.
Was Napoleon a Jew?
There have been many myths and interpretations on the family origins of Napoleon. At Bonifacio at the extreme south of [his native] island of Corsica, there was a strongly established Jewish community, with many Italians but also Greeks. [François- René de Chateaubriand, who detested Napoleon, said he had African blood. Michelet, who detested him, said he had Jewish blood. We cannot know. [Napoleon’s] family came from Tuscany. Did he have Jewish blood? Who can tell? It’s possible. One thing we know was that Napoleon wasn’t French. His parents had Italian names.
Many Jews of the time believed that Napoleon was their benefactor. Primo Levi has pointed out that in Italy, some Jews named their sons Napoleone in his honor, and in Germany, when Jews adopted family names, some chose Schöntheil, or Bonaparte in German. In France, Jews wrote Hebrew prayers to praise Napoleon during services and called him “Helek Tov” in Hebrew or “good portion” (bona-parte). So if Napoleon was not Jewish, why would he be doing the Jews so much favor?
The Problem With Equality
Equality is myth. It is a lie. We are not equal. There are differences among the various ethnic groups and races. There are differences in morality among the races. When you grant equal rights and opportunities to a group(s) of people who have a history of devious behaviors towards others, you are in effect destroying society. Under the Old Order, deviant people were either kicked out or segregated off from the rest of the people. That is how people were protected. That was what was practiced for all of human history until relatively recent times. That layer of protection is now gone. The troublemakers, subverters, and infiltrators are now protected under law. They are protected by the Constitution. The New Order essentially legalizes criminal behavior.
“Never can a community be hated by every nation unless it has earned this hatred.”
– Friedrich Traugott Hartmann, a Jew
Jewish Power
It is quite obvious to anyone studying Jewish power and infiltration that nobody can compete with them on a level playing field, especially in regards to capitalism and wealth generating activities. My research on billionaires in America shows that at least 60 percent of all billionaires are Jewish. That is an astounding proportion when you consider they are just 2-3 percent of the population.
Werner Sombart, author of Jews and Modern Capitalism, discloses this: Throughout the centuries the Jews championed the cause of individual liberty in economic activities against the dominating views of the time. The individual was not to be hampered by regulations of any sort, neither as to the extent of his production nor as to the strict division between one calling and another: he was to be allowed to carve out a position for himself at will, and be able to defend it against all comers. He should have the right to push forward at the expense of others, if he were so able; and the weapons in the struggle were to be cleverness, astuteness, artfulness; in economic competition there should be no other consideration but that of overstepping the law; finally, all economic activities should be regulated by the individual alone in the way he thinks best to obtain the most efficient results. In other words, the idea of free-trade and of free competition was here to the fore; the idea of economic rationalism; in short, the modern economic outlook, in the shaping of which Jews have had a great, if not a decisive influence. And why? It was they who introduced the new ideas into a world organized on a totally different basis.
It is quite clear that the global movements toward freedom, individualism, and democracy over the last 250 or so years was, by design, to benefit one group of people above everyone else. Freemasonry was one of the primary tools in achieving these ends. It was not the only tool but may have been the most important one in advancing the NWO.
** The biggest difference between the court Jews and the modern banker is that the modern banker is a citizen and cannot easily have his wealth taken or be kicked out.