Jewish Surnames

The following is from Subverted Nations, which is no longer online:

Jewish Surnames

This is a comprehensive list of Jewish surnames (last names). While this list is extensive, it is not complete. NOTE- THERE ARE A FEW NAMES WITHIN THIS LIST THAT ARE ALSO USED BY SOME NON-JEWS. Usually, when enough Jews take certain Gentile names, more and more non-jews stop using those names, but there are cases when old family names survive. The original names were not jewish. There are also exclusively Jewish names such as Levi, Cohen, Stein; variations, prefixes such as “Eisen,” “Lev” “Rabin,” “Roth,” suffixes such as “baum, berg, witz, feld, lieb, thal, stein, and middle, (before the last name)- “Ben” and “Bar,” to cite a few examples. Most of the names listed below are almost exclusively used by Jews. In addition, many Jews take Gentile names in order to hide their Jewish identity. Many Jewish names also have to do with extreme wealth, money, “Gam” (tax collector), “Goveh” (treasurer), “Gold” “Goldberg” (mountain of gold), Silver, Silverstein (silver stone), Greenberg, Lehman (money lender), and so forth.

Here are the most common Jewish names likely to be encountered by non-jews:

-Names ending in “-berg” (Goldberg, Weinberg, etc.)

-Names ending in “-man” (Goldman, Lightman, etc.)

-Names ending in “-stein” (Einstein, Perlstein, etc.)

-Names that sound “precious” (Gold, Silver, Diamond, etc.)

-Names ending in “-ler” (Adler, Midler, etc.)

-Names ending in “-ner” (Asner, Lardner, etc.)

-Names ending in “-lin” (Gitlin, Sheindlin, etc.)

-Names ending in “-witz” (Horowitz, Rabinowitz, etc.) or “-itz” (Kravitz, etc.)

-Names ending in “-baum” (Teitelbaum, Metzenbaum, etc.)

-Names ending in “-off” (Chartoff, Berkhoff, etc.)

-Names ending in “-nik” (Resnik, Mitnik, etc.)

-Names ending in “-thal” (Blumenthal, Rosenthal, etc.)

-Names ending in “-ling” (Spelling, Sperling, etc.)

-Names ending in “-sky” (Barshefsky, Linsky, etc.)

-Names ending in “-farb” (Himmelfarb, Goldfarb, etc.)

-Names ending in “-feld” (Seinfeld, Rosenfeld, etc.)

-Names ending in “-stone” (Wellstone, Firestone, etc.)

-Some, but certainly not all, names ending in “-son” (Abelson, Josephson, etc.)

-Surnames that sound “Biblical,” e.g., David, Joseph, Abram or Abraham, Moses, Benjamin, Isaac, etc.

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter A

Aaron Aaronin Aaronsen Aaronson Aaronstein Abba Abel Abelson Abendana Aberke Aberl Aberlein Aberlieb Aberzuss Abil Abrabanel Abraham Abrahm Abrahmsohn Abram Abrami Abramin Abramov Abramowitz Abrams Abramsky Abramsohn Abramson Abravanel Abravaneln Absalom Abudraham Abulafia Abzug Achselrad Ackerman/n Acosta Adele Adelman Adelman/n Adelson Adelstein – “precious stone; very expensive” Ader Adler Adler-Adonoilom Admon Adolescenti Africk Afrom – variation of “Ephraim” Agosi Agozi Agranat Agron Agronsky Ahavah Ahikam Ahitov Ahl Ahuvah Akabiah Akashia Akiba Album – variation of “Weiss” Alcalay Alembik Alfandari Algus Aliyah Alizah Alkus Alper Alpern Alpert Alpron Alter Alterman Altfeld Altmann Altneu Altschul Altschuler Altshule Amdur Amdursky Amschel Amsel Amsle Amsler Amster Anastasios Anav Ancier Andrussier Anixter Ansbach Anschel Antman/n Anzieher Apel Apelopwitz Apfelbaum Appel Apt Apter Aren- variation of Aaron Arfa Arkin – variation of Aaron Arkules Aron, variation of Aaron Aroni, variation of Aaron Aronin, variation of Aaron Aronoff, variation of Aaron Aronoff, variation of Aaron Aronov, variation of Aaron Aronow, variation of Aaron Aronowitch, variation of Aaron Aronowitz, variation of Aaron Aronson, variation of Aaron Aronstam Aronstein Aronthal, variation of Aaron Aryeh Arzt Asael Asaf Asch Aschenheim Aschenheimer Ascher Aschheim Ash Ashburg Ashendorf Ashkenazi – this name used to mean “German” (Gentile) until the 17th century when many European jews migrated to Asia Minor, where they were given this name by Turkish jews to identify them as coming from the German territories. Ashman/n Ashner Askush Asner Aspis Astruc Astruc Atar Atlin Atzmon Auerbach Auslander Auspitz Austern Averik Avigaal Avigad Avigdor Avil Avindam Aviram Avi-Shaul Avraham Avrech Avril Avrom Awerbuch Axeldar Axelrad Axelrod Axelrood Ayalah Ayelet Ayzenschtat Azariah Azria Azzopardi

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter B

Bab Babad Bacharach Bacher Bacherach Bachrach Bachrich Bad Badanes Bader Badt Baer Bailin Bak Bakst Balaban Balak Balfur Balsam Balta Balter Bamberg Bamberger Banet Bar Barad Baram Baratz Barbakoff Barch Bard Bardach Bardowitz Barg Bar-Gada Bar-Ilan Barkan Bar-Kokhba Barlas Barmak Barmash Barmat Bar-Nathan Baron – variation of ‘Bar-Aaron” (son of Aaron) Barr Barron Barrstein Barshay Barth Baru Baruch Barukh Barukh Bar-Yehuda Barza Bas Basch Bashe Basheva Baskin Baskind Bass Bassan Bassani Bassovsky Basyah Batnick Batusanschi Batyah Baum Bauman/n Baumgarten Baxt Bayla Bechar Becher Bechor Bechtheim Becker Beckerman/n Beckman/n Bedwinek Beederman/n Behar – variation of “ben-harav” Behokhmah Behrman Beifuss Beilin Beilke Bekher Bekhorath Belier Belka Belkin Bellow Belmont Belmonte Belofsky Belzer Ben Bender Bendit Bendit Bendor Ben-Gurion Ben-Horin Benjamin Benowitz Ben-Shahar Bensheim Bensinger Ben-Tikvah Bentwich Benveniste Ben-Zahav Ben-Zvi Ber Berakhiah Berg Berger Bergman/n Berish Berkal Berkman/n Berko Berkovits Berkowitz Berl Berlin (Nothing to do with the city. The name means “Son of Berl’) Berliner Berman Bernbaum Bernheim Bernick Bernstein – derived from “dealings with amber” Bertinero Beshanim Beshar Besser Bethel Bettelheim Bettsack Betzalel Biback Biber Bibick Bickel Biederman/n Biegeleisen Bildhauer Bilu Binder Bing Birnbaum Bistritzky Bitensky Blacher Black Blaser Blashki Blaszka Blau Blaustein Blecher Blechman/n Bleich Bleiweiss Blitstein Bloch Block Bloom Bloomberg Bloomfeld Bloomfield Bloomingdale Blowitz Blozer Bluestein Blum Bluma Blumenberg Blumenfeld Blumengarten Blumenheim Blumenkrantz Blumenkrohn Blumenreich Blumenstein Blumenstock Blumenthal Blumfeld Blumkin Blustein Bobroff Bochner Bodanis Bodek Bodenstein Bodner Boerne Bogatch (Polish- meaning “wealthy”) Bogati Bogolub Bogoraz Bohm Boim Bokser Bollag Bolotin Bondi Borer Bornstein Borodaty Boros Borowsky Bortnik Boruchschomer Botbol Botnick Botstein Botushansky Botwinnik Boxerman/n Boyer Brach Bradt Brady Braf Bragin Brainin Bram Bran Brand Brandão Brandeis Brandelstein Brander Brandler Brandwein Brann Brasch Brat Braude Braunfeld Braunschild Braunspan Braunstein Braunthal Braverman/n Breger Breindel Breine Bremel Brender Brenner Breuer Brewda Breyer Brickenstein Brik Brill Brilliant Brim Brisch Brock Brockman/n Brod Broder Brodner Brodsky Brodt Brody Brog Broitman/n Bromberg Bronfman/n Bronfn Bronstein Brosch Brostoff Brownstein Bruck Bruckenstein Bruckstein Brüll Buber Buchsbaum Buchwald Bufman/n Bukspan Bulka Bunim Burack Burla Burstein Buschbaum Buxbaum

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letters C, D, and E

C Cahan- variation of Cohen Cahen- variation of Cohen Cahn- variation of Cohen Calish Cantarini Cardozo Carlebach Caro Casdan Cassirer (Yiddish for Cash) Castro Casuto Chabas Chabin Chabner Chagall Chai Chaikin Chaim Chait Chalef Chalfan Chamedes Chameides Chamides Chamudes Chanen Chanin Chankin Chapiro – variation of Shapiro Charlap Charmatz Charness Charnis Charrik Charry Chasin Chasins Chason Chatan Chavkin Chayes Chayim Chayyah Chazan Chazzan Cherkasky Cherniak Chernik Chernoff Chernoffsky Chiel Chiger Chiya Chodes Chodesh Chodosh Chomsky Chorney Chubin Chubinsky Chudnow Citron Cogan- variation of “Cohen” Cohan- variation of Cohen Cohen -(Exclusively Jewish name) Cohn- variation of Cohen Cohnheim- variation of Cohen Cohnstein- variation of Cohen Cole Colombo Cone– variation of Cohen Consolina Cooper (Some Gentiles also use this name) Cooperman/n Cornberg Cornblith Cornblum Cornfein Cornfeld Cornfield Corngreen Corngut Cornpracht Cramer Cresca Csillag Czaczkes D Da Costa Damrosch Danto- variation of “David” Daskal Daskelowitz Daube Dauber David Davidovitch Davidowitz Davidson Davis Dayag Dayan De Haas Dekovnick Del Medigo Del Vecchio Dembitz Dewoskin Diamant Dick Dickenstein Dickstein Dienesmann Dieudonné Diofatto Dissen Ditzah Dobe Dobkin Dobrin Dohm Dolinsky Dorfman/n Doron Drach Dratwa Drechsler Dreebin Dreifuss Dresner Dressler Drexler Drexsler Dreyfus Dreyfuss Druck Drucker Dubin Dubofsky Dubow Dubowsky Duchan Duchen Duchin Duchovny Dukhen Dunkelman/n Durchschlag Dushkin Duskin Duvdevani Dvoshke Dym E Eberman/n Ebril Eckstein Edel Edelman/n Edelsberg Edelstein Efer Efroike Efroikin Eger Egers Ehmann Ehren (all names with “Ehren” are variations of Aaron) Ehrenberg Ehrenfeld Ehrenfest Ehrenfreund Ehrenfried Ehrenfrucht Ehrenhaft Ehrenhaus Ehrenkrantz Ehrenpreis Ehrenreich Ehrenstamm Ehrenstein Ehrenteil Ehrenthal Ehrentreu Ehrenzweig Ehrlich Ehrman/n Eibenschitz Eibenschütz Eibeschütz Eichel Eichhorn Eichler Eidels Eifer Eiferman/n Eige Eiger Eiges Einhorn Einstein Eisbart Eise Eiseman/n Eisen Eisenbach Eisenberg Eisengarten Eisenheim Eisenhower Eisenkraft Eisenman/n Eisenstadt Eisenstam Eisenstark Eisenstein Eisinger Eisler Eisman/n Eisner Eisnick Eissig Eizik Elath Elazar Elbaz Elchanan Eleazar Elhanan Eliakim Elias Eliasaph Eliezer Elijah Elimelech Elimelekh Elishama Elishaphat Elkan Elkin Ellbogen Ellenbogen Ellman/n Elman/n Elnathan Elow Elowitz Elya Emale Embden Emden Engel Engeler Enker Entin Enzil Enzlin Ephraim Ephrat Ephron Ephros Eppenstein Eppstein Epsteen Epstein Erlanger Eshkol Espérance Esperanza Esterine Esterman/n Esterson Estrin Ettinger Ettlinger Evron Ewig Ewigkeit Eybeschitz Ezekiel

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter F

Fagan Fagin Faibisch Fairchild Falk Falkenberg Falkenfeld Falkenheim Falkenstein Falkenthal Falkheim Farber Farkas Fassbinder Fayvel Feder Federbusch Federman/n Feibelman/n Feig Feige Feigel Feigelman/n Feigelstock Feigenbaum Feigenblat Feigin Feigler Feigon Feilchenfeld Fein Feinberg Feiner Feinerman/n Feingold Feinman/n Feinsilver Feinstein Feis Feischl Feitel Feivel Feivis Feivish Feivus Fekete Feld Feldbaum Feldblum Feldhaus Feldheim Feldinger Feldleit Feldman/n Feldscher Feldstein Feller Fellerman/n Fellner Felltrager Felman/n Felsen Felsenbach Felsenberg Felsenstein Felsenthal Felsher Feltenberg Fenichel Fenster Ferber Fertel Fetterer Feuchtwanger Feuer Feuerstein Fiedler Figel Figler Figlin Filehne Filene Filler Fine Fingerhut Fink Finkdorf Finke Finkel Finkelstein (dealing in diamonds) Finkenfeld Finkerfeld Finkheim Finkhof Finn Finzi Firestone Fisch Fischbein Fischel Fischer Fischman/n Fiscl Fishkin Fishkind Fishman/n Flacksman/n Flaks Flasch Flaschin Flax Flaxman/n Fleischer Fleischhaker Fleischhauer Fleischman/n Flesch Flexner Florscheim Florsheim Floss Flosser Fogel Fogelbaum Fogelman/n Fogelsang Fogelsdorf Fogelson Fogelstein Fonseca Forman Forscheim Fortel Forti Fradkin Fraime Fram Frank Frankel Frankfurter Frayda Freeman Freilach Freilich Frenkel Freud Freudenberg Freudenfeld Freudenfels Freudenheim Freudenreich Freudenstein Freudenthal Freudman/n Fried Friedel Friedenheim Friedenson Friedenstein Friedenthal Frieder Friedheim Friedjung Friedland Friedländ Friedlich Friedman/n Friedson Friedwald Frohlich Froike Froikin Froikin – variation of Ephraim Froim Fromel Fromer Fromkin Fromm Frommer Frosch Fruma Fuchs Fudim Fudm Fudym Fuld Funk Furrier Fürth Fürther Futorian Futterman/n

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter G

Gabbai Gabel Gabler Gad Gaffen Galinsky Galpern Gam Gamliel Gamoran Gans Garfinkel Garfunkel (dealings with diamonds) Garland Garmaize Gartenhaus Gaster Gedaliah Geduld Geffen Geffner Geiger Gelbart Gelber Gelfman/n Geller Gellman/n Gendel Gerber Gersh Gershman/n Gershom Gershon Gershovitz Gerson Gerstein Gerstner Gertz Getz Getzel Getzl Gewirtzman/n Giblichman/n Giesser Gilah Gilden Gilman/n Gimbel Gimpel Gingold Ginsburg Ginzberg Giora Gittel Gittelmacher Gittelman/n Gittelsohn Gittelson Gitzok Glass Glassman/n Glatzer Glazer Gewirtz Glick Glickberg Glickin Glickman/n Glicksberg Glickselig Glicksman/n Glickstein Glickstern Gluck Gluckenspiegel Gnendel Goetzl Goiten Golan Gold Goldbart Goldbaum Goldberg Goldberger Goldblatt Goldblitt Goldblum Goldbrunn Golde Golden Goldenbaum Goldenberg Goldenthal Goldfarb Goldfeder Goldfish Goldfluss Goldhaber Goldhammer Goldheim Goldhirsch Goldich Goldkorn Goldkrantz Goldkraut Goldman/n Goldmann Goldmark Goldner Goldreich Goldsand Goldscheider Goldschild Goldschlag Goldschmidt Goldsmith Goldstadt Goldstaub Goldstein Goldstern Goldstrand Goldstrom Goldzweig Golomb Goltz Goltzer Goltzman/n Golub Gompers Gompertz Goodman/n Gordon (also used by many Gentiles, originally a Gentile name) Goren Gorenstein Gorfinkel Goronchik Gorwitz Gottesman/n Gottinger Gottlieb Gottstein Gotze Gougenheim Gould Goveh Grabber Graiver Granot Granovsky Gratz Graubart Green Greenberg Greene Greenhut Greenleaf Greenspan Greenspun Greenstein Greenstone Grinberg Grobtuch Gross Grossbart Grossinger Grossman/n Grozovsky Gruenbaum Guberman/n Guckenheim Guggenheim Guggenheimer Gumbeiner Gumpel Gumpertz Gumprecht Gunzburg Gunzelmann Gur Gurovitz Gurvich Gute Gutein Gutfeld Gutfreund Gutmacher Gutman/n Gutreich Gutstein Gutter Gutterman/n Guttman/n

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letters H, I, and J

Haare Haas Haber Habib Hadash Hadassah Haffkin Haganah Hahn Hait Halafta Halevi Halevy Halfan Halper Halperin Halprin Hamashbir Hammerstein Hananel Hananiah Handel Handwerger Handwerker Hankin Hanoch Hardt Harif Harpaz Harris (also used by some Gentiles) Hart (also used by some Gentiles) Hartig Hartman/n (also used by some Gentiles) Hartog Hartwick Hartwig Harz Haspel Hassan Hatzkel Hauer Havah Havkin Hayt Hayyah Hayyim Hazan Hedvah Hefter Heifetz Heilbron Heilbronner Heilbrun Heilpern Heilprin Heilprun Heiman/n Heine Helfgott Heller Hellman/n Helpern Hendel Henkin Hersch Herschel Herschfus Herschson Herschstein Hersh Hershdorfer Herskowitz Herstein Hertzman/n Hertzmark Herz Herzbach Herzberg Herzbrunn Herzfeld Herzl Herzlia Herzog Heskel Heuer Heyman/n Hezekiah Hickman/n Higger Hildesheim Hillel (Hillel is also the name for the Jewish center on college campuses) Hillman/n Himmelfarb Hinda Hindes Hindin Hirsch Hirschbaum Hirschberg Hirschberger Hirschbruk Hirschburg Hirschfeld Hirschfield Hirschhaut Hirschhorn Hirschkopf Hirschkorn Hirschler Hirschman/n Hirschthal Hirschwald Hirsh Hirz Hirzh Hirzhman/n Hite Hittelmacher Hode Hodel Hodes Hodesmann Hodi Hoffman/n (also used by Gentiles) Hofstadter Holtz Holtzer Holz Holzer Holzman/n Hoos Horn Hornstein Hornthal Horowitz Horre Horwitz Houseman/n Huberman/n Hudel Hyman Hymen Hyrcanos Ibn Ichel Idelson Ifland Ignatz Imber Ingber Irving Isaac Isaacsohn Isaacson Isaakovitch Isak Ishmael Isidore Israel Israelin Isril Isser Isserl Isserles Isserlin Itkin Itts Itzhaki Itzhakin Itzig Itzik Itzkovitz Itzl Jacob Jacobin Jacobsen Jacobson Jaffe Jaffin Jastrow Javitz Jehoshaphat Jellenik Jellin Jellinik Jephthah Jerusalimsky Jessel Jesselman/n Jewison Jochanan Joffin Joske Judah Judel Julius Jurnove

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter K

Kabakoff Kacev Kaciff Kadar Kadoorie Kadury Kafka Kagan – variation of Cohen Kaganoff – variation of Cohen Kahane – variation of Cohen Kahn- variation of Cohen Kaiserman/n Kalisch Kalischer Kalman/n Kalonymos Kaluzna Kamin Kaminetzsky Kamins Kammerstein Kane– variation of Cohen Kansi Kantor Kapke Kaplan Karelitz Karlin Karliner Karlinsky Karlman Kartagener Kashdan Kaskel Kaspi Kassirer (Yiddish for Cash) Katz Katzenellenbogen Katzenstein Katzer Katziff Katzin (rich) Katzman/n Katzoff Katzovitz Kaufman/n – also used by some Gentiles Kavinoky Kavka Kavner Kawka Kay Kaye Kayla Kazan Kazhdan Kedoshim Kele Kelman/n – (also used by some Gentiles) Kelpfish Kemmelman/n Kemp Kemper Kempenich Kempler Kesef Kestenbaum Kevod Kibalti Kibaltic Kimchi Kimmelman/n Kirchen Kirchstein Kirmeyer Kirsch Kirschdorf Kirsche Kirschenbaum Kirschenberg Kirschenblatt Kirschenzweig Kirschheim Kirschner Kirstein Kirsten Kirzner Kisch Kisselevich Kissinger Kissner Kitay Kivel Klapholtz Klass Klausner Kleban Klein Kleinman/n Kleinsinger Klinger Klippfisch Klopman/n Kluger Klugman Knesset Kobel Kobrin Kochabi Kodesh Koenig Koenigsberg Kofman/n Kogan Kogen Kohanim – variation of Cohen Kohen– variation of Cohen Kohlberg Kohn– variation of Cohen Kohut Kojeteiner Kolatch Kolben Kolitz Kolodkin Kolodny Kompert Kone– variation of Cohen Konotopsky Kopel Kopelman/n Kopeloff Kopelovitch Kopke Koppel Koppelman/n Korentayer Korf Korff Korn Kornberg Kornfeld Kornfield Korngold Kornreich Korshak Koshes Koslowsky Kossowsky Kotelschik Kotlar Kovalsky Kovarsky Kozin Kraines Krainin Kramer Krasny Kratchmer Kraus Kraushaar Krauskopf Krauss Kreindel Kreine Krensky Kretske Kretskes Krichevsky Krieger, Kriegman/n (This name is also used by Gentiles) Kripke Krischer Krochmal Kronish Krulewitz Krumbein Krupnick Kuhn– variation of Cohen Kulefsky Kulikowsky Kulp Kumpert Kupietz Kuppenheim Kurtz Kus Kushner Kusiel Kusmann Kutner Kutoff Kuznitsky Kwilecki

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter L

Lachman/n Ladany Laffer Lagover Lakin Lamdan Lamech Landau Landman/n Lang Langsam Lansky Lanzner Lapidus Lapin Lapman/n Lasar Lash Lasker Laskov Laskowitz Lautenberg LaVine Lawentman/n Layb Lazarowitch Lazarus Leah Leahy Lebeau Lebedoff Leblang Lebovitch Lebow Lebowitz Leder Lederer Leeser Leff Lehman/n (money lender) Lehner Lehrer Leibowitz Lekach Lekachman/n Lemberger Leml Lemlin Lempert Lenchitzky Leno Lenoff Leorekh Lepavsky Lepretre Lerner Leser Lev Levandula Levenson Levey Levi (Exclusively Jewish, including all variations- prefix, middle of the name, suffix, “Lev”) Levigne Levin Levine LeVine Levinsky/i Levinstein Levinthal Levitan/sky or ski Levitch Levite Levitt Levitz Levy Lewin Lewin Lewis Leyisrael Leyser Liba Libschitz Licht Lichtenberg Lichtenfeld Lichterman/n Lichtman/n Lichtzer Lieb Lieberman/n Liebman/n Liebowitz Lifschitz Lifshitz Ligorner Lilienthal Linetsky Linker Lipa Lipes Lipis Lipkin Lipman/n Lipschitz Lipschuetz Lipsky Lis Lisagor Liss Litant Litaur Litman/n Littauer Littman/n Litvak Litwack Litwin Locker Loeb Loetstein Lome Long Lopata Lopatnik Lopatnikov Lopez Lorge Lorig Lorsch Lotstein Löw Lowenbraun Lowenstein Lowitz Luban Lubar Lubarsky Lubin Lubowitz Ludwig Luepschuetz Lugner Lukatzsky Lunz Luria Lurie Lurje Lustig Lutz Luzzati Luzzato Lysagora

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter M

Maccabi Macht Magid Magida Magidson Magit Magtaz Mahalalel Mahler Maimon Maites Maitin Maizlish Malachi Malawsky Malbim Malech Malev Malevsky Malin Malkah Malkes Malkiel Malkin Malkinson Malkoff Malkov Mall Malter Maltin Manba Mandel Mandelbaum Mandelblum Mandelbrodt Mandelbrot Mandelman/n Mandelstam Mandelstamm Mandelsuss Manewith Manewitz Maniowitz Manisch Manischewitz Manishen Mankovsky Mankuta Mann Mannheim Mannish Mannsky Manoah Mapu Maram Marans Marantz Marburg Marcuse Maremont Margalit Marganit Margolin Margolioth Margolis Margolouth Marguiles Margules Margulies Margulis Marhuc Markowitz Marks Marmelstein Marpurch Marpurg Marshak Marx Mashbir Mashbitz- setter of jewels Mashgiah Maslin Mass Matanky Mattathias Mattis Mattisoff Mattison Mattityahu Mattiyahu Mautner May Mayefsky Mayer Maymin Maza Mazal Mazur Meckler Medinah Meer Meersand Mehler Mehlman/n Meir Meisel Meislish Meisterlin Meites Meitin Melamed Melber Melezin Mellitz Melnick Melnikoff Meltsner Meltz Meltzer Melzner Menachem Menachim Menaheim Menahem Menaker Menasche Menba Menche Menchen Mendel Mendelberg Mendelheim Mendelovitch Mendelovitz Mendelsberg Mendelsohn Mendelson Mendelssohn Mendheim Mendthal Menke Menken Menkin Menlin Menuchin Menuhah Menuhin Menz Merman Merr- variation of “Meir” Merrick- variation of “Meir” Mervitz Meslin Messenger Metchik Metz Metzger Metzia Mevaser Meyer Meyerfeld Meyerhardt Meyerheim Meyeroff – variation of “Meir” Meyers Meyersberg Meyersicht Meyerstein Michel Mihály Milgrom Milhaud Miller – (this name is also used by many Gentiles) Millman/n Milstein Milton Minc Mince Mindel Minkche Minkovsky Minne Minowitz Mintz Miriam Mirman/n Mirsky Mirvis Mishkin Mishnah Mizera Mlotok Model Mogilner Mohel Molotok Monsky Montagu Montalban Montefiore (disambiguation) Morah Moran Mordecai Moreh Morenu Morgenstern Morgenthau Moritz Morpurgo Mosak – variation of “Moses” Moscheles- variation of “Moses” Moses Moshe- variation of “Moses” Moshia- variation of “Moses” Moskowitz- variation of “Moses” Moss- variation of “Moses” Mosse- variation of “Moses” Motche Moteff Motel Motele Motew Motke Motlin Motz- variation of “Moses” Motzkin- variation of “Moses” Mozak- variation of “Moses” Muchnik Mukel Munves Munz Mytofsky Mytosky Mytowsky

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter N

Nachman Nachman/n Nadel Naftalin Naftulin Naftulis Nagel Nager Nahman/n Nahum Naiman/n Naimon Najmark Namir Namslau Naparstek Naphtali Nardi Narkiss Narudetzki Nasati Nasatir Nash Nashelka Nass Natati Nathan Nathaniel Nathanson Naymark Neeman/n Nehamah Nehemiah Nehunyah Neiger Nelkin Nemirovsky Nerenberg Netzky Neumark Neviaser Nevler Newmark Nierenstein Nili Nissan Nissen Nissenbaum Nissenfeld Nissenholtz Nissim Novak Novick Nuger Nussbaum

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letters O and P

Oberlander Ochakoff Ochs Ochsenschwantz Oder Oettinger Ofen Offen Ohringer Okner Okun Olshansky Onixt Oppenheim Oppenheimer Or Orbach Ore Oren Orenstamm Orenstein Orenthal Orke Orkin- (descendant of Aaron) Orlansky Orlik Orlinsky Ornstein Oron Or-tzion Orun Oshinsky Osina Osinsky Osterweil Ostrow Ostrower Ottensosser Ovosky Ozarovsky Pacifico Packer – (peddler) Pailet Paiser Panet Papernick Papiermeister Papirnyi Pappenheim Parchi Parness Pasch Pasternack Patinka Patinkin Pauker Pearl Pearlman/n Pechenik Peiman/n Peiser Pekarsky Peled Pelles Pelofsky Penner Perachiah Perah Perelman/n Peres Pergament Perles Perlin Perlman/n Perlmutter Perlow Perlowsky Perlstein Perlzweig Persky Pervin Peshe Peshke Peshkin Pessel Pevsner Pfaltzer Pforzheim Pianko Pick Pikelny Pilch Pinchofsky Pinchuk Pines Pinhas Pinke Pinkhas Pinner Pinsk Pinsker Pinsky Piser Pizer Plisken Plotkin Plotnick Podoloff Podolov Podolsky Polier Politzer Polka Pollack Pollock Polski Polster Pomis Poneviaser Popp Popper Poppers Porat Porath Portnoy Portugal Posner Potashnik Poticha Potok Prensky Prenzlau Presch Presser Primack Pringsheim Prinz Pritikin Prochownik Proskauer Pruzansky Pugatch

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter R

Rabad Rabak Rabb Rabbi Rabin Rabinovitch Rabinowitz Rackofsky Rackover Racoosin Racusen Racusin Radzik Rafael Rahamin Rakh Rakowsky Rakusin Ralbag Rambaum Raphael Raphan Rappaport Rashal Rashi Raskin Rasofsky Rathenau Ratner Rauchwerker- furrier Ravidovitch Rawitz Rayzel Razumny Rebhuhn Rebhun Redstone Reese Regensberg Regensburg Reich – variation of “Rachel” Reiche Reichel Reichelson Reichenbaum Reichenheim Reichenthal Reichman/n Reichner Reichstein Reifman/n Reines Reis Reisen Reiss Reiter Reitza Reitzes Rele Reles Remba Rembo Renah Rephun Resh Resnick Reuben Reuven Reysel Riback Ribalow Ribeisen Ribicoff Ribnick Richter Ridker Ries Riese Rifkin Rifkind Rimland Ringel Ringlet Rise Rivke Rivkes Rivki Rivkin Rivkind Rivlin Roback Rockoff Rödelheim Rofe Rofeh Rogoff Rogov Rogover Rogovsky Rogow Roman/n Rose Rosen Rosenbach Rosenbaum Rosenberg Rosenblatt Rosenblith Rosenblum Rosenbusch Rosendorf Rosendorn Rosenfarb Rosenfeld Rosenfrucht Rosengarten Rosenhaft Rosenhain Rosenhaus Rosenheim Rosenkrantz Rosenkwit Rosenmann Rosenschein Rosenstamm Rosenstein Rosenstern Rosenstock Rosenstrauch Rosenstrauss Rosenthal Rosenwald Rosenwasser Rosenwein Rosenzweig Rosh Roskin Rosmarin Rosow Rosshaelter Rossi Rossof Rossovsky Rostholder Roth Rothbart Rothberg Rothenberg Rothman/n Rothschild Rothstein Routenstein Rovner Roytbarg Rubashov Rubel Rubenchick Rubenstein Rubenzik Rubin Rubinfeld Rubinger Rubinstein Ruchames Ruffer Rush Rushnevsky Ruskin Ruttman/n Rymartz Rymer Ryter

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter S

Sacerdote Sachs Sahl Saks Salaman Salander Salant Salanter Salida Salinger Salmen Salmon Salomon Salpeter Salzman/n Sameth Samter Samuel Sandak Sandek Sanditen Sanvil Saperstein (deals with sapphire) Saphir (deals with sapphire) Sapoznik Saran Sarassohn Sarfatti Sason Sasportas Sassoon Satz Saunders Savit Savitt Savitz Savitzky Schach Schachtel Schaffer Schaffner Schalit Scharf Scharfman/n Scharfstein Schatz Schatzmann Schauer Schayer Schechter Scheier Schein Scheinberg Scheinberger Scheinfeld Scheinman/n Schemlke Schen Schenberg Schenberger Schenfeld Schenman/n Scher Scherer Schertzer Scheuer Schick Schiff Schimmel Schindler Schinkel Schlagbaum Schlamps Schlampps Schlechter Schleh Schleifer Schlesinger Schloss Schlossberg Schlossman/n Schmaltz Schmelkin Schmukler Schmulke Schnaittacher Schneebalg Schneider (some Gentiles use this name) Schnell Schnitman/n Schochet Schoenteil Schonbrunn Schorr Schram Schramm Schreiber Schreier Schreiner Schreter Schrift Schulhof Schulman/n Schulsinger Schultz Schupack Schupakevitch Schwab Schwartz Schwartzbart Schwartzberg Schwartzchild Schwartzenberg Schwartzman/n Schwarz Schwarzschild Schweid Schwersensky Sculsinger Scwartzen Seagal Seckel Seckl Sedlis Sefansky Seff Segal Segalowitch Segalowitz Segan Seidman/n Seidner Seigal Seigel Seiler Seixas Selda Selde Seldes Seldin Seldis Selig Seligman/n Selik Seltzer Senelnick Sered Sertels Sexton Shabad Shabbetai Shaffer Shafran Shaliah Shalom- Hebrew for “peace.” Often used as a greeting, like “hello” among Jews

Shames Shandalov Shaphat Shapiro Sharer Sharett Sharf Sharfman/n Sharlott Shatach Shatsky Shatz Shayna Shayndel Shazar Shelomo (Solomon) Shemo Shephatiah Sherer Shereshefsky Sherman/n Shertok Sheva Shevin Shick Shifra Shifrin Shigon Shik Shikolnik Shimke Shimme Shimmel Shimon Shimshelevich Shimshon Shimshon Shkolnik Shlensky Shlomit Shlomo (Solomon) Shlonsky Shmelke Shmuel Shmulik Shnayer Shnitke Shoenkind Shohet Sholk Shor Shoshan Shprinzel Shteyn Shtull Shub Shuldine Shulruf Shulvass Shulweis Sickel Sidelko Sidney Siedenfaden Siegal Siegbert Siegel Siegelman/n Siegfried Sigismund Sigmund Silber Silberberg Silberman/n Silver Silverberg (mountain of silver) Silverman/n Silvermintz (name of one in the money-lending business) Silvers Silverstein (jeweler) Simeon Simhah Simkin Simmon Simmons Simms Simon Simonsky Singer Sinilnik Sinykin Sirkes Sirkin Sirota Sivitz Sklar Skolnik Skora Skudin Skurnik Skyer Sladovsky Slava Slavin Slepin Sliva Sloma Slonimsky Slova Slovin Slutzky Sluva Smilansky Smoler Smorgansky Sobol Sofar Sofer Sokol Sokoloff Sokolow Sokolowsky Sokolsky Solarz Solinger Sollender Solodar Solomon Soloveichik Soref Sorke Sorkin Soroka Sorotzkin Sourkes Spanier Spear Spector Speishandler Spelling Spellman/n Sperling Spero Spett Speyer Spiegel Spiegler Spielberg Spier Spilky Spira Spire Spiro Spitalny Spitz Spitzer Spivak Sprai Springer Sprinze Spritzer Srol Srul Srulik Sruloff Stamm Stampfer Stark Starkman Stawitsky Stein (exclusively Jewish) Steinberg Steinberger Steinem Steiner Steinitz Stellmacher Stendal Stern Sternberg Sternin Steuer- (tax collector) Sticker- (gold worker) Stier Stoller Stolper Storch Storm Strahl Strashun Strauss (used by some Gentiles) Strikman/n Strizower Stroh Sturm Sudnovsky Sukenik Sulz Sulzbach Sulzberg Susskind Sussman/n Svirsky Swibel Synikin Szpir Szrift

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter T

Tabachnik Tabor Tadlis Tahlifa Taksen – (the one who levied taxes on meat, milk, etc) Talesnick Talisman/n- (maker of prayer shawls) Talisnick Talmach Talmadge Tamar Tamara Tamari Tamarkin Tambor Tandler Tannenbaum Tanzer Taradash Targ Targovetsky Targow Targownik Tarler Tarr Tarshish Tartakover Taub Taube Tauber Taxin- (the one who levied taxes on meat, milk, etc) Tcherikover Tchernowitz Tehiya Teibel Teig Teigman/n Teitelbaum Teller Temkin Tendler Tene Tenenbaum Teomim Teplitz Térine Tessler Tewel Tewele Teybel Tibbon Ticktin Tikvah Tischler Tobias Tolmach Tomim Toporek Touro Tov Tovah Tovim Trachtenberg Trainin Trana Trandel Trattner Trefus Treindel Treine Treinel Treves Trèves Trevis Tribas Trilling Trillinger Tringler Trivash Trock Trubnick Tuchman/n Tulman/n Tunik Turbin Turetz Turetzky Turoff Turofsky Turov Turover Turowitz Tuvia Tuviah Twersky Tygel Tzabok Tzahal Tzarfat Tzchernowitz Tzedek Tzedekah Tzevi Tzibbur Tzion Tzipor Tzipporah Tzirel Tziyonah Tzukerman/n Tzur Tzvah Tzvi

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letters U and V

Uchitel Udelevsky Udell Ulman/n Ulrich Umelitz Ungar Unger Unna Urbach Urevich Uri Ushpiz Uziel Uzziah Uzziel Valk Vardah Vardimon Vardina Vardit Varon Veinberg Veivelman/n Veivis Velikoff Velikov Velikovsky Verbin Vered Vidal Vifs Vigder Vigdorchik Vigdorowitz Vigoda Vis Viscl Vital Vitkin Vivant Vivanti Vivas Vivelman/n Vives Vivis Vivs Vogel Voorsanger Vromel

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letter W

Wachtel Wahl (This name is also used by some Gentiles) Wahrman/n Waldenburg Walfish Walk Walker Wallach Wallack Wallerstein Wallich Wallik Wank Wapner Warberg Warburg Warnik Wartel Wasserman/n Wasserstein Waxman/n Waxstein Weber Wechsler Weckler Weil Weile Weiler Weill Wein Weinberg Weinberger Weiner Weinglass Weinlaub Weinles Weinreb Weinreich Weinstein Weintraub Weisbart Weisberg Weisberger Weisel Weiss Weissmann Weisz Weitz Weizman/n Welsch Werben Werbin Wernik Wertheim Wertheimer Westheimer Wetzlar Wexler Wieder Wiederman/n Wigodar Wigodney Wilk Windner Winkler Winnick Winokur Winternitz Wita Witkin Wittenberg Wloch Wolf Wolfberg Wolfenberg Wolfenfeld Wolfenstein Wolfenthal Wolfheim Wolfinger Wolfish Wolfsfeld Wolfshaut Wolfsheimer Wolfsohn Wolfson Wolk Wollman/n Wolper Woskoboinik Wygoda

Index of Jewish Surnames/Last Names, beginning with the letters Y and Z

Yaakov (variation of Jacob) Yablunsky Yafeh Yaffah Yaffe Yaffin Yakhne Yakir Yakobl (variation of Jacob) Yakof (variation of Jacob) Yakofman/n (variation of Jacob) Yakov (variation of Jacob) Yakovman/n (variation of Jacob) Yale Yamin Yampol Yampolsky Yankel Yankelowitz Yarchi Yareah Yarmak Yatkeman/n Yavetz Yechiel Yedidya Yedidyah Yehezkel Yehi-am Yehiel Yehielchik Yehieli Yehuda Yekel Yekusiel Yekutiel Yellen Yellin Yellinik Yente Yentlin Yerahmiel Yesse Yishtabach Yisrael Yitkin Yitzhak Yoelberg Yoelsdorf Yoelson Yoetz Yokel Yolleck Yollenberg Yolles Yos Yosef Yosel Yosi Yoske Yudke Yudko Yukel Zackheim Zadok Zadok Zager Zahav Zaitz Zakai Zakkai Zaks Zalkin Zalman/n Zamattison Zangwill Zarchin Zaret Zaretsky Zarfatti Zaslavsky Zavill Zechariah Zeckendorf Zederbaum Zeev Zeevy Zegman/n Zehavah Zehavit Zehuva Zeideman/n Zeidler Zeidner Zeitel Zeitlin Zeitman/n Zeitz Zekl Zelda Zelde Zeldes Zeldin Zeleznikov Zelig Zeliger Zelighaus Zeligsberg Zeligsheim Zeligstein Zelik Zelikovitz Zelinger Zemach Zerobnick Zertel Zev Zevin Z’fansky Zfass Zfassman/n Ziegel Ziegelman/n Ziegler Ziff Zilber Zimbalist Zimmerman/n Zimmet Zimring Zinneman/n Zipperstein Zipporah Zirelsohn Zitnik Zlate Zlatkin Zlotkin Zlotnick Zloty Zmira Zoe Zohar Zokovsky Zolotar Zorach Zoref Zucker Zuckerman/n Zunder Zunz Zupnick Zweibel Zweig Zwibel Zwillenberg Zwirn

The History of Liberalism: 1945 to present


With Nazi Germany out of the way, full-blown liberalism made huge inroads globally and especially across the West. Thanks to rapidly developing communication technology (noted below), indoctrination of the human mind on a massive scale became possible. The following events are mainly US-centric though some important events outside of America were included.

1945 – The United Nations forms, replacing the League of Nations.

1945 – Notorious Jewish crime family Bugsy Siegel, Meyer Lansky, Gus Greenbaum, and Moe Sedway buys up Las Vegas’ first major resort, the El Cortez, from Kell Housells for $600k. They help turn Las Vegas from a sleepy Western town into the “Sin City” that it is today.

1946 – The Grand Lodge of Yokohama was reactivated with the assistance of the American Occupational Forces. Since then, all Masonic activity has been restored in Japan.

1946 – Eugene Meyer becomes the first president of the World Bank. He was a former chairman of the Federal Reserve (1930-33) and became owner of the Washington Post in 1933. His daughter Katherine inherited the paper and it has stayed in the family throughout the 20th century.

1947 – Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier. MLB baseball integrates.

1947 – The Journey of Reconciliation, which was a precursor to the “Freedom Rides” of 1961, was a non-violent civil disobedient act in protest of segregation laws. Activists toured the mid-South on interstate buses. Judge Henry Whitfield of North Carolina condemned the act:

“It’s about time you Jews from New York learned that you can’t come down here bringing your niggers with you to upset the customs of the South. Just to teach you a lesson, I gave your black boys thirty days [on a chain gang], and I give you ninety.”

1947 – GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) forms in Geneva. This organization was responsible for the early stages of globalism by reducing tariffs among participating countries. In 1947, the average tariff for GATT members was 22 percent. This number decreased to just 5 percent in 1999 after the Uruguay Round.

1948 – Israel becomes a nation. Jewish immigrants and refugees from war-ravaged Europe start to populate the country. Israel’s strategic location in the Middle-East has unleashed a series of tumultuous conflicts between them and their Arab-Muslim neighbors that continue to this day. The Israel-Arab conflict cumulated in the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War, Desert Storm, and the War on Terror. Not to mention their continuous conflict with the Palestinians. While the Jews have long been advocates of diversity and multiculturalism for the West, apparently their very own people felt threatened by it and wanted to create a racialist haven for themselves.

1948 – Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. Gandhi was best associated with non-violent resistance, popularly termed, Gandhism.

1948 – Catherine Nimmo and Rubin Abramowitz creates the first vegan organization in the US.

1949 – China falls to the communists and becomes the “People’s Republic of China” (PRC). CCP (Communist Party of China) leader, Mao Zedong (rumored to have Jewish ancestry), institutes the Great Leap Forward that transforms China from an agrarian society into a Communist state. Zedong nationalizes all private property. Tens of millions of ethnic Chinese were killed trying to resist radical changes sweeping the country.

1949 – Basic Law instituted in Germany to bring the constitution back.

1949 – In West Germany, the 174 lodges that had been dormant during Nazi rule became reunited under the Grand Lodge of Germany.

1950s – Post-war suburbanization leads to consumerism, materialism, and the “keeping up with the Jones” phenomena. Zoning laws in America separated businesses from residential areas, forcing people to be dependent on automobiles. Meanwhile, once beautiful cities in America were turned into literal war-zones overnight as a result of urban decay, as whites fled the cities and minorities moved in.

1951 – Israel requests $1.5 billion (equivalent to $15.7 billion in 2020) in reparation payments from Germany (this was later reduced to $845 million). This request marked the beginning of continuous monetary extortion from Germany and other European countries to the Jews and Israel. It was one of the greatest wealth transfer schemes in history.

1952 – Norman Haire (Zions) dies of a heart attack in London. He was considered the “most prominent sexologist in Britain” between the World Wars.

1953 – Winston Churchill releases a giant six volume, 4448 page set titled “The Second World War.” These set of volumes never mentioned anything about a Holocaust, a Jewish genocide, or any gas chambers that were used to kill Jews.

1953 – Playboy magazine, founded by the Jew Hugh Hefner, is launched. The Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award was established in his honor in 1979.

1953 – Erich Mendelsohn passes away. He was a pioneer in the modernist architectural movement and was known for his expressionist architecture in Germany during the 1920s. His practices were abolished by the Nazis in 1933 and Mendelsohn fled.

1954 – Brown v. Board of Education. This landmark ruling essentially reversed the 1896 Plessy vs Ferguson case and made “separate but equal” unconstitutional. Racial segregation in public schools and public facilities became illegal. At that time the US became more and more involved in International affairs and promoting liberalism. Legalized segregation prior to this ruling made the US look illiberal.

1957 – Atlas Shrugged was released by Ayn Rand, born Alisa Rosenbaum, a highly influential novel in the field of liberalism. Rand was a huge proponent of capitalism and individualism. She developed a political philosophy called Objectivism. As a Jew, Rand supported the Yom Kippur war against the Arab “savages.” She advocated repealing laws against homosexuality. She believed that the American colonists had the right to take Indian land away. Rand associated with many influential Jews such as Alan Greenspan, Nathan Branden, and Leonard Peikoff.

1957 – The world’s first satellite, the Sputnik I, was launched by the Soviet Union. The world’s first communication satellites were launched by Pioneer 1 and SCORE from the US a year later. With this invention, television, cellular, radio, and Internet communications could be transmitted over vast distances.

1959 – Cuba falls to the communists, led by Fidel Castro. Multinational firms that had been doing business in Cuba for years became nationalized. All private property, including those held by Americans, become nationalized. Cuba becomes a sub-third world country with Marxist-style communism taking over.

The 60s

During this era, liberalism came in full force. Not surprisingly, America’s trust in public officials went into a tailspin after the optimistic 50s and has not recovered since.

1960s – During the sixties, the Counterculture Revolution, the Civil Rights Movement, the desegregation of public schools throughout the South, the gay rights movement, the feminist movement, the sexual liberation movement, and the rise of the New Left all take place.

The Civil Rights Movement reached it’s zenith during the 1960s. It was a (mainly) nonviolent struggle of blacks in their attempts to achieve equality in society, particularly in the South. According to Jonathon Kaufman, in Blacks and Jews: The Struggle in the Cities, Jews contributed between two-thirds and three-quarters of the money raised by Martin Luther King and other the civil rights groups during the 1960s. Many observers derided the Civil Rights Movement as being a communist front.

1961 – Raul Hilberg publishes the first edition of The Destruction of the European Jews. This book was considered a landmark and has spurred an avalanche of Holocaust material since. Holocaust revisionists such as Carlo Mattagno, Jurgen Graf, and Arthur Butz were not so enamored as they found a preponderance amount of exaggerations, lies, and half-truths in it.

1962 – Ninety percent of all US households possess a TV.

1963 – Martin Luther King delivers the famous “I had a dream” speech to a crowd of 200,000 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. The speech, which lasted 17 minutes, was nationally televised. Some of the notable lines from the speech:

In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the “unalienable Rights” of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” …

With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day…

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plain of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protests to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force…

(The last line)

And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, Black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.

Though King’s famous speech was considered one of America’s most defining events, parts of the speech were plagiarized from other sources, including Pastor Archibald Carey’s speech at the 1952 Republican Convention.

1964 – Freedom Summer was launched in an attempt to register as many blacks as possible in Mississippi to vote. The activists comprised of both blacks and “whites.” The whites, the majority of whom were Jewish, according to Jonathan Kaufman, were mainly from the liberal cities of the North. Mississippians were not enamored by the activists and saw them as radicals trying to turn their society upside down. Violence in some places was unleashed on them. The most famous case was the murder of James Chaney (black man), Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner on June 21. Both Goodman and Schwerner were New York Jews.

1964 – The Civil Rights Act was signed into law that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, and gender.

1964 – The 24th Amendment to the Constitution was passed prohibiting the use of a poll tax. The poll tax had been used in many Southern states to discourage the poor, which included many blacks, from voting.

1965 – The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was passed. This act was a radical departure from immigration policies of the past. It lifted restrictions on immigrants that were not from white countries (particularly northern and western Europe). The basis for admitting immigrants was prioritized for children and immediate relatives of US citizens regardless of background. Also admitting immigrants based on skill was de-emphasized. In this instance there was no quota. But for the first time in history there was a quota for immigrants coming from the Western Hemisphere. The old National Origins Formula that held from 1921 to 1965 was abolished. Under that old formula, immigration from East and South Asia were effectively banned while immigration from Africa was severely restricted. Jewish leaders and lawmakers were essentially in solo in support of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act.

1965 – Griswold vs Connecticut. This Supreme Court decision legalized the unrestricted use of contraception for married couples without interference.

1965 – Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed that prohibited racial discrimination in voting. This Act enforced the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution and was considered “one of the most far-reaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history.”

1965 – Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, otherwise known as Le Corbusier, was a controversial urban planner and architect. He designed many structures in Brutalist style. Surprisingly (or not surprisingly) seventeen of his projects were inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Urban planner Robert Fishman on Le Corbusier: “He believed that the city should be opened up to autos, that “the city that achieves speed achieves success.”

1967 – Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black to serve on the Supreme Court.

1967 – Loving vs Virginia. This Supreme Court decision made laws that prohibited interracial marriages unconstitutional.

1967 – Habitat 67 was designed by the Jew Moshe Safdie (also designed the IMF building) for the Montreal Exposition of 1967. It was an incredibly bizarre architectural design that drew both praise and criticism.

1968 – Martin Luther King is assassinated. Blacks nationwide take to the streets, causing massive damages to cities across America.

1968 – Civil Rights Act of 1968 was passed: Fair Housing Act (FHA) makes discrimination in housing illegal. Laws against “hate crimes” and laws against discrimination with those with disabilities, in regards to housing, were made illegal.

1968 – The MPA film rating system comes into being. Though the intended purpose may have been to protect minors from objectionable materials, in actuality it gave the movie industry the green light to produce films with sex, violence, and obscenity on a scale never seen before. The MPA film rating system is voluntary, though few theaters will show a movie without a rating.

1968 – Deja Vu, founded by the Jew Harry Mohney, makes it’s debut and eventually becomes the world’s largest strip club firm. In addition to strip clubs, Deja Vu owns numerous gay bars, adult novelty stores, and nightclubs.

1969 – ARPANET is born, which becomes the predecessor to the modern Internet.

1970 – World’s first gay pride rallies take place in New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco. The marches were in commemoration to the Stonewall Riots that took place the year before, when New York City police came into violent confrontations with the gay community.

1971 – The Bretton Woods Systems ends, as with the convertibility of the US dollar into gold. The US could now run large trade deficits. This de-industrialized America, outsourced American jobs, and brought in cheap low-quality goods from China and other developing countries in the name of profits and free trade. The end of Bretton Woods began the era of globalization.

1971 – The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was founded by Morris Seligman Dees, Joseph Levin, and Julian Bond. The SPLC is a radical liberal organization that goes after white nationalists and other “hate” groups. They work closely with the federal government and the FBI. A little background on SPLC’s founders: Joseph Levin was a Jew and Julian Bond’s second wife was Jewish. Co-founder Morris Seligman Dees claims to not be Jewish. The story was that his grandfather named him Morris Seligman in honor of a Jewish friend.

According to Wikipedia, Stephen Bright, an Atlanta-based civil rights attorney and former president of the Southern Center for Human Rights, wrote in 2007 that Dees was “a con man and fraud”, who “has taken advantage of naive, well-meaning people – some of moderate or low incomes – who believe his pitches and give to his $175-million operation.”

1971 – Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education. The Supreme Court ruled that busing was allowed to integrate schools and ‘equalize’ learning opportunities.

1971 – The 26th Amendment to the Constitution was passed prohibiting discrimination to vote based on age. The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18.

1972 – The Equal Employment Opportunity Act was passed.

1972 – Eisenstadt vs Bird. This Supreme Court decision legalized the unrestricted use of contraceptions for unmarried couples without interference. This decision along with the 1965 decision effectively nullified the 1873 Comstock Laws on birth control.

1972 – California Proposition 19 was defeated. This was the first attempt to legalize marijuana in the United States. Gilbert Baker, who worked on the proposition, was the man who six years later designed the Gay Pride flag.

1973 – Miller vs California. The Supreme Court decided that the definition of obscenity be changed from “utterly without socially redeeming value” to that which lacks “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value”. Marvin Miller, a Jew, was convicted of operating a mail-order business that dealt with graphic pornographic material.

1973 – Roe vs Wade. The Supreme Court ruled that abortions were constitutional.

1974 – Hustler magazine was founded by the Jew, Larry Flynt. He was a close friend of Al Goldstein, who was the founder of Screw magazine in 1968. The magazine reviewed everything porn – movies, peep shows, brothels, strip-clubs, etc. Goldstein had been arrested many times during the early 1970s on obscenity charges and fought the courts on First Amendment rights.

1974 – Equal Credit Opportunity Act was passed to make it illegal to discriminate against any applicant based on race, gender, marital status, and religion.

1976 – Black History Month was recognized by President Gerald Ford.

1977 – The Atari 2600 is released. It was the most successful early computer gaming system with over 30 million units sold during it’s lifespan.

1978 – Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office in California, was assassinated at San Francisco City Hall. The assassin, Danny White, was acquitted of first degree murder and was convicted of voluntary manslaughter instead. In response to what many thought was a slap on the wrist, riots broke out in the city. Milk became a martyr for gay communities across America. He was a Jew.

1979 – Ron Jeremy Hyatt, a Jew of Russian and Polish descent, debuts in the porn film business. In his multi-decade career, Jeremy performed in more than 2000 sex videos, setting a world record that has not been broken since. Jeremy had been charged with sexual assault and rape multiple times during his career including sex with minors.

1980s – Salomon Brothers issues the first mortgage backed security (MBS).

1982 – The Mises Institute, a radical free-market capitalist think-tank, was founded by the Jew, Lew Rockwell. The institute was named after Ludwig von Mises, a highly influential intellectual in the field of economics and classical liberalism. Some of the most prominent members of the organization were Jewish, including Von Mises himself. The Mises Institute was a follower of the Austrian School of economics. Libertarians abide by the non-aggression principle (NAP), a very important philosophy under their ideology.

1982 – First Gay Games takes place in San Francisco. This was modeled on the Olympic games and just like the Olympics would take place every four years.

1983 – Martin Luther King Day was signed into law and became a federal holiday in 1986.

1983 – Bob Jones University v. United States ruled that tax exemption does not apply to a religious university that practices racial discrimination. The court claimed that the ruling is not a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution.

1983 – The Trilateral Patent Office was an organization that coordinated the efforts of the EPO (European Patent Office), JPO (Japanese Patent Office), and the USPTO (US Patent Office), the world’s largest patent offices. This was another step towards a global patent system and globalization.

1987 – Ernő Goldfinger passes away. This Hungarian Jew was a pioneer in the modernist architectural movement, especially in the “brutalist” style. He designed many large apartment buildings in London, many of them were architectural eyesores and unpopular with the public.

1987 – Music “artist” Tracy Lauren Marrow, more popularly known as Ice-T, releases Rhyme Pays, under the label Sire, founded by Seymour Stein and Richard Gottehrer. This album defined the gangsta rap genre, a controversial style of music that glorified violence and filth. Gangsta rap may have helped contribute to rebellious behavior in teens, both black and white.

1988 – The Las Vegas Sand Corporation was founded by the Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his partners Irwin Chafetz, Ted Cutler, and Jordan Shapiro. In addition to Las Vegas, the company owns giant resorts in Macau and Singapore. The Sand Corporation is the largest casino operator in the world. As a side note, Adelson was the number one donor to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

1989 – The fall of the Berlin Wall and the fall of communism across much of eastern Europe. Much hopes was placed on democratizing these areas by making them key players in globalism and free trade. Part of the strategy may have been to weaken Russian power by Westernizing their former satellite territories.

1989 – Reuben Sturman was arrested on charges of evading as much as $40 million in taxes from his business of distributing hardcore pornography. According to Nathan Abrams, Sturman was considered the Walt Disney of porn and controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country during the 1970s. He also co-founded Doc Johnson, which was one of the world’s largest sex toys company. Sturman was a Russian Jew from Cleveland. He died in prison. His son David continues to run the business.

1990 – The Immigration Act of 1990 was passed that reformed the 1965 Act. Under this Act, members of the LGBTQ community would not be discriminated, the English proficiency test would not be required for those living in the US for at least 15 years and over 55 years of age, and a lottery would be used to admit immigrants from countries with low representation in the US.

1990 – Judith Butler, a Jewish lesbian, publishes Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Her ideas was seen as foundational to the queer theory and a revival of the feminist movement.

1991 – The WWW (World Wide Web) is born. Tim Berners-Lee, a Jew, is credited for the invention. The World Wide Web would unleash a revolution like never seen before. Despite some battles with the law, online pornography became readily accessible to all age groups and in all corners of the earth. The alternative media sprung up, creating endless amounts of disinformation and fake news. The Internet has been responsible for the dumbing down of society on a scale like never seen before. The agendas of liberalism advanced rapidly with this technology. This information at your fingertips has created a new generation of youths that have short attention spans and a distorted sense of reality.

1992 – LA riots. Media cuts off footage that shows an intoxicated black motorist, Rodney King, leaping out and assaulting officers after being pulled over. The only footage seen by the public was King being beaten by four white officers. When the officers were acquitted, angry blacks rose up and rioted across South Central Los Angeles causing massive destruction. Many Korean-owned businesses were destroyed. King had a long history of run-ins with the law prior to and even after the arrest.

1992 – The Maastricht Treaty was signed, creating the European Union. This was a large step in turning Europe into the next United States. The plan was to abolish borders, create a common currency, and create a shared trade zone.

1993 – The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington DC opens to the public. The USHMM is America’s official memorial to the Holocaust. They have had nearly 50 million visitors since inception. Newly hired FBI agents are required to tour this museum as part of their training regiment.

1993 – America’s largest rally for gay rights takes place in Washington DC on April 25, 1993. Estimates on attendance varied between 300,000 to 1 million.

1993 – Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy was instituted for members of the armed forces. This was a compromise on gay rights. Though openly gay personnel were barred from service, closet homosexuals were not only accepted but protected from harassment and discrimination.

1994 – NAFTA forms. NAFTA and other trade agreements were responsible for the deluge of outsourcing. This has benefited Wall Street at the expense of Americans. The great bull market in stocks got underway the next year (Dow leapt up from under 4000 in 1995 to 11000 by 2000), just as the WTO (World Trade Organization) formed. One million jobs has been lost due to NAFTA.

1994 – Nelson Mandela of the ANC (African National Congress) becomes president of South Africa as the country ends almost a half-century of apartheid. The 1990s were a time of change for South Africa as the country became liberalized and blacks were granted more freedoms and the right to vote. Jews were also emancipated.

At Nelson Mandela’s inauguration, a Hebrew prayer was incited by Rabbi Cyril Harris. Mandela appointed two Jews to his first cabinet, Joe Slovo and Ronald Kasrils, both members of the ANC and the SACP (South African Communist Party). See Mandela and the Jews.  Slovo was a commander of Umkhonto we Sizwe, classified as a terrorist group by the United States, that engaged in multiple acts of violence against the South African government during the era of apartheid. With the ANC in power, South Africa slipped into perpetual cycles of poverty, violence, and corruption. Though violence and discrimination against whites increased, they were excused by the ANC. Mandela was a Mason.

1994 – Denny’s restaurant was sued for racial discrimination and settles for $54 million.

1994 – was founded by Jeff Bezos.

1995 – World Trader Organization (WTO) forms in Geneva, replacing GATT, and becomes the world’s largest organization of international trade. The primary goal of the WTO was to accelerate economic growth by reducing trade barriers between global trading partners and encouraging member states to lift tariffs and quotas. The organization has been controversial from the beginning and has been responsible for the loss of jobs due to outsourcing, especially in the US.

1996 – Texaco settles racial discrimination lawsuit for $176 million.

1996 – Google was launched by Jews Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

1997 – Reno vs ACLU. The Supreme Court struck down the anti-indecency provision of the CDA (Communications Decency Act) and ruled that regulation and censorship of pornographic and other obscene material on the internet was a violation of the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech.

1997 – Grand Theft Auto was released and was the first of many titles for this controversial series. The GTA games are known for it’s anti-societal material, including cop killings.

1999 – The Eurozone was established among 19 member states. The Euro becomes legal tender in the region.

1999 – The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was repealed and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act enacted. This piece of legislation deregulated the financial industry and contributed to the disastrous subprime crisis eight years later.

2000 – PNTR (Permanent Normal Trade Relations) was granted to China by the US and signed into law. This made trade and investments in China more favorable to American investors. This ordeal ultimately tapped into the cheap Chinese labor force and outsourced more US jobs.

2001 – 9/11 and the War on Terror gives the green light from the West to attempt democratization of the Middle-East and destroy the ‘enemies’ of Israel. The war against Afghanistan and Iraq was led by George W Bush, whose cabinet was filled with hawkish Zionist Jews. The war against Iraq produced backlash around the world. Bush announced the famous “you are either with us or you are with the terrorists” statement to get reluctant allies to join the war effort. There has been growing realizations that Arab-Muslims were not behind 9/11 and that Zionist Jews were in fact behind it. The War on Terror was declared on one of the last undemocratic societies on earth.

2001 – Wikipedia was launched by Jews Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales. Wikipedia’s content are consistently liberally-biased and labels any criticism of Jews as antisemitic. Wikipedia has constantly begged for donations from it’s audience since inception, which has drawn criticisms even from the mainstream media. Wales was a libertarian and a follower of the Austrian School of economics. He was also a former porn-peddler.

2002 – Museum of Sex was founded by the Jew Daniel Gluck, opens in Manhattan.

2003 – Goodrich vs Department of Public Heath. This Supreme Court decision legalized gay marriages in Massachusetts. Massachusetts thus became the first state in America to do so.

2004 – Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook has been criticized for abuses of privacy, spying on it’s users, and collecting sensitive information from it’s nearly 3 billion registered members.

2004 – The Terasem Movement was launched by the transgender Martine Rothblatt, billionaire co-founder of Sirius Radio. The Movement was a transhumanist school of thought focused on promoting joy, diversity, and the prospect of technological immortality via mind uploading and geoethical nanotechnology.

2004 – CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) forms.

2005 – The World Erotic Art Museum, owned the Jewish Wilzig family, opens in Miami Beach.

2005 – YouTube was founded, ushering an era of online video sharing and a further dumbing down of the people, especially youths. Susan Wojcicki, a Jew, became CEO of the company in 2014. Since then, the company began censorship of “antisemitic” material. Wojcicki’s sister, Anne, was married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

2006 – Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. Three of the four founders are confirmed Jews.

2007 – The Iphone was introduced and launched the smartphone revolution. The indoctrinating and the programming of the mind through social media and the Internet becomes readily available “on the go.”

2008 – Mortgage meltdown and financial crisis. The Jew Bernie Madoff was arrested but other Jewish crooks went off scot free.

2008 – Barack Obama becomes the first “black” president elected. The media gushes and drools over this. Obama appoints numerous Zionist Jews to his cabinet.

2008 – The Harry Mohney Erotic Heritage Museum opens in Las Vegas and claims to be the world’s largest sex museum.

2009 – Sonia Sotomayor becomes the first Hispanic and the first woman of color to serve on the US Supreme Court.

2010 – Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, was signed into law. Contrary to what many believe, Obamacare was not universal healthcare nor did it move America towards a universal system. It was a system that mainly benefited the private health providers and insurance companies and their bottom lines.

2011 – Arab Spring attempted to democratize the Middle-East through revolutions.

2011 – Libya falls. Led by Obama and the French leader Sarkozy, a Jew. Libya, a highly conservative country, was one of the only nations in the world that was not indebted to the Jewish bankers. In addition they were one of the only countries that had a balanced budget. Qaddafi was well liked by his people and they had access to free high quality healthcare.

2011 – Brown vs Entertainment Merchants Association. This Supreme Court decision ruled that restricting sales of video games to minors without parental supervision was a violation of the First Amendment.

2013 – Black Lives Matter forms in wake of the shooting of black teen Trayvon Martin.

2013 – Mississippi becomes the last state in the Union to make slavery illegal.

2013 -The Pentagon states that they have over 5000 bases around the world. Because of the sensitive nature, we don’t know what the actual number is. The US military has been a primary tool in destroying illiberal regimes around the world.

2014 – Ferguson riots.

2014 – The Boy Scout of America allows gays to become members for the first time. The following year they allow gays to become leaders.

2015 – The Charleston church shooting prompts movements of Confederate symbol removal throughout the South. Controlled-opposition hack, Jason Kessler, a Jew, organizes Unite the Right in protest of Confederate monuments beings removed in his hometown of Charlottesville. Kessler was a former Obama supporter but started supporting Trump thereafter.

2015 – Sarah Thomas becomes the first women referee in the NFL.

2015 – Obergefell vs Hodges. This Supreme Court decision requires that all 50 states plus the District of Columbia to license and recognize marriages between a couple of the same sex. The White House lights up in Gay Pride colors in commemoration.

2016 – Donald Trump was elected, largely through the efforts of the “alternative” media. Like other presidents throughout history, Trump filled his cabinet with many hawkish Zionst Jews. Trump, like Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, and Bush Sr was a Zionist and a huge Israel supporter.

2017 – Amazon bans Holocaust revisionist books and other racist and “antisemitic” material after receiving complaints from the Yad Vashem and other Jewish organizations.

2017 – Charlottesville Unite the Right rally was organized by the crypto-Jew “white nationalist” Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute and Jason Kessler. Other “white nationalist” Jews, such as Matt Heimbach and Mike Enoch, join in.

2018 – South Carolina attempts to pass laws making anti-Semitism illegal.

2019 – The Boy Scout of America changes it’s name to Scouts BSA as the program becomes feminized and permits girls to become members.

2020 – COVID creates more atomization of society with recommendations from health officials for people to keep distances from other people. Some rumored that COVID was intentionally created in a lab.

2020 – George Floyd an “innocent” unarmed black man is killed by a white police officer for resisting arrest in Minneapolis. This incident sparked massive protests and riots. Policemen nationwide start retiring in mass after many felt that they were discouraged from doing their jobs properly. Numerous societal changes occurred. Mississippi redesigned their state flag which no longer sports the Confederate symbol. NFL football team Washington Redskins changed to Washington Commanders. The MLB baseball team Cleveland Indians changed to Cleveland Guardians. NASCAR baned display of the Confederate flag at their venues. Anti-hate and anti-racism banners started appearing at sporting events.

2021 – Juneteenth Federal holiday was created to celebrate the emancipation of blacks from slavery.

2022 – Roe vs Wade reversed.

All you need to know about liberalism or the left-wing agenda is that liberalism promotes the sacrifice of the group for the individual. Traditional right-wing values is that of sacrificing the individual for the group. The definition of conservatism has been corrupted over time. What was considered liberal values during the 18th century is now considered conservative, such as the US Constitution and individual rights.


tolerance of evil
tolerance of deviant behaviors
open borders
sexual liberation
economic liberation (i.e. capitalism and free trade) **
living in the moment and sacrificing the future
the American Constitution and most other constitutions around the world

Examples of liberal societies

The West
Most of the developed world


emphasizes the group
aggression and defense
intolerance of deviant behaviors
no mercy
never forgive, never forget
mistrust of strangers
defense of borders
racism and discrimination
sacrificing the present for the future
national socialism

Examples of conservative societies

pagan societies
Nazi Germany
Native American and indigenous societies before colonization
civilization prior to the spread of organized religion

Examples of semi-conservative societies

North Korea
Islamic societies***
Europe before the Enlightenment

The big “acid test” of whether a society is conservative is if it protects the group and discriminates against those that do not fit in. The more that society protects the group, especially along ethnic and racial lines, the more conservative that society is. Communism does not protect against the group or race. A national socialist country DOES. Communists believe in equality. You can even say that the West is semi-communist in that they are huge promoters of equality. However, unlike communism, the liberal democracies of the West practice capitalism. Capitalism by nature is non-discriminatory. It does however discriminate based on ability. The more sly and deceptive one is, the better his or her chance of success under capitalism.

** Capitalism by nature is liberal because it sacrifices the group for the individual. It puts profits above everything else.

*** Exceptions would be Bahrain, the UAE, Oman, Qatar, and Kuwait

The History of Liberalism: 1900 to 1945

1900 to 1945

1909 – The NAACP was founded as an organization that combats racism. Many think of the NAACP as a black organization, but Jews were the ones who made the organization possible. Howard Sachar, in A History of Jews in America, “In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff (helped the overthrow of the Russian monarchy), Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise.” In addition, Jews such as Felix Warburg, Samuel Fels, Julius Rosenwald, and Herbert Lehman heavily contributed to it’s finances and kept it afloat through the worst of times such as the Great Depression. It is notable that Marcus Garvey stormed out of the NAACP deriding it as a “white organization.”

1910 – The National Urban League was founded in New York City. This organization lobbies for economic and social justice for blacks. During the first decade of the League, Julius Rosenwald and John D. Rockefeller, were the organization’s top two contributors. Other major contributors were the German-Jewish banking families of the Sachs, the Schiffs, the Seligmans, and the Warburgs.

1911 – Franz Boas publishes The Mind of Primitive Man. In this book he emphasized that diversity is a natural feature of humankind and that humans evolved as individualists. Boas strongly identified as Jew and was intensely concerned to fighting anti-semitism. He may have been the man responsible for single-handedly transforming the school of anthropology from one that studied the relationships between race and evolution to one that completely de-emphasized any differences in race at all. By doing this he also transformed what used to be a respectable science into a politicized ideological movement. Post-Boas, variations in race was attributed almost solely to parenting and the direct environment. According to Boas, any behavioral differences among races was something that could be “corrected” through education.

1913 – The 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, allowing Congress to levy an income tax. The Revenue Act of 1913 established the Federal income tax.

1913 – The Federal Reserve Act which created the Federal Reserve System (twelve regional banks) was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. This established central banking in the United States after several failed previous attempts. The act was passed a few years after the Panic of 1907. Like the First and Second Bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve Banks were owned by private shareholders. Since the Federal Reserve System came about, there has been continuous inflation as the dollar’s value has depreciated by 96 percent. Before the Bank, the dollar was relatively stable, being worth more in 1913 than in 1792, when the dollar was first introduced. The Fed’s policy has created many spectacular booms and busts in the American economy since being formed.

1913 – The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) was founded. This hawkish organization goes after anybody or any organization that is the least bit critical of the Jews or Israel. Norman Finkelstein in 2005 written that the ADL brings forward charges “not to fight antisemitism, but rather to exploit the historical suffering of Jews in order to immunize Israel against criticism.”

1914 to 1918 – The Great War (WWI) was a conflict between the Allies of France, Russia, and Great Britain against the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (though switched sides in 1915). The US joined the Allies in 1917. The end of the war resulted in the defeat of the German (1871-1918), the Austrian-Hungarian (1867-1918), and the Ottoman (Turkish) empires (1299-1922). The German and the Austrian-Hungarian monarchies were transformed into democratic republics. The huge Ottoman Empire dissolved into many individual territories, including Yugoslavia and Turkey, which also became democratic republics. Russia became a democratic republic for a brief period before succumbing to the communists.

1916 – Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a Jew. Planned Parenthood was a non-profit organization that provides birth control and abortion services, particularly for low-income families. It is the largest provider of birth control in the US. This organization would be the target of protests and violence acts throughout it’s history. The early years of Planned Parenthood began as a movement to educate women on birth control. Sanger was found in violation of the Comstock Laws, which considered any written material on birth control and contraceptives as obscene. She temporarily fled to England. Meanwhile her husband, William, continued her work along with Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman.

Because birth control was more likely to be utilized among the educated and the higher income people, it created a dysgenic effect, as their birth rates declined.

1917 – The Bolshevik Revolution was a conflict between communist and anti-communist forces in Russia. The communist forces were led Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as Leon Trotsky. Trotsky’s forces defeated the short-lived and weakened Russian Republic, as Russia had already suffered tremendous losses during WWI. This disastrous conflict overthrew the remnants of the old Russian monarchy, led by Nicholas II and entrenched Russia into the depths of communism until 1991. Russia and the satellite states of Eastern Europe became the Soviet Union. Soviet communism killed tens of millions of ethnic Russians and Eastern Europeans. Jews accounted for 447 of 545 members the Bolshevik administration in 1919. Under Vladimir Lenin, there came forced equality and liberalization of Soviet society. Under the Soviet regime, sex was liberalized, divorce and abortion laws were relaxed, and laws against homosexuality were dropped (though reenacted during the 1930s). Lenin was a Jew.

1917 – The Rosenwald Fund was established by Julius Rosenwald, a former president of Sears, to subsidize education, especially towards the disadvantaged. The Rosenwald School project built nearly 5000 schools for blacks in the South. Rosenwald was a great admirer of Abraham Lincoln. Rosenwald once said, “Whether it is because I belong to a people who have known centuries of persecution, or whether it is because naturally I am inclined to sympathize with the oppressed, I have always felt keenly for the colored race.” Rosenwald was a board member of Tuskegee University and a good friend of Booker T Washington.

1918 – Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points speech was directed at the Axis powers, particularly Germany, and sought an end to the War. This speech promoted liberal ideals such as capitalism, free trade, democracy, and self-determination.

1918 – Kurt Eisner, a communist Jew, organized the Socialist Revolution that overthrew the Wittelsbach monarchy in Bavaria in November 1918, which led to his being described as “the symbol of the Bavarian revolution.” He was assassinated a year later.

1919 – The world’s first commercial radio broadcast gets underway in the Netherlands and spawned perhaps the biggest breakthrough in mass media, along with motion picture, since the invention of the printing press.

1919 – Walter Gropius, a German-Jew, was founder of the Bauhaus School, one of the world’s famous schools in the modernist design of architecture and furniture. This school was derided as degenerative art when the Nazis took power and shut down. Gropius fled to the US and started his schools there.

1919 – The Treaty of Versailles ends WWI. Germany was made the scapegoat and was forced to foot the entire bill. This led to the rise of Adolf Hitler fourteen years later. Germany didn’t pay off this debt until 2010.

1919 – The Weimar Constitution was enacted in Germany and it shared many similarities with the US Constitution. The Weimar Constitution declared that Germany was a liberal democracy with universal suffrage, the freedom of expression, the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, and other individual rights. The Weimar era lasted until 1933, the year the Nazis took power.

1919 – Communist Party USA founded. The communist party was a powerful force in desegregating America and empowering black people. CPUSA highly respected some of America’s early Founding Fathers such Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson eschewed the ideas of the separation of church and state, individual freedoms, and representative government. In fact CPUSA was so enamored by Jefferson’s ideals that they named one of their educational facilities it founded in 1943, the “Jefferson School of Social Science.”

1920 – The 19th Amendment to the Constitution was passed guaranteeing women’s right to vote.

1920 – The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was founded. Three of the eleven founders were confirmed to be Jews. Helen Keller was one of the founders.

1921 – The World League for Sexual Reform was founded by the Jew Magnus Hirschfeld. It coordinated policy reforms related to greater openness around sex. The organization advocated a ten-point platform which included:

  • Economic, political, and sexual equality of men and women
  • Secularization and reform of laws on marriage and divorce
  • Birth control to make birth voluntary and responsible
  • Eugenic birth selection
  • Protection of unmarried mothers and “illegitimate children”
  • Rational understanding of intersex people and homosexuals.
  • Comprehensive sex education
  • Reforms to eliminate the dangers of prostitution
  • Treating sexual abnormalities medically, rather than “as crimes, vices or sins”
  • Legalization of sexual acts between consenting adults, while criminalizing sexual acts without consent, or acts upon minors and the mentally disabled. Distinguishing crime from vice.

1923 – The Frankfurt School was founded in Germany. This left-wing institution promoted the destruction of the family, the (German) nation, and the concept of race. Some of the most important early contributors to this school were the Jews Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse. The School came under attack by the Nazi Regime during the 1930s.

1923 – The Pan-European Union movement began and was an early attempt to unify the European countries and was instrumental in the push for one world government. Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi’s manifesto, “Paneuropa”, initiated the movement in 1923. The Nazis banned it in 1933. Winston Churchill lauded it. Coudenhove-Kalergi served as the organization’s first president. He was a staunch individualist and was strongly against prejudice and discrimination, especially against the Jews. Coudenhove-Kalergi married the Jewish actress, Ida Roland, in 1926. He also worked closely with the famous Jewish liberal economist, Ludwig Von Mises. Coudenhove-Kalergi was sponsored by Rockefeller and Warburg.

1924 – The Society for Human Rights was founded in Chicago by Henry Gerber, a Jew. Though short-lived, this society became America’s first gay rights organization.

1928 – The first regularly scheduled television broadcasts made it’s debut in Wheaton, Maryland. However, it was not until the 1950s that television really got underway.

1929-1932 – The stock market crash and the Great Depression resulted from years of liberal economic policies (i.e. deregulation) and rampant speculation. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1932 was enacted to stabilize the banking system.

1933 – Adolph Hitler rose to power. Hitler was elected in Germany due, in large part, to the Germans’ fear of Jewish communism taking over Europe and that of the Jewish desecration of German culture. This came on the heels of the Great Depression. Hitler vowed to kick out the Jews and return Germany to it’s conservative roots and end decades of Jewish nihlism. The books of Freud were burned. The Frankfurt School was shut down. Many influential Jews immediately left the Third Reich for the UK, Canada, and the United States. The Enabling Act of 1933 nullified the Weimar Constitution.

1933 – The New Deal was enacted by Franklin Roosevelt (FDR). This program was designed to lift the US out of depression. In actuality it expanded the power and scope of the Federal government tremendously. It created perhaps the biggest pork barrel spending in US history.

The FDIC was enacted during the Banking Act of 1933. The FDIC provided insurance to depositors’ account to a certain limit. It has been criticized for creating a condition called “moral hazards.” Because bank accounts are guaranteed (to a certain limit) by the government there is less incentive for banks to be prudent with depositors’ money.

1934 – Robert Moses becomes the First Commissioner of New York City’s Department of Parks and Recreation. He was one of the most controversial figures in city planning. Though unelected to any public office, Moses held twelve titles in New York City. Like many city planners he was a proponent of the automobile. According to Robert Caro, Moses “deliberately designed bridges on the parkways connecting New York City to beaches on Long Island to be too low for buses from the inner city to access the beaches.” Moses was the poster child of urban renewal and the antithesis of historic preservation. Under his guidance massive freeway and public works projects were built and many historic neighborhoods destroyed. However, he didn’t accomplish everything he wanted because of strong protests from preservationists. Moses was a Jew.

1935 – Masonic lodges throughout Germany were ordered to be shut down. Masons flee the country to practice elsewhere.

The text at the bottom reads, “Freemasonry is an international organization beholden to Jewry with the political goal of establishing Jewish domination through world-wide revolution.”

1935 – The Second New Deal was enacted and was considered more dramatic than the first, which was two years prior. The most notable thing that came out of it was Social Security.

1936 – Jews declare war on Germany in response to Nazi’s plan to kick out the Jews.

In response to the rise of Hitler, the World Jewish Congress was created in Geneva to fight Nazism and antisemitism in Europe.

1937 – Fallingwater, designed by world famous modernist architect Frank Lloyd Wright, was completed. It was regarded as Wright’s landmark design. Fallingwater was built for Edgar Kaufmann as a weekend retreat.

1939 – World War II begins. The cause is widely debated but conventional historians says that it started when Hitler invaded Poland. This war was the deadliest conflict in human history and an estimated 70 to 85 million people perished. Many beautiful historic European cities were completely destroyed.

1939 – Sigmund Freud passes away, shortly after moving to London and after the Nazis annexed Austria. Freud founded the controversial field of psychoanalysis. In this movement he equated sexual repression as abnormal and antisemitic. In Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, Freud written that humans are bisexual by nature and that heterosexuality is unnatural. He believed children developed an “Oedipus complex” in which they had sexual fantasies for the parent of the opposite gender and hatred for the parent of the same gender. Freud believed that sexual liberation would cure society of all of it’s ills. He also thought that Jews were superior to Gentiles. Frederick Crews on Freud: “Step by step, we are learning that Freud has been the most overrated figure in the entire history of science and medicine – one who wrought immense harm through the propagation of false etiologies, mistaken diagnoses, and fruitless lines of inquiry.

1939 – Singer-songwriter, Earl Robinson, a member of the communist party, releases Ballad for Americans. Robinson, who was white, worked closely with singer Paul Robeson, who was black and a communist sympathizer. Ballad for Americans invoked many themes of America’s founding:

And Patrick Henry told him that while America drew breath
It was “Liberty or death.”…

Mister Tom Jefferson, a mighty fine man.
He wrote it down in a mighty fine plan…

And a mighty fine idea. “Adopted unanimously in Congress July 4, 1776,
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.
That among these rights are Life, Yes sir!, Liberty, That’s right! …

Old Abe Lincoln was thin and long,
His heart was high and his faith was strong.
But he hated oppression, he hated wrong,
And he went down to his grave to free the slave…

Am I an American?
I’m just an Irish,
Negro, Jewish, Italian,
French and English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Polish,
Scotch, Hungarian,
Litwak (Jamaican), Swedish, Finnish, Canadian, Greek and
Turk and Czech
And (Native American).

And that ain’t all.
I was baptized Baptist, Methodist, Congregationalist, Luthern,
Atheist, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish, Presbyterian, Seventh Day Adventist,
Mormon, Quaker, Christian Scientist and lots more…

1940 – World’s famous physicist, Albert Einstein, immigrates to America from Germany in the wake of Nazi uprisings. Though he lauded America’s core values of individualism and meritocracy, he considered racism to be America’s “worst disease” and joins the NAACP. Einstein once said, “Being a Jew myself, perhaps I can understand and empathize with how black people feel as victims of discrimination.” He became a friend and an assistant to W.E.B. Du Bois. Einstein help influence FDR to start the Manhattan Project, fearing that Germany would develop the atomic bomb first.

1941 – Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan on December 7. This gave the initiative for the US to enter WWII. Douglas MacArthur, one of the most highly decorated commanders in WWII, played key roles in the Pacific theater. MacArthur was a Mason.

With the US declaring war on Japan, Japan shut down their lodges and made the practice of masonry a punishable crime. Masonic materials were confiscated.

1944 – The Vegan Society, founded by Donald Watson, was the world’s first vegan society.

1944 – The World Bank and IMF was created at the Bretton Woods Conference, led by senior member Harry Dexter White, a Lithuanian Jew. White had been accused of spying for the Soviets. The World Bank and the IMF would become dominated with Jews in key leadership positions.

1944 – Henry Morgenthau, a Jew, comes up with the Morgenthau Plan to destroy Germany by partitioning them, demilitarizing them, and destroying their industries. This plan was roundly criticized as being overly excessive and that it would lead to the starvation of millions of German people. Morgenthau was also FDR’s right-hand man in the creation of the New Deal in 1933 and was the first president of Bretton Woods.

1945 – Nazi Germany was defeated by the Allies and the Soviet Union. The Allies were led by Winston Churchill, FDR, and Harry Truman. All three were masons. Truman was Grand Master of the Missouri lodge. With the defeat of Nazi Germany, the last bastion of European conservatism falls. The communists take over eastern Europe and the eastern half of Germany. West Germany falls to the West and served as a key player in globalism and capitalism. Germany becomes a post war shell of what they were in terms of culture, identity, and history.

Imperial Japan was defeated when Hiroshima and Nagasaki was dropped with the A-bomb. Days later, Japan surrendered. This officially ended WWII. With the defeat, Japan, like Germany, becomes a liberal democracy and an economic powerhouse. They serve as key players in globalism and free trade. Like Germany, moral decay became the norm as the country was liberalized through movements of sex and nihilism.

Both Germany and Japan have since become occupied territories. The US has 40 military installations (down from over 200 at the end of the Cold War) in Germany, with the Ramstein Air Force Base being the largest in terms of personnel. The US military has at least fifteen installations in Japan and over 50,000 personnel there.

1945 – Karl Popper, a Jew, publishes The Open Society and It’s Enemies. The book promotes the necessity of direct liberal democracy as the only form of government allowing institutional improvements without violence and bloodshed. Popper is a critic of Karl Marx and his promotion of a totalitarian society. Popper was a staunch rationalist.

The History of Liberalism: 1945 to present

The History of Liberalism: 1492 to 1899

Liberalism is an agenda that promotes the individual at the expense of the group. The group can be your family, community, country, race, or religion. Though organized religions such as Christianity have liberal doctrinal teachings, they have historically solidified the people and the race. Organized religion has elements of both liberalism and conservatism. Among the most important agendas of liberalism is the elimination of discrimination and prejudice. The history of liberalism goes back at least 2500 years with the creation of Buddhism. Here I focus on the modern era.

Three areas that are covered are: 1) social liberation 2) economic liberation and 3) major technological advances

Social liberation – Liberating the individual and destroying the group. Also, liberating society from the Church and all forms of authority.

Economic liberation – Deregulating businesses and facilitating capitalism. In a purely free-market system there would be no laws governing trade and commerce. In actuality, many laws and regulations exist in today’s modern day and age but not so much to protect the people but to protect big businesses. Patents are an example of laws that protect big businesses.

Technological advances– Though technology has made our lives more convenient, technological inventions such as television and the Internet  have been a tremendous tool in the spread of liberalism. They have also made it easier to control and govern large groups of people.

The terms liberal, liberate, libertarian, liberalism, and liberty all share similar meanings. There is essentially no difference between those terms. We, especially Americans, have been conditioned to believe that all forms of liberty are inalienable God-given rights.

Though the title of this write-up is “The History of Liberalism: 1492 to Present”, I decided to include a few notable entries prior to this year. Also because I am from the United States, my entries are going to be mainly American and Western-biased. As a side note, a lot of my material is from Wikipedia. I use Wikipedia for convenience and the ease of finding information quickly. Yes, it has issues and IS liberally biased but nonetheless it is a useful tool.

Note: I have provided links in some of my entries. Some of the linked material has not been thoroughly reviewed. Do your own due diligence.


15th to 16th Centuries – The Renaissance was a golden period where art, music, philosophy, and the sciences flourished. Some critics argue that many of the so-called discoveries in science and philosophy of this period were things that had already been discovered by the Greeks more than thousand years prior. That knowledge was destroyed during the Dark Ages and has been slowly rediscovered over time. During the Renaissance there was the move towards individualism and liberalism.

1440 – Johannes Gutenberg, born into a family of wealthy merchants and minters, is credited for starting the global printing revolution with the Gutenberg press. The Gutenberg press was a movable-type of printing press that produced large amounts of printed materials economically. Arguably this was the beginning of mass media. This was also the beginning of the ease of disseminating mass propaganda on a scale never seen before. The Gutenberg Bible was the earliest major work printed in mass. The printing press was instrumental in the spread of liberal ideas throughout both the Old and New World, especially that of Christianity and economic rationalism. The printing press enabled capitalism to thrive with the ability to print advertisements economically in media such as newspapers and journals. Marshall McLuhan in The Gutenberg Galaxy argues that technologies are not simply inventions which people employ but are the means by which people are re-invented.

1450 – “Patents were systematically granted in Venice as of 1450, where they issued a decree by which new and inventive devices had to be communicated to the Republic in order to obtain legal protection against potential infringers. The period of protection was 10 years. These were mostly in the field of glass making. As Venetians emigrated, they sought similar patent protection in their new homes. This led to the diffusion of patent systems to other countries.” – Wikipedia

1474 – World’s first statutory patent system appeared in Venice. It was the Venetian Patent Statute. Patents helped protect the profits of the glass industry in Venice. This system was said to spawn the system of modern patents. It became a lucrative part of the capitalist system. It became a way that corporations could monopolize their products and lock in profits.

Recent historical research has suggested that the Venetian Patent Statute of 1474 was inspired by laws in the Kingdom of Jerusalem that granted monopolies to developers of novel silk-making techniques. – Wikipedia

The New World

1492 – The Spanish Inquisitions. The Inquisitions were used to identify heretics among the Jewish converts (Conversos) and Muslim converts (Moriscos) to Catholicism. The Spaniards over the previous decades were becoming increasingly suspicious of the Jews and the Muslims (many of them were crypto-Jews) and saw their “conversions” as not being genuine. Jews were still seen as exploiters, especially when it came to money-lending and trade. The Spaniards wanted actions to be taken against them. The Queen made Tomas de Torquemada, a converso Jew himself, in charge of the Inquisitions. Though some Jews were killed and persecuted under Torquemada, the Inquisitions had the effect of dispersing many influential Jews to other parts of Europe, especially Amsterdam. It also had the effect of allowing many Jews to successfully hide under Christianity and become hard-to-detect crypto-Jews, many who have infiltrated the leaderships of the West, including America.

Jacob Katz in, Out of the Ghetto, describes the thoughts of 18th century German figure, Friedrich Traugott Hartmann, on reasons why Jews have been targeted for religious conversions: Hartmann, though far from being a Christian in any dogmatic or ecclesiastical sense of the word, nevertheless recommends conversion — not so much because the act of conversion was important but because of the political and social adaptations it would entail. It is not the baptism that counts but that the Jew, by saying ‘Baptize me,’ says at the same time: I obey the laws of the country, I submit myself to the institution you have created, I fulfill all the obliga­tions laid upon me at all times.” Here, for the first time, the conversion of the Jew to Christianity is demanded not because of the alleged truth of Christianity but because political and social by-products would be gained.

1492 – Christopher Columbus. Columbus’ early life was a mystery. It was believed that he had “Italian” roots. Columbus was best known for his “discovery” of the New World. His first voyage came on the heels of the Inquisitions. Columbus was financed by Luis de Santagel, Gabriel Sanchez, and Juan Cabrero. All three were converso Jews. Rumors had it that Columbus was a converso Jew himself. The Jews have always sought territories to engage in business unhampered, without having to be under the auspices of Gentile governments and all the burdens that came along with being under their rule. Columbus paved the way for the colonization of the Americas that would become the United States and the “New World” Order.

Not jewels, but Jews, were the real financial basis of the first expedition of Columbus.

– George Cohen, The Jew in the Making of America

1517 to mid-17th century – The Protestant Reformations was in response to what many thought were abuses by the Catholic Church. The outcome of the Reformations was a split in the Church and a new branch of Christianity called Protestantism. This period was full of bloody wars and feuding that changed the power structure of Europe forever. The feud started with Martin Luther’s (rumored to be a crypto-Jew) Ninety-five Thesis, published in 1517. There had been prior attempts to break the Church, but what made this period different was the power of the printing press in the spread of information (and disinformation). Though there were many religious wars fought during the Reformations, the Thirty Year War (1618-48) may have been the bloodiest of them all. Germany lost between 30 to 40 percent of it’s population. Europe lost between 6 and 8 million of theirs. The split in the church polarized the European people and undermined the power of the Catholic Church.

The Reformations marked the beginning of the separation of church and state. John Knox founded the Presbyterian Church and John Calvin started Calvinism. Calvinists differed from other Christian sects in that they emphasized the teachings of the Old Testament (i.e. Hebrew Bible) over the New Testament. The Puritans borrowed heavily from Calvinism. It was the Puritans who built America’s early colonies. Both Knox and Calvin were crypto-Jews.

Liberalism made significant inroads. The Jews during this era began to enjoy more freedoms and rights. Doctrines and rituals of the Catholic church that insulted Jews were eliminated, especially those that emphasized their role in the death of Jesus. Anti-Catholicism, with the Pope as antichrist, replaced antisemitism. The Reformations marked the beginning of religious toleration, the beginning of widespread circulation of Zionist ideas, and the study of Hebrew and Judaism in academic circles.

16th to 18th centuries – Colonization of the Americas. With the discovery of the New World came grand plans to develop it. However there was a problem. What do you do with the indigenous peoples? The answer was easy and what worked in uprooting the Europeans would also work with the indigenous in the Caribbeans and in North and South America. With colonization came the missionaries. Though conversions of the natives were sometimes peaceful, all too often violence and destruction resulted. Ancient pagan cultures were uprooted and destroyed and entire groups of people were wiped out. The widespread Christian conversions transformed populations that were once barbaric to one that was tamed, malleable, and pacified. They became liberalized.

1520s to 1860s – The Transatlantic Slave Trade. Along with colonization of the Americas came the slave trade. The colonizers needed cheap manual labor to work the plantations and to produce income for the owners (see the Virginia Company below). The slave trade was a large scale operation that shipped sub-Saharan Africans to the Caribbeans and the Americas in exchange for goods. The Jews, being experts in maritime commerce, bankrolled this operation. Primary things produced in the Americas were sugar, tobacco, and rum., which produced immense profits. Christopher Columbus himself was a slave owner. The slave trade was crony capitalism that exploited cheap labor for profits. Things haven’t changed much since then where capitalists today exploit cheap labor from China and other developing countries.

1602 – The Dutch East India Company was founded in Amsterdam and became the world’s largest company. It was financed and directed by Jews. Jewish businessmen helped turn Amsterdam from a sleepy town into a global empire based on commerce and trade. This empire, the Dutch Empire, controlled territories in the regions of modern day South Africa, southern India, Indonesia, the central and northern coasts of South America, the west coast of Africa, and the northeast United States. It was Europe’s first empire. That same year, in 1602, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange was created. It was regarded as the world’s first modern stock exchange.

One English observer alleged in 1701 that Jews handled seventeen out of every twenty East India Company shares which changed hands in Amsterdam. The preeminence of Sephardi brokers in the exchange of stocks and shares continued over many decades and it was one of their (members), Joseph Pensó de la Vega, who composed the first ever detailed account of the workings of a stock exchange.

– Jonathan Israel, Empires and Entrepots

1606 – The Virginia Company, based in London, was established for the purpose of financing the colonization of present-day eastern America. It was a joint-stock company similar in concept to the modern stock security in which investors would buy a share of a company in the hopes of making money. This concept was used to colonize territories all over the world and it was an exclusive concept to Britain. The money that investors put up would be used to develop the colonies.

The first leader of the Virginia Company, Sir Thomas Smythe, was formerly a governor of the East India Company. The Virginia Company had two divisions that operated in North America, the London Company and the Plymouth Company. These two companies colonized the present day coast of North Carolina to Maine. Income was generated mainly by the tobacco trade. Tobacco was introduced into the Virginia colony by John Rolfe. Indentured servants, a euphemism for slave labor, were employed to farm the land and develop the colonies. Working the colonies was a dangerous venture as disease, malnutrition, and warfare with the indigenous peoples took their toll and eventually bankrupted the company in 1624. Jamestown became the first English settlement in North America. The Virginia Company instructed colonial governor Gates to forcibly Christianize the Powhatan Indians, hoping to pacify and make them members of the new colony.

1609 – Jews expelled from England. Many of them were descendants of migrants from Spain who had been kicked out in 1492.

1620 – The Pilgrims (known as Separatists at the time) sailed on the Mayflower and established the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts. The colony was named after Plymouth, Devon, where the Mayflower departed. The Pilgrims were a Puritan sect that left England to seek religious freedom and to establish a Bible-based society, especially one based on the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). They and other newly formed Protestant groups were considered as heretics by the Church of England. The Puritans were intolerant of Catholicism and were believers in individualism and the separation of church and state.

No Christian community in history identified more with the Israelites of the Bible than did the first generations of settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who believed their own lives to be a literal reenactment of the biblical drama of the chosen people―they were the children of Israel and the ordinances of God’s Holy covenant by which they lived were His divine law. Since they viewed themselves as the persecuted victims of the sinful Christian establishment of the Old World (England), the Puritans also had a natural sympathy for the Jews of their own time. The Protestant Puritan leader Cotton Mather repeatedly referred to the Jews in his prayer for their conversion as God’s “Beloved People.” The New Israel―The influence of the Hebrew Bible marks every step of the Puritan exodus to their Zion in the wilderness of the New World. The Jewish Bible formed their minds and dominated their characters; its conceptions were their conceptions… The Puritans wholeheartedly believed that it was their special mission to establish in America a society precisely modeled on the precepts of Sacred Jewish Scriptures.

– Hugh Fogelman

1624 – The Statute of Monopolies was passed by the English Parliament. This helped modernize the patent system where only ‘novel’ inventions could be patented and only for a set number of years. The patent system was a major building block of modern capitalism and would help secure profits for big businesses.

1630s – Jews, mainly capitalists, once again start migrating back to London. They mainly come from the Netherlands, which at the time was one of the wealthiest states in the world. As a consequence, London becomes one of the world’s most important cities for trade and commerce.

1637 – Dutch Tulip Mania collapses. It was considered the first speculative financial bubble in recorded history.

1639 – Oliver Cromwell comes to prominence as a leading figure in England. He was bitterly opposed to the rule under Charles I, who was a heavy supporter of monarchy. Cromwell, through his leadership, helped consolidate England, Ireland, and Scotland into a commonwealth. Cromwell was a Christian Zionist and believed that the English were descendants of the Ten lost Tribes of Israel. He had helped readmit Jews to England. The Puritans also made major inroads under Cromwell.

1640 – Censorship of the press collapses in England. The number of items produced by the English presses increase from 900 in 1640 to 4000 by 1642. Eschatological themes become widely distributed as a consequence. Millenarian ideas, particularly pertaining to the subject on church and state, come to the forefront. Major works that came out of this included Reformers and Babylon, Puritan Millennium, Apocalyptic Tradition, A Great Expectation: Eschatological Thought in English Protestantism to 1660, and Discord in Zion: The Puritan Divines and the Puritan Revolution, 1640–60.

1641 – The Council of Twelve Men formed in New Amsterdam (present day Manhattan). It was considered the first representational form of democracy in the Dutch colony. This council formed in response to attacks by Indians on their colony and ways they could deal with the problem.

1642 to 1651 – The English Civil War (part of the Wars for the Three Kingdoms) fought for independence, religious freedom, and the abolition of the monarchy. At the time one king, Charles I, ruled over England, Scotland, and Ireland. The outcome of the war was that Charles I was defeated and England became a republic. The war didn’t seem to resolve much but it ended rule by divine right. This conflict like many conflicts in Europe were stepping stones towards modern liberal democracies.

1643 – Isaac La Peyrère publishes Du Rappel des Juifs (Return of the Jews). This work was a heavy promoter of Zionism as it discussed a Jewish return to Palestine and predicted the building of the Third Temple. In it, Jerusalem played the most powerful role in world governance, all working towards the Second Coming. La Peyrère was a converso Jew from France.

1643 – Louis XIV becomes King of France at the age of 4. His rule symbolized absolutism and he was regarded as a military dictator. He abolished the rights of the French Huguenot and destroyed the protestant church in his country. Louis IV reigned for 72 years, the longest reigning monarch of all time.

1645 – William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury under Charles I, is executed. He was a firm believer in a strong form of authoritarianism called episcopalianism, which is a hierarchical form of church governance in which power comes from the bishops. Laud was a victim of his own times as the political tide was changing. His ideas had clashed bitterly with the Puritans and with him out of the way, the Puritans became a force that would alter history for years to come.

1649 – Charles I was executed in 1649 and England becomes a republic. This era lasted until 1660, when Charles II came into power and the monarchy was restored. The Restoration rolled back much of the rights Jews enjoyed under the republic.

1654 – Sephardic Jews arrive in New Amsterdam (present day Manhattan). This marked the first organized Jewish migration to North America. They helped turn New York into the world’s financial capitol it i today.

1656 – The resettlement of the Jews in England was an informal arrangement during the Commonwealth of England in the mid-1650s, which allowed Jews to practice their faith openly. This arrangement was heavily influenced by Manasseh ben Israel, who came into England from the Netherlands to pursue his case. Johanna and Ebenezer Cartwright, two Baptists, issued the original petition to Thomas Fairfax’s Council of War in January 1649 for Jewish readmission: It read, “That this Nation of England, with the inhabitants of the Netherlands, shall be the first and the readiest to transport Israel’s sons and daughters on their ships to the land promised to their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for an everlasting inheritance.”

1657 – Solomon Dormido, nephew of Menasseh Ben Israel, was admitted to the Royal Exchange as a licensed broker of the City of London, without taking the usual oath of a statement of faith in Christianity. This marked a new era of admitting Jews as brokers almost indiscriminately.

1660 – The Stuart Restoration abolished the English republic. Monarchy returns.

1688 – The Glorious Revolution ends the Restoration and rule by monarchy. James II, son of Charles I, was ousted out of power.

1689 – The English Bill of Rights was enacted by the Parliament of England. The English Bill of Rights protected the individual and enacted laws such as the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, the prohibition against undue and excessive punishment, the prohibition against excessive bail, and the free election of members to Parliament.


The events of the Enlightenment, Freemasonry, the creation of the United States, and the French Revolution are closely tied together.

17th to 18th Century – The Age of Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a movement in Europe that brought to the forefront the ideas of liberty, individualism, equality, reason, and the separation of church and state. Some notable Enlightenment thinkers were:

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) – An English philosopher who was best known for the book Leviathan. Hobbes believed that a strong central authority was necessary for protection of the common people. He believed that without a strong central government, society would be engulfed in endless conflicts.

Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) – A Sephardic Jewish philosopher from Amsterdam who was considered one of the most important classical rationalist. He may have been best known for his avocation of the separation of church and state.

John Locke (1632-1704) – An English philosopher who was considered the “father of liberalism.” He was an advocate of representative government and individual rights. His writings influenced both Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In A Letter Concerning Toleration, Locke concluded “neither Pagan, nor Mahometan nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the commonwealth because of his religion.” Locke was a mason.

John Toland (1670-1722) – An “Irish” Philosopher who was an atheist and a critique of Christianity but revered the Jews and Judaism. In 1714, he wrote the paper Reasons for Naturalizing the Jews.

Toland announced his conviction that human nature was essentially the same, a basic principle of the spreading idea of rationalism — and predicted that Jews, once granted the opportu­nity, would take to all occupations like any other human beings. – Jacob Katz, Out of the Ghetto

Toland was a mason.

Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755) – An 18th century philosopher and judge who was the principal source of the theory of separation of powers, which is implemented in many constitutions throughout the world. He is also known for doing more than any other author to secure the place of the word “despotism” in the political lexicon. His anonymously published The Spirit of Law (1748), which was received well in both Great Britain and the American colonies, influenced the Founding Fathers of the United States in drafting the U.S. Constitution.

Advocates of Jewish emancipation, such as Montesquieu, maintained that despite their religion, Jews should be granted civil rights. Montesquieu argued that emancipation itself would make the Jew a better person. – Maxine Schur

Montesquieu was a mason.

François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) (1694-1778) – A mason, a French philosopher, and a prolific author who was a strong advocate of individual rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the separation of church and state. Voltaire was known for his attacks on Christianity as a whole, especially Catholicism. He written more than 2000 books and 20000 letters. Voltaire was considered anti-semitic, but nonetheless was a key figure in advancing Jewish causes.

Jean-Jacque Rousseau (1712-1778) – A Genevan philosopher and author who although was a critique of strong property rights, was a proponent of rule “by the people” and against monarchy. He was friendly towards the Jews.

(Rousseau) not only demanded equal civic rights for Jews but he also, uniquely among French writers and thinkers of the Enlightenment, expressed Zionist-like beliefs, hoping that the Jews would be restored to a country of their own … Rousseau viewed Judaism as surpassing Christianity in its emphasis on compassion and justice, in effect urging modern nations to become more Jewish. – The Jewish Press

Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) – A German-Jewish philosopher who believed that:

(The) combination of church and state in both Christian and Jewish history is an outrage to reason, and should be terminated as soon as possible. Mendelssohn was unconcerned as to how this final termination was to be accomplished and relied on the ultimate victory of reason to fulfill his expectations (Jacob Katz, Out of the Ghetto).

Isaac de Pinto (1717-87) – A Jewish merchant and banker who was president and one of the main investors of the Dutch East India Company. He lobbied for removal of restrictions and regulations against Jewish merchants in Holland. Isaac de Pinto asserted in his polemic against Voltaire that the common prejudice against Jews might be valid against Ashkenazim but certainly did not hold for Sephardim (Katz).

Adam Smith (1723-90) – A Scottish philosopher who was considered the founder of modern economics, published the Wealth of Nations, an early treatise on capitalism. Smith was a believer in strong property and individual rights. He was against the concept of the corporation and stock ownership however.

Adolph Freiherr Knigge (1752-96) – A German writer who supported Jewish emancipation. Knigge once remarked, that the blame for the Jews’ social and moral shortcomings must be laid, to a great extent, at the door of the Gentiles who suppressed them and gave them only limited space to live in. Knigge was a mason and a leading member of the Illuminati.

Thomas Paine (1737-1809) – An English philosopher and political theorist who migrated to America with the help of Benjamin Franklin. He was most famous for Common Sense which advocated independence from Britain and argued for an egalitarian government. This piece of writing was distributed all over the colonies. It remains the best selling title in America today.

Zalkind Hourwitz (1751-1812) – A Polish-Jew living in France during the Revolution. In the 1789 publication, Vindication of the Jews, Hourwitz demands Jews receive the full privileges of citizenship, including land ownership, occupational freedom and education. That same year Hourwitz donated a quarter of his salary towards the efforts of the French Revolution.

Hourwitz argued to Christian theologians that if they were so interested in the conversion of the Jews, it would be to their advantage to grant equality of rights as the best possible means of ensuring it. He declared his conviction that, given status and opportunity, the Jews would cease to be different as to customs, occupations, and morality.

Christian Wilhelm Dohm (1751-1820) – A German philosopher and a friend of Moses Mendelssohn.

Dohm thought that by emancipating the Jews and separating church and state, the Jews would do good on their end by moving away from their practices of being traders and bankers. There would be more avenues to employment open so Jews could choose those practices instead. He thought that Jews would give up their Jewishness and assimilate. He thought that there would be more Jewish farmers and manual laborers … (He believed) the Jews, with changing conditions, would readily give up trade as their exclusive pursuit Dohm, like John Toland, fully expected because of his belief in the oneness of all human nature (Katz).

Dohm was a mason.

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) – An English philosopher who advocated freedom of expression, women’s rights, gay rights, animal rights, and the separation of church and state.


1717 – The first Grand Lodge in Freemasonry was established in London and marked the modern beginnings of this organization. Freemasonry is a secret society who’s primary mission is to promote liberalism and the individual. They pursue activities that undermine authority while eradicating the “old order”, which was that of authority and traditional values. Some of the main ideas of freemasonry was the separation of church and state and the promotion of democracy, equality, and individual rights. Masonry had long been considered heretical by the Church and state. It has been responsible for secretly uprooting monarchies and royal families.

THE ROLE of Freemasonry and individual Masons prior to and through the American Revolution was that of the destruction of the traditional social and political order based on an authoritarian philosophy and characterized by inequality and privilege. Speaking generally, in the ancient regime the church and state mutually supported each other in maintaining their respective places of predominance and privilege. Liberalism and liberals, which included Freemasonry and Masons, were declared to be traitorous by the state, and heretical and atheistic by the Church.

With the victorious end of the American Revolution, Masonic philosophy had, for the first time in history, an opportunity to play a constructive role in the erection of a political and social order. The experience of Masonic organizations before the Modern Age had taught Masons that liberty for the individual has never been handed down by the government—that liberty is gained through the limitation of the powers of government, not the increase of them.

Freemasonry became the missionary of the new order—a liberal, democratic order in which Masons sought to lead mankind through education into a more equitable and just society.

– James Davis Carter, Masonry Background, History, and Influence

Famous Freemasons in History

1723 – The Anderson Constitution. The principles guiding Masonry, namely a constitution, would eventually be the blueprint for establishing the United States of America. Though there were previous attempts in creating a constitution, masonic Grand Master George Payne drafted a constitution in 1720 that stuck. In 1723, Reverend James Anderson revised the constitution and made it into a book. It became known as the Anderson Constitution and was a work so highly acclaimed that Grand Master Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s founding fathers, reprinted the book to be used by all masons in 1734. Some of the principles of the Anderson Constitution include protecting ballots and elections from undo influence (article XXXIX), the idea of checks and balances (article XIV), majority rule and universal suffrage (section 2 of article XII), freedom of speech (article XXXVII), and a supreme court to handle arbitration and appeals (article XXVII). If all this sounds familiar, it is.

1753 – The Jewish Naturalisation Act 1753 was passed by the British Parliament but was repealed a year later due to strong opposition from the public. This Act was an act of reciprocity to the Jews, particularly from chief financier Sampson Gideon, who supported the Brits in the Jacobite Rising of 1745.

1754 – Benjamin Franklin submitted the Albany Plan, which was a plan to unite the thirteen American colonies under a federal system. This plan failed but did move the colonies towards a Constitutional Republic.

1775 – One-hundred masonic lodges were established in the American colonies. Though among the lodges there were differences in geography, dialects, ancestry, and religion they were all on equal footing in principle. The idea of equality among the lodges would serve as the blueprint for admitting states to the union on an equal basis.

1775 to 1783 – The American Revolution. The American colonies, with the help of France, defeated the Brits to gain independence and became the world’s first liberal democracy. Freemasons made up a large proportion of the supporters of the revolution against British rule. In actuality the colonists defrauded the Brits:

Viewing the Revolution with hindsight, one finds little to quarrel about with the English… Actually, the Colonies had borne no more than a third of the cost of the French and Indian Wars, and England two thirds. In 1775, the per capita tax on the British was fifty times that paid by the Americans. The Sugar and Stamp Acts imposed on the Americans were mild compared to those levied on the British. The cry “No taxation without representation” disguised the issues. The colonists were objecting to a potential tyranny rather than an actual one. They were looking for a reason to rebel, rather than being pushed into rebellion. In fact, after the war, the Americans had to tax themselves more severely than the British had.

– Max Dimont, The Jews in America

1776 – Richard Henry Lee calls for a Declaration of Independence from Britain in the Continental Congress. The Continental Congress comprised of 56 delegates, of whom 32 were confirmed masons.

1776 – The Bavarian Illuminati was founded by Adam Weisphaupt, a Jew from Germany. This organization was closely tied with freemasonry and other secret societies. The Illuminati helped undermine authority and the power of the Church.

1780s to 1840s – The Industrial Revolution marked the transition between feudalism and full-blown capitalism. It employed techniques in mass production, assembly lines, and new manufacturing techniques. The precise start and ending dates for the Industrial Revolution is widely debated.

1781 – The Order of the Asiatic Brethren was founded. The Order, comprised of both of Jews and Gentiles, had the goal of reconciling differences between the two groups. The members were primarily from the upper class of society. The organization relies heavily on symbolism borrowed from the Kabbala.

Thomas von Schonfeld, who was one of the founders of the Order — was a convert of a very special type, an adherent of the Frankist sect that was a ramification of the Sabatian movement. The members of this clandestine sect were alienated from Judaism, the more radical among them leaning toward absolute anti-nomianism and nihilism while outwardly preserving the guise of Juda­ism. On coming into contact with the world of Enlightenment, they defected easily from a Judaism that was already under­mined in the religious double life practiced in the sects (Jacob Katz).

1783 – The Treaty of Paris was signed that ended the Revolutionary War and recognized the United States as a sovereign nation. The US would eventually become the center of world power.

1788 – The American Constitution was a document that protected the rights and freedoms of American individuals. It is the oldest codified constitution currently in force. The Constitution is considered ‘conservative’ today because it has been deeply rooted with the founding of America and has been with us for over 200 years. John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, all masons, published the Federalist Papers in 1788, which promoted the ratification of the Constitution.

Because the Constitution was seen as concentrating too much power in the central government, the Bill of Rights was added as amendments to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights provided protection for individuals and helped protect them from abuses of power by the state. It includes much of the principals and beliefs espoused by freemasonry – the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the right to a fair and speedy trial, and the prohibition of unusual and excessive punishment.

A comparison of the principles of government contained in Anderson’s Constitutions, universally adopted by Masons, with those contained in the Constitution of the United States reveals that they are essentially the same in both documents. There is conclusive evidence that the majority of the men who worked for a federal union and wrote the Constitution were Masons. Some of these Masons were the most influential leaders of the fraternity in America, fully conversant with Masonic principals of government. Freemasonry was the only institution at that time governed by a federal system. There is not a scrap of evidence left by any member of the Constitutional Convention indicating that these principals were drawn from any other source. Since the government of the United States bears such a startling similarity to the government of the Masonic fraternity, both in theory and in structure, it is difficult to ascribe the similarity to coincidence.

– James Davis Carter

The American Constitution became the model which constitutions around the world modeled. Unlike centuries past, the Constitution effectively made it impossible to kick out the subverters and infiltrators. Essentially the bad guys became protected under law.

1789 – Slave owner and Masonic Grand Master George Washington takes oath as the first president of the United States.

On April 30, 1789, Washington took the oath of office as President of the United States administered by Chancellor Robert B. Livingston, Grand Master of the grand Lodge of New York. General Jacob Morton, Worshipful Master of St. Johns lodge in New York City—the oldest lodge in the city and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, was marshal of the inauguration ceremonies.

Of those who accompanied Washington in the inauguration ceremony, Roger Sherman, Alexander Hamilton, Baron von Steuben, General Henry Knox, and John Adams, all except Adams were Masons. It may be added that the Governors of the thirteen states at the time of Washington’s inauguration were Masons.

Washington chose four Masons for his first Cabinet as follows: Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson (disputed); Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton; Secretary of War, General Henry Knox; and Attorney General, Edmund Randolph, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia in 1788.

One of Washington’s first duties was to appoint the first Chief Justice and four Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. Four of the five were Masons as follows: John Jay, Chief Justice, and Associate Justices William Cushing, Robert H. Harrison, and John Blair.

– James Davis Carter

George Washington in correspondence to the Hebrew Congregation of Savannah in 1790:

May the same wonder-working Deity, who long since delivered the Hebrews from their Egyptian oppressors, planted them in a promised land, whose providential agency has lately been conspicuous in establishing these United States as an independent nation, still continue to water them with the dews of heaven and make the inhabitants of every denomination participate in the temporal and spiritual blessings of that people whose God is Jehovah.

1789 to 1799 – The French Revolution begun with the storming of the Bastille in Paris. Like the American Revolution, the French Revolution signified a change in the order and transformed France from a monarchy to a liberal democracy. Like the American Revolution, freemasonry was the driver behind it.

During this time, Lafayette (Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette), a French aristocrat, was drafting the Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1789 (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen) with the assistance of Thomas Jefferson. This document was the French equivalent of America’s Declaration of Independence. Lafayette previously fought in the American Revolutionary War, alongside with George Washington. Lafayette so highly revered him that he named his son Georges Washington. Lafayette was a mason.

1790 – The Patent Act of 1790 led to the creation of the United States Patent System.

1790 – Judith Murray, an early feminist, publishes On the Equality of the Sexes.

1790 – France became the first country in the history of Europe to emancipate the Jews and grant them full citizenship (Sephardi in 1790 and the Ashkenazi in 1791). Jews shortly became emancipated throughout Western Europe. According to German historian Heinrich Schnee, the “emancipation of the Jews was the work of the Hoffactoren (court Jew*).” Court Jews were Jews who loaned money to the nobility and were predecessors to the modern Jewish banker. At this point the court Jew started to have tremendous influence. They operated mainly in Germany. While European leaders were promoting the ideals of Jewish liberation, especially that of benefiting the economy, the people were highly skeptical. Though Jews were ‘emancipated’ it took many years for them to be fully accepted into society, similar to the situations that blacks in the US faced immediately after slavery ended.

The first laws to emancipate Jews in France were enacted during the French Revolution, establishing them as citizens equal to other Frenchmen. In countries that Napoleon Bonaparte’s ensuing Consulate and French Empire conquered during the Napoleonic Wars, he emancipated the Jews and introduced ideas of freedom from the French Revolution.

* The biggest difference between the court Jews and the modern banker is that the modern banker is a citizen and cannot easily have his wealth taken or be kicked out.

1791 – The First Bank of the United States was chartered after a bitter debate in Congress over it’s constitutionality. George Washington signed the bank bill into law. The First Bank served as the nation’s bank and loaned money for both public and private interests but it did not have the power of a modern central bank. Like the modern Federal Reserve System, the First Bank was owned by private shareholders and was not a government agency.

1792 – The Buttonwood Agreement organized stock security trading in New York City. The agreement was signed by 24 brokers.

1793 – The Reign of Terror in France was designed to destroy the opposition of the Revolution. The exact beginning of the Reign of Terror is disputed. During the Reign, at least 300,000 suspects were arrested; 17,000 were officially executed, and perhaps 10,000 died in prison. The Reign unleashed massive violence against the Church:

The Reign of Terror was characterized by a dramatic rejection of long-held religious authority, its hierarchical structure, and the corrupt and intolerant influence of the aristocracy and clergy. Religious elements that long stood as symbols of stability for the French people, were replaced by views on reason and scientific thought. The radical revolutionaries and their supporters desired a cultural revolution that would rid the French state of all Christian influence. This process began with the fall of the monarchy, an event that effectively defrocked the State of its sanctification by the clergy via the doctrine of Divine Right and ushered in an era of reason.

Many long-held rights and powers were stripped from the church and given to the state. In 1789, church lands were expropriated and priests killed or forced to leave France. Later in 1792, “refractory priests” were targeted and replaced with their secular counterpart from the Jacobin club. Not all religious sects experienced equal aggression, such as the Jewish community, who received admittance into French citizenship in 1791. – Wikipedia

1793 – The French Constitution of 1793 (Constitution of the Year I) was ratified during the Reign of Terror. This document guaranteed the right to equality, liberty, security, property, the public debt, free exercise of religion, the absolute liberty of the press, the right of petition, the right to hold popular assemblies, and the “enjoyment of all the rights of man”. Illegitimate children were recognized under law.

1793 – Louis XVI, the last king of France, was executed in 1793. This marked the fall of the French monarchy.

1794 – Maximilien Robespierre was one of the key figures of the French Revolution. He campaigned for universal manhood suffrage, equality under law, the right to vote for people of color, and the abolition of the clerical celibacy. Robespierre was known as fiercely radical, even among his allies, and was the one responsible for instigating the Reign of Terror. In 1794, the Reign ended when Robespierre was arrested for his revolutionary activities. He was later executed.

1795 – Constitution of the Year III – When the Reign of Terror was over and the instigators arrested and punished, the French Constitution of 1793 became invalid. A more conservative constitution took it’s place.

1796 – John Adams of the Federalist Party defeats Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-Republican Party in the first elections that took place in the US that featured the battle of the political parties. This was the beginning of the two-party system in America and the politics of conquer and divide. Jews unanimously supported the Democratic-Republicans because they thought that party better upheld the principles of liberalism and equality (i.e. Jewish ideals) than the Federalists. The Federalists still clung to the old European ideas of aristocracy and were more reluctant to abide by the Constitution.

1797 – Fall of the Venetian Republic (founded in 697). Napoleon decreed the end of Jewish segregation and the equalization of the Jews to other citizens. This provision became definitive when Venice was annexed to the Italian Kingdom.

1798 – Alien and Sedition Act was passed to prevent the French and Irish immigrants, who were suspected of radicalism, from becoming citizens.

1799 – France became the first country on earth to institute the metric system. This system eventually spread to all regions on earth, except the United States. The metric system helped to facilitate global trade.

1800 – Thomas Jefferson, who was a descendant of marrano Jews, defeats John Adams. Jefferson was a staunch believer of the separation of church and state, individualism, and the separation of powers. He also repealed the Alien and Sedition Act. When Jefferson died in 1827, Uriah Levy, a Jewish naval officer, purchased the Monticello (Jefferson’s estate) and restored it. Uriah’s nephew, Jefferson Monroe Levy, inherited the estate and sold it to the Thomas Jefferson Foundation in 1923. Uriah Levy on Jefferson:

I consider Thomas Jefferson to be one of the greatest men in history, the author of the Declaration of Independence and an absolute democrat. He serves as an inspiration to millions of Americans. He did much to mould our Republic in a form in which a man’s religion does not make him ineligible for political or governmental life.

Thomas Jefferson in response:

[I have] ever felt regret at seeing a sect, the parent and bases of all those of Christendom, singled out by all of them for persecution and oppression which proved they have profited nothing from the benevolent doctrines of Him whom they profess to make the model of their principle and practice.

1803 – Jean-Baptiste Say, a French economist, publishes Traité d’économie politique ou simple exposition de la manière dont se forment, se distribuent et se composent les richesses (A Treatise on Political Economy; or The Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Wealth). Say argued for free trade, deregulation, and a laissez-faire economy. He helped create the French Liberal School of free economic thought which was a forerunner to the Austrian School of economics.

1804 – Napoleon becomes emperor of France. The Napoleonic Code was instituted by the French Consulate to abolish feudalism and the monarchy. Historian Andrew Roberts on Napoleon: “The ideas that underpin our modern world—meritocracy, equality before the law, property rights, religious toleration, modern secular education, sound finances, and so on—were championed, consolidated, codified and geographically extended by Napoleon.” Napoleon closed the Jewish ghettos during his reign and made Jews equal to everyone else. Napoleon on the Jews:

I will never accept any proposals that will obligate the Jewish people to leave France, because to me the Jews are the same as any other citizen in our country. It takes weakness to chase them out of the country, but it takes strength to assimilate them.

Napoleon before the Sanhedrin.

1806 – Europe’s biggest monarchy fell when the Holy Roman Empire abdicated into the hands of Napoleon. This empire turned 1000 years old in 1800.

1812 – The War of 1812 was fought between the Brits and the US over issues related to trade and American territorial expansion. The US felt that the Brits didn’t totally make good on their end in the aftermath of the Revolutionary War.

1812 – Mayer Amschel Rothschild passes away in his hometown of Frankfurt. He was the founder of the Rothschild banking empire. This family was the wealthiest and most powerful in the world during the 19th century. Mayer was under the apprenticeship of Jacob Wolf Oppenheimer, a German-Jew who taught him foreign trade and currency exchange at the age of 13. He became a court Jew by the age of 25. The Rothschilds family intermarried extensively with the European nobility and royal families.

1814 – The Charter of 1814 was granted by King Louis XVIII of France. This was a constitution-like text that served as a compromise between the conservative ideas of the Bourbons and the liberal ideas that came out of the French Revolution.

1816 – The Second Bank of the United States was founded. Though President James Madison vehemently argued that the First Bank was unconstitutional, he charted the second one into law. Thia bank was more powerful than the First Bank and increased the power of the federal government at the expense of the states. One of the purposes of the bank was to stabilize the economy and to facilitate global trade.

1817 – David Ricardo, a Sephardic Jew, was a classical economist who published On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. The book argued for international free trade (i.e. globalism) and was against protectionism. Unlike Adam Smith, Ricardo supported the idea of a central bank.

1824 – Lewis Gompertz, born into a family of wealthy Jewish diamond merchants in London, was an early proponent of veganism. He was one of the founding members of RSPCA, the largest animal welfare organization in the world.

1826 – The Jew Bill was passed by the Maryland General Assembly and allowed Jews to hold public office. They were the last state in the Union to remove the prohibition against the Jews.

1828 – England removes quotas on Jews who could register to become stockbrokers.

1830 – Indian Removal Act passed, forcibly relocating the indigenous people to west of the Mississippi River. This relocation was known as The Trail of Tears.

1830 – The July Monarchy was a liberal constitutional monarchy in France under Louis Phillipe I. His reign was marked by the rise of powerful bankers and businessmen.

1832 – The Hambach Festival was a democratic national event that took place in Germany in support of liberal ideas. The current German flag (1949 to present) with it’s black, red, and gold colors originated from this event. The flag was also used from 1919 to 1933 when Germany was a republic.

1848 – Revolutions of 1848. Democratic revolutions swept throughout France, Germany, Austria, Poland, and other European countries to overthrow their monarchies. Liberals demanded freedom of speech, freedom of the press, a parliament, and a written constitution. The German monarchs reluctantly accepted some of the demands. However, German liberals, including many German-Jews were disappointed that the revolution did not achieve what they had wanted and emigrated to the United States in large numbers. They became known as the Forty-Eighters. Many of these people became powerful and influential forces in American banking and business, such as the Goldmans, the Sachs, the Lehmans, the Seligmans, the Loebs, and the Guggenheims.

1848 – The Jew Karl Marx (along with Friedrich Engels) published the Communist Manifesto. Marx was supportive of the Revolutions of 1848 and had helped arm Belgian workers to overthrow the government.

1848 – Paul Julius Reuter (Israel Beer Josaphat), through his publishing company, distributed radical pamplets attempting to overthrow the German monarchy. Reuter was founder of the Reuters news agency three years later. Reuter revolutionized journalism through the use of telegraphy.

1857 – Dred Scott vs Sandford – The Supreme Court ruled that people of African descent were not considered citizens and would not have Constitutional protection under the law.

1861 to 1865 – The American Civil War was fought over the issue of Southern sovereignty. In the years leading up to the Civil War, the South saw the Union as increasingly hostile to it’s interest and began to succeed. The North, who’s economy was based on powerful business interests and banking, wanted to preserve the Union and saw succession as a threat to it’s stability. They saw Southerners as violators of the Constitution and the principles of liberalism, especially on issues of equality. The war was led by Abraham Lincoln, rumored to have been a crypto-Jew. The aftermath of the Civil War was that slavery ended in the South, blacks were emancipated, and the South began it’s long and slow path to equality.

1863 – Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln that liberated the slaves, both blacks and whites (indentured servants).

1863 – The National Bank Act of 1863 and 1864 was the first attempt to set up a central bank. It was passed to help finance the Civil War (and future wars as well). This act spurred the growth of the national banks, which rose from 66 to 7473 by 1913 and allowed for the establishment of a national currency. This act eventually led to the Federal Reserve banking system in 1913.

1865 – 13th Amendment to the Constitution was passed outlawing slavery.

1866 – Civil Rights Act was passed that declared that all American citizens, regardless of descent, were protected by the Constitution.

1868 – 14th Amendment to the Constitution was passed granting citizenship and equal protection for all. The first section to the amendment was the Equal Protection Clause. The Supreme Court stated specifically that the Equal Protection Clause was ‘designed to assure to the colored race the enjoyment of all the civil rights that under the law are enjoyed by white persons, and to give to that race the protection of the general government, in that enjoyment, whenever it should be denied by the States’.

1869 – The first college football game was played when Rutgers faced Princeton. College sports since then has turned into a highly commercialized affair involving billions of dollars in television deals and naming rights. The US is the only country in the world where college sports are commercialized.

1870 – The 15th Amendment to the Constitution was passed ensuring slaves the right to vote. Amendments 13 to 15 reversed the 1857 Dred Scott ruling.

1871 – The Austrian School, a liberal economic think-tank, originates in Vienna. Carl Menger publishes Principles of Economics which is thought to be the forerunner to the school. The “Austrian” School attracted many Jews such as Ludwig von Mises, Abraham Wald, Eugen Bohm von Bawerk, Israel Kirzner, Murray Rothbard, George Reisman, and Walter Block. The Austrians were heavy promoters of individualism and believed that history and social phenomena are shaped from the action of individuals rather than by groups.

1871 – The Second Reich. Under this monarchy, the German states united. Jews were legally emancipated in Germany.

1873 – Comstock Laws were passed to criminalize the transmittal of obscene material and birth control material through postal mail.

1875 – The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was passed in response to repeated civil rights violations committed against blacks in the South. The Act of 1875 was designed to “protect all citizens in their civil and legal rights” and to provide for equal treatment in public accommodations and public transportation and prohibiting exclusion from jury service. The act was difficult to enforce and facilities and businesses remained segregated in the South.

1880 – Strauder vs West Virginia. This Supreme Court decision ruled that exclusion of individuals from juries because of race was unconstitutional.

1895 – Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Company. This Supreme Court decision struck down the income tax. This was reversed with the 16th Amendment in 1913.

1896 – Jim Crow laws were upheld in the Supreme Court ruling Plessy vs Ferguson. Jim Crow laws had been enacted throughout the South to combat racial equality. The Plessy vs Ferguson decision stated that segregation laws did not violate the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, as long as “separate but equal” was being practiced.

1897 – A radical Jewish socialist movement called Bundism was founded. The Bund was an organization of the Jewish Workers’ Union in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia. It was a rivalry to the Jewish Zionist movement. The Bund was a heavy promoter of Marxism and saw communism as the answer to the ills of the Jewish proletariat in the emerging capitalist economies of Eastern Europe.

1897 – The Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee (Scientific-Humanitarian Committee) was founded by Magnus Hirschfeld, a gay German-Jew, in Berlin. It was the world’s first LGBT organization. This institute was closed by the Nazis in 1933 and it’s books burned.

The History of Liberalism: 1900 to 1945

Billionaires that are possibly Jews

Dennis Albaugh– pesticides
Carol Jenkins Barnett – daughter of George W. Jenkins, the founder of Publix Super Markets
Andrew Beal – real estate and banking
Tom Benson – late owner of the New Orleans Saints
Gayle Benson – widow of Tom Benson; owner of New Orleans Saints
Aneel Bhusri – CEO of Workday; partner at Greylock Partners and was a member of Intel’s board of directors between 2014 and 2019
Neal Blue – General Atomics
Ernie Boch Jr. – dealerships in the Boston area; R
David Booth – investments, executive chairman of Dimensional Fund Advisors, which he co-founded with Rex Sinquefield
Albert Bilicke
Faiq Bolkiah – Bruneian professional footballer and a member of the Bruneian Royal Family; nephew of Hassanal Bolkiah
Amar Bose – founder and chairman of Bose; half Indian and half French/German; mother was Charlotte Mechlin
J. Hyatt Brown – Florida businessman and politician
Peter Buck – co-founder of Subway; married Haydee Piñero in 1955, whose father Jesús T. Piñero was the first native governor of Puerto Rico – Jewish looking
J. Christopher Burch – investments
Rick Caruso – father was founder of Dollar Rent a Car; D
Jay Chaudhry – founder of Zscaler, a cloud security company
Yvon Chouinard – founder Patagonia apparel
Steve Case – AOL; married to Jean Villanueva
Gerald Chan
A. James Clark
Steve Conine
William E. Connor II – very little info
John Paul DeJoria – Greek/Italian; co-founder of the Paul Mitchell line of hair products and The Patrón Spirits Company; R
Darwin Deason – founded Affiliated Computer Services in 1988, and sold it to Xerox; Deason’s son, Doug Deason is a member of the Koch Brothers political network
Edward J. DeBartolo Jr – longtime owner of the San Francisco 49ers; accused of sexual assault in 1991
Richard Egan – doesn’t look Irish
Gerald J. Ford – banking
Frist Family – politics; healthcare; Thomas Jr is wealthiest person in Tennessee
Jim France – Irish; NASCAR
Donald Friese
Rakesh Gangwal – Indian; co-founder of IndiGo airline
Melinda French Gates – ex-wife of Jew Bill Gates
James Goodnight (Gutknecht) – software; worked with Jews John Sall and Anthony Barr in forming SAS; Goodnight owns two-third of the company while Sall owns the rest; probably related to Amy Elizabeth Kluttz Goodnight (1906-1942) who died in Concord, NC; her father looked Jewish
Bruce Halle – French-Canadian; founder of Discount Tire
Dorrance Hill Hamilton – Campbell Soup; Irish
Ken Hendricks – building supply
Jeffery Hildebrand – energy
Sun Hongbin – Chinese; founder, chairman, and majority owner of Sunac, a real estate firm
Joseph Dahr Jamail – Lebanese; lawyer, was frequently referred to as the “King of Torts”.
Howard Jenkins – Publix; son of George Jenkins
Laurene Powell Jobs – widow of Steve Jobs; D
Barbara Piasecka Johnson – Polish; art collector
Charles B. Johnson
Jerry Jones – parents owned super markets; father was president of an insurance company; owner of the Dallas Cowboys
Steve Jurvetson – American businessman and venture capitalist. Formerly a partner of the firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ), he was an early investor in Hotmail, Memphis Meats, Mythic and Nervana Systems. He is currently a board member of SpaceX and served on Tesla’s board from 2006–2020
Jim Justice – governor of WV
Rupert Johnson Jr. – Franklin Resources, global investments
Min Kao – Taiwanese; co-founder of Garmin; big ears
Brad M. Kelley – 4th largest US landholder; founded the Commonwealth Brands tobacco company
Brendan Kennedy – co-founder of Privateer Holdings, along with Michael Blue and Christian Groh
Shahid Khan – Pakistani-Muslim; owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars
Vinod Khosla – Indian; co-founder of Sun Microsystems; some Jewish features; DR
Osman Kibar – Turkish; founder of the biotechnology firm Biosplice
Randal J. Kirk – CEO and chairman of Intrexon, a biotech firm; lives in West Palm Beach; DR
Hoang Kieu – Vietnamese; possible crypto-Jew
Richard Kinder – co-founder and executive chairman of Kinder Morgan Inc., an energy and pipeline corporation; R
Omid Kordestani – member of the board at Twitter and was previously the Executive Chairman at Twitter from October 2015 to June 2020
Herbert Kohler – German-American; plumbing
Frank Laukien – German-American; founder of Bruker
William B. Leeds – married to Jeanette Irene Gaar
Fred A. Lennon
Joe Liemandt – founder of Trilogy Software
Tony O’Reilly – Irish; backed Jewish studies at a university
Cargill MacMillan Jr. – Cargill heir
Whitney MacMillan – Cargill heir
Gary Magness
Mary Alice Dorrance Malone – Campbell Soup
Roger Marino – co-founder EMC
Craig McCaw – founder of McCaw Cellular and Clearwire Corporation
Patrick Joseph McGovern – founder of International Data Group
John Menard Jr. – Catholic; founder of Menards home improvement stores; son is a NASCAR driver; a supporter of conservative causes
Jeffrey Michael – (very little info); healthcare
John S. Middleton – John Middleton Co, tobacco products; principal owner of MLB Phillies; ancestor founded John Middleton in 1857
Trevor Milton – Mormon; resigned from his position as chairman (of Nikola) after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Department of Justice began investigating claims that Milton and Nikola committed securities fraud
Bobby Murphy – part-Filipino; Catholic; Internet entrepreneur; worked with Spiegel; co-founder of Snap Inc
Elon Musk – Tesla; richest man in the world
Peter Nicholas – co-founded Boston Scientific
Jay Paul – (very little info) real estate tycoon
Terry Pegula – fracking; real estate; sports; owner of Buffalo Bills
Roger Penske – owned Team Penske, DJR Team Penske, the Penske Corporation, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, IndyCar; R
Carl Pohlad – Slovakian; owned Minnesota Twins from 1984 to his death in 2009
Forrest Preston – elderly care; father was a priest
Trevor Rees-Jones – grandfather was a Presbyterian minister from Wales; founder and chairman of Chief Oil and Gas; R
Sid W. Richardson – Texas philanthropist
Austin Russell – founder and CEO of Luminar Technologies;
Joss Sackler – married to the Jew David Sackler, son of the developer of Oxycontin
Karthik Sarma – (very little info exists) Indian; hedge funds
John Schnatter – Papa Johns; His mother was a real estate agent and his father was a judge in Jeffersonville, Indiana. R
Reinhold Schmieding – German-American; founder of Arthex
Robert F. Smith – founder, chairman, and CEO of private equity firm Vista Equity Partners; does not look fully black
Ryan Smith – Mormon; worked as missionary; co-founder of Qualtrics; owner of Utah Jazz
Vinny Coburn Smith – former CEO of Quest Software and founder of Toba Capital
Anastasia Soare – Romanian; CEO and founder of Anastasia Beverly Hills
Mark Stevens – venture capitalist; investor in the Golden State Warriors
Jack C. Taylor – founded Enterprise rental car
Cal Turner Jr. – family founded Dollar General;
John H. Tyson – Tyson Farms; great grandfather is Isaac Tyson
Richard and Elizabeth Uihlein – German; family founded Uline and Schlitz Brewing; August Uhlein’s (1842-1911) eldest daughter was married to Johann Gottlieb Friedrich Pabst, who migrated to America from Germany in 1848, the year of the German Revolution, in which many Jewish businessmen fled for America
Jayshree Ullal – Indian woman; president and CEO of Arista Networks, a cloud networking company
Hope Hill Van Beuren (very little info) – Campbell soup
Vincent Viola – former chairman of NYMEX; owner of Florida Panthers; R
Roger Wang
William Wang – founder of CEO of Vizio
Travis Ward – very little info; oil exploration; married 3 times (one wife died in a plane crash)
Ty Warner – founder of Ty Inc, maker of Beanie Babies; never married
Kelcy Warren – chairman and CEO of Energy Transfer Partners; R
Dennis Washington – Owner, Washington Group Intl. and Seaspan Marine Corporation
Dean White
William Wrigley Jr. II
Ken Xie
Jon Yarbrough

Jewish Wealth Transfer Schemes

Besides the banking system and Wall Street, there is a more subtle Jewish transfer of wealth going on and most are not even aware of it.

This Sephardic Jew Rivero blames the Ashekenazis for all the problems. Rivero is married to an Ashekenazi!

Jeff Rense. Oh boy.

“Brother” Nathan is probably the most egregious of them all. He uses religion to dupe his followers in giving. Religious types tend to give more on emotion.

“Plastic face” David Duke and Kevin MacDonald (runs the Occidental Observer) are strongly suspected to be Jews. They also promote each other.

Duke is asking for up to a $5000 donation!

MacDonald already makes money on his subscriptions. Why does he need donations on top of that?

These guys could easily be making seven figures in donations. Think about the size of their audience. It’s probably in the millions. Remember folks, by donating to these guys they are emptying the pockets of the dumb goyim sheep and are gaining even more power.

These Jews are making money exposing the Jews? Something isn’t right here is it? You think they are telling the full truth and everything you need to know?

My Trip to Israel

I visited Israel in October 2013. It was the last of the Middle Eastern countries I visited. Two years prior I did Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Kurdistan (northern Iraq). Between that time I had spent time in Europe, southeast Asia, and back home in the US. Israel and Palestine were near the very end of my big trip lasting two and half years. Egypt (second visit) was actually my final country as it was right next to Israel. When I did the Middle Eastern trip two years prior I thought about including Israel on the itinerary but wasn’t really interested (if you want to do both the Islamic states and Israel, you have to go to Israel last as countries such as Syria and Lebanon will not let you in if you have an Israeli stamp on your passport). Some travelers I had met in Jordan and Egypt told me they didn’t really enjoy Israel and I wasn’t missing anything by not going there. Some told me the Israelis were rude. I have heard stories of appalling behavior of young Israelis in foreign countries trashing hotels and hostels after they checked out. I’m glad I went to Israel though. I learned a lot. I spent four weeks in Israel and four weeks in the West Bank.

I flew into David Ben Gurion Airport from Istanbul airport, which was a connecting flight from Rome. I arrived around 10 or 11 PM. When I got to immigrations and presented my passport (with all those stamps from the Islamic countries that I had visited prior) they wanted to do a background check on me. It was going to be a long night. They held my passport as they sent me to a waiting room where there were about ten others also being in line waiting for evaluation. About half of them were Arabs, either Palestinians or Israeli-Arabs. I had a brief conversation with a Palestinian who lived in Phoenix and was visiting family in Palestine. He told he was accustomed to going through this process every time he came to Israel. He told me to just be honest with the officers and you’ll have no issues.

These officers were very clever in tripping people up, more than I’ve ever seen from any other country. After about three hours of waiting I finally got my turn. This particular officer was a young Israeli women who had a nasty attitude. She clearly saw me as an unwanted element in her country. The officer quizzed me on what countries in the Middle East I’ve visited. Now I didn’t know she had already looked through my passport before interviewing me. I named Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey. She asked was that all? I said yes. She got testy with me and accused me of lying when she asked was that all. Then she pulled out my passport and started to name the countries that I forgot to mention. I didn’t think the Syria stamp was in there because I on purposely removed the Syrian visa, in which the adhesive was failing anyway. But I truly forgotten to mention Iraq and Yemen. It was around 3 AM and I hadn’t slept. So I had lied about Syria and forgotten about Iraq. I also forgotten that I had a Yemen visa, although I never got the chance to visit the country. So out in the waiting room I was sent once more. She was typing a lot of stuff on the computer. About an hour later she handed back my passport and didn’t say a world to me. I was out of there. What some of my colleagues told me a couple of years ago about Israeli attitude was ringing true, I thought.

All photos of the Israeli trip were personally taken by the author.

It was 4 AM. As I headed out I passed by the Ben Gurion statue in the airport.

I had already made a reservation at a hostel in Jerusalem. I took a shuttle bus from the airport to the Jerusalem city center. It was around dawn, about 5:30. The hostel just on the outskirts of the old historic city center. Wow, I was here. In the most controversial city in the most controversial country in the world. Jaffa Gate Hostel was a small boutique hostel that I believe was Arab-owned. I checked in and went to bed as soon as I got to my room, which was a dorm with three small beds. An elderly French couple occupied two of the beds. It was a small windowless room and was quite stuffy inside.

The Jaffa Gate Hostel

When I got up a few hours later I had a little talk with the reception who was an Arab-Israeli. We had a little chit-chat about the situation in Israel. (It was hard to recall the details after eight years. I didn’t write a journal or document anything.) I did remember he mentioned that whenever he visited an Israeli (read Jewish) doctor they would on purposely prescribe him the wrong medication.

I was excited to venture out. Jerusalem was a lively city with tourists from all corners of the world. There were a lot of Christian making their pilgrimages and seeing the holy sites.

(All photos below are of Jerusalem. They were taken with a DSLR. Photos are not in order.)

Shops in the Old City

Shops outside of the Old City

Western Wall


No, I’m not Jewish.

Arab quarters in Jerusalem.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre – supposedly houses the tomb of Jesus.


Walls of the Old City

Dome of the Rock

Synagogue in the Old City

Mount of Olives Cemetery

You know you’re in Israel when you see IDF soldiers patrolling the streets. They are everywhere. Israel is an extremely segregated society and tensions between the Jews and the Arabs are high. Arabs make up about 20 percent of Israel’s population (does not included Palestine) and about three-eighths of Jerusalem’s population.

Mt Herzl

Student field trip at the Herzl Museum.

Student field trip at the Yad Vashem Museum.

Bus Stop at the Yad Vashem

After 2-3 nights at Jaffa Gate I went a different hostel which was much bigger. It was Israeli-Jewish owned. At this one they arranged all sorts of activities and tours, including tours to Petra, Jordan and the Pyramids in Egypt. They even held a learn Hebrew fun night. The people there were pretty friendly and seemed open minded.

Guest kitchen.

It was late October.

Souvenir items in the Old City


I spent about two weeks in Jerusalem and the Jerusalem area.

Jewish Crypticism in the Book of Esther and the Holiday of Purim


The book of Esther is another story of Jewish infiltration and crypticism. It is one of two books of the Hebrew Bible where “God” is not mentioned. In Esther the Jews believe that the Gentiles are going to completely annihilate them and their solution to their survival is to infiltrate the leadership of the host. Unlike the story of Joseph in Genesis, Esther is not concerned about bringing down the leaders and their country. Neither are they concerned with plundering the goods of the host. Esther is concerned about the survival of their people and revenge against their perceived enemies. The Jews infiltrate the Gentile leaders, preferably the leaders of a large empire, by charming them and doing favors for them (2:9 6:2) and using the leaders to punish the enemies of the Jews. The Jewish holiday of Purim comes from the book of Esther.

The Story

In the beginning of Esther, King Xerxes rules from Susa. (He was an actual historical figure who ruled the giant Achaemenid empire from 486 to 465 BC. The empire was based in present day Iran). The king becomes furious when Queen Vashti disobeys his commands (1:12). His attendants propose to him a replacement for the Queen (2:2 to 2:4). Their search landed Esther, a Jew who was the cousin of Mordecai from the tribe of Benjamin. Mordecai had been her caretaker (2:7). Esther was beautiful and charming and immediately won the favor of the king and became the new queen (2:17). She did not reveal her background to him.

2:20 But Esther had kept secret her family background and nationality just as Mordecai had told her to do, for she continued to follow Mordecai’s instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up.

Two of the king’s officers, Bigthana and Teresh, who guarded the doorway becomes angry (Reason is not too clear. Perhaps because they knew Esther was a Jew.) and plotted to kill the king (2:21). Mordecai who overheard the conversation reported this to Esther who in turn reported this to the king (2:22). The two officers were hanged.

In chapter 3, the king honors Haman as his highest noble (3:1). At the king’s gate, Haman becomes insulted when all officials, except Mordecai, bowed down to him (3:2) in respect for the honor the king bestowed on him. Haman wanted Mordecai killed but upon realizing that Mordecai was a despicable Jew, he wanted all people of his background killed as well.

3:6 Yet having learned who Mordecai’s people were, he scorned the idea of killing only Mordecai. Instead Haman looked for a way to destroy all Mordecai’s people, the Jews, throughout the whole kingdom of Xerxes.

In regard to the Jews, Haman pleaded his case to the king and asked for money so he could finance the mission (3:9). The king gives permission for Haman to do what he wanted (3:10). Haman then issues an edict with the king’s signature to destroy all the Jews.

3:13 Dispatches were sent by couriers to all the king’s provinces with the order to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews — young and old, women and little children — on a single day, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, and to plunder their goods.

Mordecai, who was not allowed to approach the king beyond the gate, was in distress upon hearing the Edict and told Hathach, one of the king’s eunuchs assigned to her, what had just happened (4:7). Esther then found out (4:9) and arranged to have a banquet with Haman and the king (5:4). Haman continued to be enraged by Mordecai’s behavior towards him (5:9) and arranged a gallow to hang him on (5:14).

From the record the king found out that it was Mordecai who warned him that the two officers had plotted to kill the king (6:1,2). Because of this, the king wanted to honor Mordecai (6:3). This upset Haman greatly as he was about to discuss with the king about killing Mordecai (6:4-6).

At the banquet, Esther tells the king about Haman and him wanting the Jews destroyed (7:1-6). (By saying this she also revealed that she was a Jew).

7:3 Then Queen Esther answered, “If I have found favour with you, O king, and if it pleases your majesty, grant me my life — this is my petition. And spare my people — this is my request.

7:4 For I and my people have been sold for destruction and slaughter and annihilation. If we had merely been sold as male and female slaves, I would have kept quiet, because no such distress would justify disturbing the king.”

The king was furious at Haman and had him hung on the same device that Haman had planned on hanging Mordecai (7:10).

The king grants Esther many wishes for what she and Mordecai had done for him, including revenge against the enemies of the Jews. The king gives the estate of Haman to her (8:1). Esther then appoints Mordecai the head of the estate (8:2). The king reverses the Edict (8:3,5) and grants Jews the right to protect themselves and to destroy anyone who causes harm to them.

8:11 The king’s edict granted the Jews in every city the right to assemble and protect themselves; to destroy, kill and annihilate any armed force of any nationality or province that might attack them and their women and children; and to plunder the property of their enemies.

Because of this the fear of the Jews became so great that Gentiles became Jews or essentially Crypto-Gentiles.

8:17 In every province and in every city, wherever the edict of the king went, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them.

The Jewish holiday of Purim comes from the book of Esther and is that of avenging against those that hate them.

9:1 On the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, the edict commanded by the king was to be carried out. On this day the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, but now the tables were turned and the Jews got the upper hand over those who hated them.

9:2 The Jews assembled in their cities in all the provinces of King Xerxes to attack those seeking their destruction. No-one could stand against them, because the people of all the other nationalities were afraid of them.

9:3 And all the nobles of the provinces, the satraps, the governors and the king’s administrators helped the Jews, because fear of Mordecai had seized them.

9:4 Mordecai was prominent in the palace; his reputation spread throughout the provinces, and he became more and more powerful.

9:5 The Jews struck down all their enemies with the sword, killing and destroying them, and they did what they pleased to those who hated them.

9:6-11 In the citadel of Susa, the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men. They also killed Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai and Vaizatha, the ten sons of Haman son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews. But they did not lay their hands on the plunder. The number of those slain in the citadel of Susa was reported to the king that same day.

9:12 The king said to Queen Esther, “The Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred men and the ten sons of Haman in the citadel of Susa. What have they done in the rest of the king’s provinces? Now what is your petition? It will be given you. What is your request? It will also be granted.”

9:13 “If it pleases the king,” Esther answered, “give the Jews in Susa permission to carry out this day’s edict tomorrow also, and let Haman’s ten sons be hanged on gallows.”

9:14 So the king commanded that this be done. An edict was issued in Susa, and they hanged the ten sons of Haman.

9:15 The Jews in Susa came together on the fourteenth day of the month of Adar, and they put to death in Susa three hundred men, but they did not lay their hands on the plunder.

9:16 Meanwhile, the remainder of the Jews who were in the king’s provinces also assembled to protect themselves and get relief from their enemies. They killed seventy-five thousand of them but did not lay their hands on the plunder.

9:17 This happened on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, and on the fourteenth they rested and made it a day of feasting and joy.

9:18 The Jews in Susa, however, had assembled on the thirteenth and fourteenth, and then on the fifteenth they rested and made it a day of feasting and joy.

9:19 That is why rural Jews — those living in villages — observe the fourteenth of the month of Adar as a day of joy and feasting, a day for giving presents to each other.

9:20-23 Mordecai recorded these events, and he sent letters to all the Jews throughout the provinces of King Xerxes, near and far, to have them celebrate annually the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar as the time when the Jews got relief from their enemies, and as the month when their sorrow was turned into joy and their mourning into a day of celebration. He wrote to them to observe the days as days of feasting and joy and giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor. So the Jews agreed to continue the celebration they had begun, doing what Mordecai had written to them.

9:24 For Haman son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had plotted against the Jews to destroy them and had cast the pur (that is, the lot) for their ruin and destruction.

9:25 But when the plot came to the king’s attention, he issued written orders that the evil scheme Haman had devised against the Jews should come back on to his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.

9:26,27 (Therefore these days were called Purim, from the word pur.) Because of everything written in this letter and because of what they had seen and what had happened to them, the Jews took it upon themselves to establish the custom that they and their descendants and all who join them should without fail observe these two days every year, in the way prescribed and at the time appointed.

9:28 These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by every family, and in every province and in every city. And these days of Purim should never cease to be celebrated by the Jews, nor should the memory of them die out among their descendants.


The book of Esther is the story of the Jews’ need to infiltrate leaders because of their belief that everyone is out to get them and that they must get their enemies before they get them.

Jewish Infiltration in Genesis and Exodus

There is no better illustration of the story of Jewish infiltration then in Genesis and Exodus of the Bible.

Book of Genesis

Genesis is the first book of the Hebrew Bible. The last third of Genesis discusses the story of Joseph in Egypt. Joseph is one the sons of Jacob. Jacob is also known as Israel. His twelves sons represent the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

In chapter 37, Joseph is envied by his brothers. They resent him and are jealous of him because their father, Jacob, respects him more than any of his other sons. Joseph also tells his brothers that he had a dream and that his dream was that he ruled over all of his other brothers. Because of this they wanted to kill him. But their other brother Judah prevented them from doing this. Instead the brothers decided to sell Joseph as a slave to the Egyptians.

In chapter 39, Potiphar, an official to the Pharaoh (or King of Egypt) purchased Joseph from a trader. Joseph pleased Potiphar. He pleased him so much that Potiphar trusted Joseph in charge of his household.

39:4-6 Joseph found favour in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned.

From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the LORD blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the LORD was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field.

So he left in Joseph’s care everything he had; with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate.

Later in the chapter, Potiphar’s wife tries to con Joseph into having sex with her. He refused and she lies to her husband that Joseph was sleeping with her. Potiphar is enraged and sends Joseph to prison. While in prison, Joseph earns the trust of the warden. He is puts Joseph in charge of everything.

39:20-23 Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison, the place where the Pharaoh’s prisoners were confined. But while Joseph was there in the prison,

the LORD was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favour in the eyes of the prison warder. So the warder put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there.

The warder paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.

In chapter 40, two of the Pharaoh’s (King) official, the cupbearer and the baker, ends up in prison for wrongdoing. They each had a dream and couldn’t understand the meaning of them. They then asked Joseph. Joseph interprets their dreams and he tells the cupbearer that he would be restored on the third day. Joseph tells the baker that would die at the hands of the King. So the third day came up and the Pharaoh gave a feast for his officials because it was his birthday. Just as correctly interpreted Joseph, the cupbearer was restored and the baker was killed.

In chapter 41, two years had passed and the Pharaoh had a two dreams. One of the dreams was that there was seven good ears of corn and seven bad ears of corn. The bad corned devoured the good corn. The Pharaoh couldn’t understand the dream and neither could anybody else. The cupbearer eventually came forward and told the Pharaoh that Joseph was good at interpreting dreams. The Pharaoh then got Joseph out of prison and asked him for his interpretation. Joseph told the Pharaoh that the dream meant that Egypt would have seven good years of harvest followed by seven years of famine.

41:28-30 “It is just as I said to Pharaoh: God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do. Seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt, but seven years of famine will follow them. Then all the abundance in Egypt will be forgotten, and the famine will ravage the land.

Joseph advised the Pharaoh on a plan to save his country. He was to store up the produce during the good years so that they would be prepared for the bad years. The Pharaoh was so impressed by this plan that he made Joseph in charge of everything:

41:39-44 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no-one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”

So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.”

Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck.

He had him ride in a chariot as his second-in-command, and men shouted before him, “Make way!” Thus he put him in charge of the whole land of Egypt.

Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh, but without your word no-one will lift hand or foot in all Egypt.”

Just as predicted by Joseph, Egypt had seven good years of harvest  followed by famine. The famine was severe not just in Egypt but worldwide. Joseph sold grains to the starving countries.

41:57 And all the countries came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe in all around the  world.

In chapter 42, Joseph’s brothers (sons of Israel) came to Egypt because they too were starving. They purchased grain from Joseph. Though Joseph recognized his brothers they didn’t recognized him. Joseph slips the money they use to pay him back into their sacks.

42:25 Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain, to put each man’s silver back in his sack, and to give them  provisions for their journey.

As the brother left for Canaan, their home, they were astonished when they discovered in their sacks that their money had been returned. They thought it was a mistake.

In chapters 43 and 44, the brothers returned back for more grain because they were starving. They took two pieces of money (silver), one for the current helping and one to repay for the previous one. Their father Jacob tells them:

43:12 Take double the amount of silver with you, for you must return the silver that was put back into the mouths of your sacks. Perhaps it was a mistake.

Again Joseph slips their money back into their sacks and wants none of it.

In chapter 45, Joseph finally reveals himself to his brothers. They were frightened, because they knew that they did Joseph wrong by selling him into slavery. But Joseph forgives his fellow brothers and tells them that they could all move their families to Egypt.

45:17-20 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Tell your brothers, ‘Do  this: Load your animals and return to the land of Canaan, and bring your father and your families back to me. I will  give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy  the fat of the land.’

“You are also directed to tell them, ‘Do this: Take some carts from Egypt for your children and your wives, and get your father and come.
Never mind about your belongings, because the best of all Egypt will be yours.’”

45:23 And this is what he sent to his father (Jacob/Israel): ten donkeys loaded with the best things of Egypt, and ten female donkeys loaded with grain and bread and other provisions for his journey.

In chapters 46 and 47, Joseph’s father and all of Joseph’s brothers and their families packed up and moved. They got to live in the best parts of Egypt.

47:5,6 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Your father and your  brothers have come to you, and the land of Egypt is before you; settle your father and your brothers in the best part of the land. Let them live in Goshen. And if you know of any among them with special ability, put them in charge of my own livestock.”

47:11 So Joseph settled his father and his brothers in Egypt  and gave them property in the best part of the land, the  district of Rameses, as Pharaoh directed.

Joseph essentially served as the middlemen in collecting transactions during his time.

47:13,14 There was no food, however, in the whole region because the famine was severe; both Egypt and Canaan wasted away because of the famine.

Joseph collected all the money that was to be found in Egypt and Canaan in payment for the grain they were buying, and he brought it to Pharaoh’s palace.

However, each transaction Joseph conducted with the Egyptian people resulted in him taking more from them in return for less. The people were being reduced to poverty without knowing it. When the Egyptians ran out of money, they had to sell their belongings.

47:16 When the money of the people of Egypt and Canaan was gone, all Egypt came to Joseph and said, “Give us food. Why should we die before your eyes? Our money is used up.” “Then bring your livestock,” said Joseph. “I will sell you food in exchange for your livestock, since your money is gone.”

That was not it. The famine was so severe the Egyptians had to come back to Joseph once again. They were forced to sell their land.

47:19-21 Why should we perish before your eyes — we and our land as well? Buy us and our land in exchange for food, and we with our land will be in bondage to Pharaoh. Give us seed so that we may live and not die, and that the land may not become desolate.”

So Joseph bought all the land in Egypt for Pharaoh. The Egyptians, one and all, sold their fields, because the famine was too severe for them. The land became Pharaoh’s, and Joseph reduced the people to servitude, from one end of Egypt to the other.

While the citizens of Egypt were suffering, the Israelites lived in prosperity.

47:27 Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen. They acquired property there and were fruitful and increased greatly in number.

Though few are familiar with the story that was just described many are familiar with the story of the enslavement of the Israelites by Egypt as told in the Book of Exodus. The reason for this is because the churches and the media continue to pump out the age old line that the Jews are the world’s most persecuted people and unfairly so. Christians would do well to examine Genesis before reaching that conclusion. All they need to do is read the thing because it right in front of their eyes. Even Wikipedia suggested that the the Jews acted as a fifth column in Egypt:

Once there, the Israelites begin to grow in number. Egypt’s Pharaoh, fearful that the Israelites could be a fifth column, forces the Israelites into slavery and orders that all newborn boys be thrown into the Nile.

The Book of Exodus continues where Genesis left off. At the end of Genesis, the generation of Jacob (Israel) and his sons (12 tribes) died off. In chapter 1 of Exodus, the descendants of Jacob continued to live in prosperity in Egypt.

1:7 the Israelites were fruitful and multiplied greatly and became exceedingly numerous, so that the land was filled with them.

The old King of Egypt had passed away and a new generation of leaders were in power. The people and the king had become wary of Jewish power and realized they were being duped. They decided to punish them.

1:9-11 “Look,” he said to his people, “the Israelites have become much too numerous for us.

Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country.”

So they put slave masters over them to oppress them with forced labour, and they built Pithom and Rameses as store cities for Pharaoh.

But the Israelites were a tough force to deal with.

1:12,13 But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread; so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites and worked them ruthlessly.

Obviously hard labor was not something the Jews were used to doing.

1:14 They made their lives bitter with hard labour in brick and mortar and with all kinds of work in the fields.

In chapter 2, Moses was born. In chapter 3, god tells Moses that he will threaten the king of Egypt with force to free his people. In the meantime the Jews will transfer more wealth out of the Egyptian’s hands.

3:20-22 So I will stretch out my hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders that I will perform among them. After that, he will let you go.

And I will make the Egyptians favourably disposed towards this people, so that when you leave you will not go empty-handed.

Every woman is to ask her neighbour and any woman living in her house for articles of silver and gold and for clothing, which you will put on your sons and daughters. And so you will plunder the Egyptians.”

In chapters 4-6, god tells Moses that he guide him along in rescuing his people from bondage and that they will be returned back to Canaan. Through the power of god, Moses will display his wizardry, such as turning a staff into a serpent, to the king.

In chapters 7-11, Moses and Aaron (brother of Moses) through god orders a succession of ten plagues on Egypt to get the king to free the Jews.

Plague 1

7:20, 21 Moses and Aaron did just as the LORD had commanded. He raised his staff in the presence of Pharaoh and his officials and struck the water of the Nile, and all the water was changed into blood.

The fish in the Nile died, and the river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink its water. Blood was everywhere in Egypt.

Plague 2

8:1-4 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and  say to him, ‘This is what the LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I  will plague your whole country with frogs.

The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens  and kneading troughs. The frogs will go up on you and your people and all your officials.

Plague 3

8:16, 17 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron,  ‘Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the ground,’ and throughout the land of Egypt the dust will become gnats.”

They did this, and when Aaron stretched out his hand with the staff and struck the dust of the ground, gnats came upon men and animals. All the dust throughout the land of Egypt became gnats.

Plague 4

8:24 And the LORD did this. Dense swarms of flies poured into Pharaoh’s palace and into the houses of his officials, and throughout Egypt the land was ruined by the flies.

Plague 5

9:1-4 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: “Let my people go, so that they may worship me.”

If you refuse to let them go and continue to hold them back, the hand of the LORD will bring a terrible plague on your livestock in the field — on your horses and donkeys and camels and on your cattle and sheep and goats.

But the LORD will make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and that of Egypt, so that no animal belonging to  the Israelites will die.’”

Plague 6

9:8, 9 Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “Take handfuls of soot from a furnace and have Moses toss it into the air in the presence of Pharaoh.

It will become fine dust over the whole land of Egypt, and festering boils will break out on men and animals throughout the land.”

Plague 7

9:23-25 When Moses stretched out his staff towards the sky, the LORD sent thunder and hail, and lightning flashed down to the ground. So the LORD rained hail on the land of Egypt;

hail fell and lightning flashed back and forth. It was the  worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation.

Throughout Egypt hail struck everything in the fields — both men and animals; it beat down everything growing in  the fields and stripped every tree.

Plague 8

10:13-15 So Moses stretched out his staff over Egypt, and the LORD made an east wind blow across the land all that day and all that night. By morning the wind had brought the locusts;

they invaded all Egypt and settled down in every area of the country in great numbers. Never before had there been such  a plague of locusts, nor will there ever be again.

They covered all the ground until it was black. They devoured all that was left after the hail — everything  growing in the fields and the fruit on the trees. Nothing  green remained on tree or plant in all the land of Egypt.

Plague 9

10:22, 23 So Moses stretched out his hand towards the sky,  and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days.

No-one could see anyone else or leave his place for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.

Plague 10

11:4-7 So Moses said, “This is what the LORD says: ‘About midnight I will go throughout Egypt.

Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.

There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt — worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.

But among the Israelites not a dog will bark at any man or animal.’ Then you will know that the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.

Plague 10 was significant because this is where the story of Passover came from. The Israelites were instructed to place blood around the doorways of their homes to let god know that an Israelite was there and to pass over their homes while He struck down all the firstborn males of Egypt. Because of this, in chapter 12, the king finally succumbed and let the Jews go but not before they plundered more of the Egyptian’s wealth.

12:31-37 During the night Pharaoh summoned Moses and  Aaron and said, “Up! Leave my people, you and the  Israelites! Go, worship the LORD as you have requested. Take your flocks and herds, as you have said, and go. And also bless me.”

The Egyptians urged the people to hurry and leave the country. “For otherwise,” they said, “we will all die!” So the people took their dough before the yeast was added, and carried it on their shoulders in kneading troughs wrapped in clothing.

The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing. The LORD had made the Egyptians favourably disposed towards the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians. The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Succoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children.

The Israelites were in Egypt for 430 years.

12:40, 41 Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years. At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the LORD’s divisions left Egypt.


This story of Joseph in Genesis and Exodus can be summed up as the Jews coming into your country as poor downtrodden people (as a slave) being kicked out for “no good reason.” They appear as good honest people and of great benefit to society. The host leaders trust them. The host people trust them. With the trust they earned, the Jews are allowed more freedom and more control as they con their way into power. Some  are suspicious of the Jews (told in the story of the Pharoah’s wife in Genesis 39), but the Jews nevertheless remain in society. The Jews eventually suck the wealth and power out of the Gentiles and the country is reduced to poverty. The Gentiles are now at the mercy of the Jews, who during that time have become rich. In the meantime, Jews from other parts of the world have flocked there to enjoy the prosperity. The Gentiles are reduced to slavery and begin to wake up. They grow suspicious and revolt. The Jews leave but not before completely destroying the Gentiles (the Ten Plagues in Exodus) and making a breadbasket out of them. The Jews meanwhile are able to make out with their wealth and to start the process all over again in a different country.


As you have seen in previous chapters Jews make up a large percentage, if not the vast majority, of the leaders of the media, politics, and the banking system. That is despite them making up just 2 to 3 percent of the American population. Jews are master infiltrators and they are masters at hiding behind the scenes. The ability of Jews to successfully infiltrate society, without the masses taking up much notice, is one of the hallmarks of their success. Jews are very careful not to arouse suspicion that there is a Jewish conspiracy. Many Jews attempt to hide their identity through something called crypticism. There are two groups of Jews that engage in crypticism. One is the low level Jew who is truly trying to escape discrimination and persecution. The other is the criminal Jew that is intentionally doing malicious things and does not want the public to know. They do not want the masses to become suspicious and to start generalizing about Jewish behavior. It is one thing when a low level Jew engages in crypticism but it becomes highly suspect when a rich and powerful or criminal one does the same.

These are six techniques of Jewish infiltration:

  1. Changing the names
  2. Changing the appearance
  3. Acting as controlled opposition
  4. Making gentiles the face of an organization
  5. “Converting” to the host religion
  6. Intermarriage with Gentiles


The most common way for a Jew to infiltrate society is by changing their name to one that sounds like a Gentile. Most of them choose a common English or Irish name. Some translate their last name into known English words.

Al Davis

(Davis is actually a common Jewish surname) The late Al Davis came from a Crypto Jewish family. The Davis family owned the NFL Raiders since 1972. Although Al Davis won three Super Bowls with the Raiders, mainly during their early years, he had long been considered controversial. Like so many Jewish sports club owners, he kept stabbing his fans in the back. Despite millions in ticket sales earned from his loyal supporters, Davis constantly moved his Raiders around seeking the best stadium deals (at taxpayers expense of course) and other perks. From it’s origins in Oakland, the Raiders moved to LA and then back to Oakland. His son Mark took over the Raiders and when the city of Las Vegas offered to build him a $2 billion stadium, he promptly packed his bags and moved. Like Art Modell (a Jew who broke Cleveland’s heart by moving the Browns to Baltimore in 1998), Davis doesn’t give a damn about the fans. It’s all about the bottom line baby. Al Davis is joined by at least four other Jews who made the list as top ten worst sports owner ever.

Note: Allegiant Stadium, which the Raiders call home, is the world’s second most expensive stadium behind SoFi Stadium who’s tenant, the Los Angeles Rams, is owned by the Jew Stan Kroenke. Kroenke also moved his team around several times, from LA to St. Louis and then back to LA. Without a doubt the St. Louis fans were more loyal to the Rams than the LA ones but that didn’t matter to Kroenke.

John Kerry

John Kerry is a fake Irishman. His real surname is Kohn. Kerry’s father, Richard, was born to Austrian-Jewish immigrants. The family adopted Catholicism and was “baptized” in 1901.

Martin Armstrong

Martin Armstrong is makes money selling investment advice and “research.” He hides his Jewish identity while shilling for Israel and denies a Jewish conspiracy. Armstrong spent 11 years behind bars for swindling investors out of $700 million. Jews completely dominate the investment business and many change their surnames to hide their identity.


Crypto-Jews in Hollywood

Edward G. Robinson, Emanuel Goldenberg
Laura Hawn, Laura Steinhoff (mother of Goldie Hawn)
Jack Black, Jack Schwartz (means black in German)

Michael Ian Black, Michael Ian Schwartz
Jason Alexander, Jay Greenspan
Jonah Hill, Jonah Hill Feldstein
Pee Wee Herman, Paul Rubenfeld
Buck Henry, Henry Zuckerman
Tony Roberts, Tony Trochman
Bea Arthur, Bernice Frankel
Estelle Harris, Estelle Nussbaum
Winona Ryder, Winona Horowitz
Rachel Zoe, Rachel Zoe Horowitz
Barbara Walters, Barbara Warmwater
Kathy Lee Gifford, Kathryn Lee Epstein
Sally Jessy Raphael, Sally Lowenthal
Ron Owenns, Ron Lowenstein
Marc Summers, Marc Berkowitz
Bob Dylan, Robert Zimmerman
Michael Bolton, Michael Bolotin
Carol King, Carol Klein
Larry King, Larry Zeigler
Joan Rivers, Joan Molinsky
Jerry Lewis, Joseph Levitch
Lorn Green, Chaim Leibowitz
Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart Leibowitz
Mel Brooks, Melvin Kaminsky
Sumner Redstone, Sumner Rothstein (CBS executive)
Michael Landon, Eugene Orowitz
Tony Randall, Arthur Leonard Rosenberg
Michael Savage, Michael Weiner
Rodney Dangerfield, Jacob Cohen
Joyce Brothers, Joyce Bauer
Barbara Hershey, Barbara Herzstein
Annie Sprinkle, Ellen Steinberg
Jane Seymour, Joyce Frankenberg
Gene Wilder, Gerome Silberman
George Burns, Nathan Birnbaum
Samantha Harris, Samantha Harris Shapiro
Charles Bronson, Charles Buchinsky
Sean Kanan, Sean Perelman
Brad Garrett, Bradley Gerstenfeld
Leslie Howard, Leslie Howard Steiner
Woody Allen, Allan Konigsberg
Natasha Lyonne, Natasha Braunstein
Jill St John, Jill Oppenheim
Boney James, James Oppenheim
Elliott Gold, Elliott Goldstein
Peter Coyote, Rachmil Cohen
Lauren Becall, Joan Perske
Shelly Winters, Shirley Schrift
Robby Benson, Robin Segal
Marv Albert, Marvin Philip Aufrichtig (sportscaster)
Howard Cosell, Howard Cohen (sportscaster)
Fred Astaire, Frederick Austerlitz
Mel Allen, Israel Harold
Lauren Bacall, Betty Bernstein
Benny Baker, Benjamin Zifkin
Theda Bara, Theda Goodman
Binnie Barnes, Binnie Gitel
Jack Benny, Benny Kubelsky
Milton Berle, Milton Berlinger
Irving Berlin, Isadore Baline
Ben Bemie, Benjamin Anzelovitz
Victor Borge, Borg Rosenbaum
J. Edward Bromberg, Bromberger
Pearl s. Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker
George Bums, Nathan Bimbaum
Eddie Cantor, Izzie Itzkowitz
Sue Carol, Evelyn Lederer
Charlie Chaplin, Israel Thonstein
Jackie Coogan, Jackie Cohn
Aron Copland, Aron Kaplan
Ricardo Cortez, Jacob Krantz
Tony Curtis, Bernard Schwartz
Howard DaSilva, Howard Silverblatt
Marlene Dielrich, Marlene Felsinger
Kirk Douglas, Isadore Demsky
Melvyn Douglas, Melvyn Hesselberg
Jerry Douglas, Gerald Rubenstein
Charles Dubin, Charles Dubronofsky
Vernon Duke, Vladimir Dukelsky
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Douglas Ullman
Frank Oz, Frank Oznowicz
Lee Grant, Lyova Rosenthal
Paulette Goddard, Paulette Levy
Samuel Goldwyn, Samuel Goldfish
Dorothy Gordon, Dorothy Lerner
Harry Green, Henry Blitzer
Harry Houdini, Ehrich Weiss
Al Jolson, Asa Yoelson
Sybil Jason, Sybil Jacobs
Danny Kaye, David Kaminsky
Bert Lahr, Bert Larrheim
Hedy Lamarr, Hedy Keisler
“Little Joe Cartright’, Langdon Orowitz
Piper Laurie, Rosetta Jacobs
Marc Lawrence, Marc Goldsmith
Steve Lawrence, Sidney Leibowitz
Madeline Lee, Madeline Letterman
Will Lee, William Lubovsky
“Ann Landers”, Esther Friedman
Sinclair Lewis, Sinclair Levy
Ted Lewis, Theo. L. Friedman
Arthur Lief, Abraham Lipshutz
Emil Ludwig, Emil Cohn
Eugene Lyons, Eugene Gobeloff
Kenneth MacKenna, Kenneth Mielziner
Noel Madison, Noel Moscovitch
Paul Mann, Paul Mann Libmann


Crypto-Jews in the Soviet government

The Soviet government was totally infiltrated by Jews. The list of the high Commissaries of the People (1919).


Lenin        Oulianoff (Jewish mother)
Trotsky         BRONSTEIN
Stekloff           NACHAMRESS
Martoff           ZEDERBAUM
Goussief         PRAPKINE
Kameneff     ROSENFELD
Soukhanoff    GHIMMER
Lagesky         KRACHMANN
Bogdanoff     SILBERSTEIN
Goreff           GOLDMANN
Ouritsky       RADOMISELSKY
Voladarsky     KOHEN
Sverdloff       SVERDLOFF
Kamkoff         KATZ
Ganesky         EURSTENBERG
Dann             GOUREVITCH
Meshkovsky     GOLDBERG
Parvus           GELPHANAT
Rosanoff       GOLDENBACH
Martinoff       ZIMBAR
Tchernomorsky     TCHERNOMORDICH
Pialnitzky       LEVINE
Adramovitch     REIN
Lointzeff       BLEICHMANN
Zvezditch         FONSTEIN
Radek             SOBELSON
Litvinof-Wallak     FINKELSTEIN
Kolontai         KOLONTAI
Macklakowsky     ROSENBLUM
Lapinsky     LEVENSON
Vobroff         NATANSON
Ostodoks     AKSELRODE
Gasine         GERFELDT
Glasounoff     SCHULZE
Lebedieva     LIMSO
Kamensky     HORRMANN
Naout           GUNSBOURG
Lagorsky     KRACHMALNIK
Isqoeff         GOLDMANN
Valdimiroff     FELDMANN
Bounakoff     FOUNDAMINSKY
Larine            Louriffé

Jews accounted for 447 of 545 members the Bolshevik administration:

447 Jews
30 Russians
34 Letts
22 Armenians
12 Germans
3 Finns
2 Poles
1 Georgian
1 Croch
1 Hungarian


Some Jews change their physical appearance to be less salient. Many elect to have cosmetic surgery done to look “less Jewish” and be more accepted among the host people. Unsurprisingly the inventor of rhinoplasty was a Jew named Jacques Joseph. He performed numerous nose jobs on his Jewish clients in Berlin. Joseph died in 1934.

Though it is unknown whether Joseph’s first patient was Jewish, Joseph would go on to have a large Jewish clientele seeking nose jobs that would allow them to pass as gentiles in Berlin. In his book, Gilman quotes a 16-year-old Adolphine Schwarz who was thrilled to receive a free nose job from Joseph. “Joseph was very charitable,” she said. “And when he felt someone suffered from the ‘Jewish nose,’ he would operate for nothing.”

Rhinoplasty was more common among the older generations living in the West when antisemitism was more pervasive. However with diminished antisemitism there is a growing trend nowadays for Jews to want to maintain their Jewish appearance and to fit in more with people of their own type. There is even an increasing number of older Jews who elect to have reverse rhinoplasty to bring back their original nose!


Is David Duke a Jew? I have suspected that he is based on the fact that he like so many in the alt-right has strongly supported Israel firster Donald Trump. “Plastic face” has had numerous surgeries done over the years including rhinoplasty. A poster on going by the name “Mixing Bowl” had this to say on David Duke:

I strongly suspect based on my intuition that Duke is a self loathing man of Jewish-ethnic heritage. You see, Duke is inherently superficial by nature, and he’s deeply self-obsessed with his looks. He’s had numerous plastic surgeries over the years, such as rhinoplasty (nose job), chin augmentation, cheek implants, ear reduction, etc.

Ugly Inside: The Complete Guide to David Duke’s Plastic Surgery


Jews have been notorious for acting as agents of controlled opposition. This has been the age old way for them to infiltrate. Jews typically pose as nice, friendly, and genuinely looking out for your best interest while at the same time stabbing you in the back and spewing lies and half-truth. There are too many Jews to list here. The following are mere examples.

JaredJews look white to meTaylor is half-Jewish.

BrotherNathan Kapner is a Jew who supposedly converted to Christianity. He uses religion in duping his followers to donate to him.

Michael Hoffman is a Jew who like Kapner “converted” to Christianity. He promotes the lie that the Talmud has nothing to do with the Torah.

Christopher Bjerknes is part Jewish. He lies about Hitler. He indirectly promotes wars for Israel.

Jews are pervasive in the alt-right and white nationalist movements. Mike Enoch, Jason Kessler, and Matt Heimbach are Jews posing as white nationalists.

Peter Schiff doesn’t hide his Jewishness. He doesn’t need to. Schiff, like many Jews, act like your friend by helping the little guy. Jews totally control the gold and silver business so they’ll do anything to get you to do business with them. Schiff is not alone. Almost all of the gold pumpers are Jewish as well.

Jon Rappoport is a conspiracy nut who promotes all sorts of lies and half-truths. Of course he never implicates the Jews.

Jews have acted as controlled opposition not just in modern times. Saul (Schaul) of Tarsus, otherwise known as Paul the Apostle, was the man behind Christianity. Roughly half of the books of the New Testament are authored by him. Saul was responsible for the early spread of the new religion, which probably did more to harm Gentile identity than anything else.


Many Jews infiltrate by changing their outfits and hair style to match that of the ones they are infiltrating. The Jews below are either making the people they represent look bad and look like ruthless terrorists or are attracting Gentiles to the movement and acting as controlled opposition. The Germans and the Arabs have been slandered by the Jews for a long time.

Francis Cohn a.k.a. Frank Collin was the founder of the National Socialist Party of America in 1970. His grandparents were presumably murdered in the Holocaust.

Daniel Burros. Died as a martyr for the Jews.

Adam Pearlman a.k.a. Adam Yahiye Gadahn. He “converted” to Islam and worked for Al Qaeda. Pearlman died as a martyr for the Jews, not for the Muslims.


Jews have put Gentiles (or Jews who look and act like Gentiles) in leadership positions to make overtly Jewish organizations look less Jewish. The most obvious one is POTUS or the President of the United States. Jews have always wanted Gentiles, or at least Jews that look and act like Gentiles, to be the face of America. The presidency is clearly Jewish controlled. All you have to do is to look at their donors and cabinet members.

The NAACP is an organization that scapegoats blacks as their “president.” This organization was founded and funded by Jews. It remains a Jewish organization to this day.

Black Lives Matter is a an organization that promotes Jewish agendas, like pretty much all “black” organizations.

The so called “Austrian” School of Economics originated in Austria around the turn of the 20th century and was an organization pushing ideas of radical free-market capitalism. Austria at that time was undergoing major changes with far-left ideas being introduced. Jews such as Ludwig Von Mises and Murray Rothbard were huge supporters of the Austrian School. The Austrian School received funding from the Rockefellers.


Jews “converting” to the host’s religion is one of the most powerful ways to infiltrate. Because religions such as Christianity and Islam are universal, anybody, including the Jews, can convert to that religion.

John Calvin was a crypto-Jew who was “born” a Roman Catholic. Calvin took advantage of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century and created Calvinism. This sect emphasized the Old Testament (Jewish Bible) over the New Testament. The Puritans were followers of Calvinism and were largely responsible for creating the first settlements in America. America, as you should know, became the Jews’ vehicle for world dominance.

John Knox was another influential Crypto-Jew. He was an friend of John Calvin. Knox and Calvin founded the Presbyterian Church.

Tomas de Torquemada was a Converso Jew who was an important advisor to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. (The King and Queen had many Jewish advisors but Torquemada may have been the most important). Torquemada was most known as the man behind the Inquisitions. Why would a Jew persecute his own people?

It is important to note that the ones who ran the Inquisitions were entirely composed of “converted” Jews. They were the advisors to the King and Queen. During the late 15th century, the public was at a boiling point against the Jews and they saw Marranos as non-genuine converts who continued to cause problems. The Converso advisors knew that pogroms were inevitable and convinced the King and Queen to let them handle business. After all they seemed to be genuine Christians. The conspiracy behind this was that the Inquisitions appeared to have accelerated the Jew World Order. The same with Adolph Hitler and WWII.

Christopher Columbus, a famed explorer, was said to have discovered America in 1492. He was most likely a Marrano Jew.

A few scholars, including Roth, present strong evidence that Columbus was himself a Jew. He hid his Jewishness, they say, because “no Spanish Jew could ever have expected aid from the king and queen of Spain, so the explorer claimed to be an Italian Catholic.” Tina Levitan, author of Jews in American Life , found the first reference to Columbus’  Jewishness in print in a diplomatic document dated fifty-eight years after the discoverer’s death. The French ambassador to Spain, she reveals, refers to “Columbus the Jew.” Furthermore she states:

From him we learn that Cristobal Colon (who never called himself Christopher Columbus and never spoke or wrote Italian) was the son of Susanna Fontanarossa and Domingo Colon of Pontevedra, Spain, where those bearing such surnames were Jews, some of whom had been brought before the Spanish Inquisition …. Letters written by him to strangers have the customary X at the top to indicate the faith of the writer, but of the thirteen letters written to his son only one bears an X, and that letter was meant to be shown to the King of Spain. The others have in the place of the X a sign that looks like the Hebrew characters B and H, initials used by religious Jews meaning in Hebrew, “With the Help of God.”

– The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol I


Adam Weishaupt was a Jew who came from a line of “Christian converts” in Germany. He was the founder of the Illuminati.

Karl Marx is another Jew that came from a family of “Christian converts.” His Communist Manifesto was highly influential in communist movements throughout the twentieth century.

Vladimir Putin was “born” into the Russian Orthodox faith. Rumors has it that he is a Jew in disguise.

The Saudi Royal Family are Crypto-Jews. This may account for their odd behavior in that of being fierce supporters of Israel and the United States, countries that most Muslims are strictly suspicious of. The Saudis have been fighting all the dirty wars for Israel. Crypto-Jews have infiltrated the leadership of the Saudis for over a century. Rumors also have it that the leaders of Egypt, Bahrain, and Kuwait are Jews in disguise.


Jews have long intermarried with the population and the leaders of Gentiles since ancient times. Though intermarriage with the goyim is prohibited in Judaism, Jews have long seen marriage with the host people as conducive to acceptance and survival. It may be the best way to infiltrate society. When Jews intermarry with the host people, it becomes more difficult to single them out. In many cases they blend in so well that it is virtually impossible to distinguish them from the host, at least with respect to outside appearances. There is no doubt that that feature helped them to remain in society while other Jews were being kicked out during waves of pogroms and persecutions.

The question is, are they a Jew? Or are they a Gentile? Where do you draw the line of Jewishness? One-half? One-quarter? One-eighth? As seen on this page, even those that are only part Jewish have caused a great deal of harm to society.

The Rothschild family are infamous for intermarrying into the Gentile nobility and leaderships. They are among the most powerful dynasties on this planet. The Rothschilds are Jewish.

  • Hannah Mayer Rothschild (1815–1864) married Hon. Henry Fitzroy
  • Bertha Clara de Rothschild (1862) married Prince Alexandre de Wagram
  • Marguerite de Rothschild in 1878 married Antoine Alfred Agénor, 11th Duc de Gramont (1851–1921)
  • Baron Etienne van Zuylen van Nyevelt of the House of Van Zuylen van Nyevelt – married Baroness Hélène de Rothschild (1863–1947)
  • Antoine Agénor Armand (1879–1962), of the Naples Rothschild lines, married Countess Élaine Greffulhe, daughter of Princess Élisabeth de Caraman-Chimay
  • George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon married Almina Victoria Maria Alexandra Wombwell, the illegitimate daughter of Alfred de Rothschild
  • Countess Katharina Eleonore Veronika Irma Luise Henckel von Donnersmarck (1902–1965), actress, married Baron Erich von Goldschmidt-Rothschild
  • Baron Eugéne Daniel de Rothschild (1884–1976) married Countess Cathleen Wolff de Schönborn-Bucheim
  • David René de Rothschild married Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, of the House of Borghese and the House of Bonaparte
  • Richard Francis Roger Yarde-Buller, 4th Baron Churston of Churston Ferrers and Lupton (1910–1991), married Olga Alice Muriel Rothschild
  • Anita Patience Guinness (1957), of the Guinness family, married Amschel Mayor James Rothschild
  • Princess Sophie de Ligne (born 1957), of the House of Ligne, married Philippe de Nicolay (born 1955), a director of the Rothschild group, and the great-grandson of Salomon James de Rothschild
  • In 2015, James Rothschild married American heiress and socialite Nicky Hilton, the great-granddaughter of Hilton Hotels founder Conrad Hilton.

Note: The above list is not complete.

Jews have intermarried with the locals, along important trade routes, to blend in their societies. This was especially important where the Jews’ physical appearance contrasted with that of the host nation. India, China, and Ethiopia were historically important trading partners with the Jews and the Jews readily intermarried with them.

Cochin Jews of India 

Kaifeng Jews of China

Ethiopian Jews with Benjamin Nentayahu.


Globalists Alternative media outlets, which are almost entirely Jewish-controlled, routinely use the term “globalist” instead of “Jewish mafia” to refer to those who are in control. They confuse their listeners on who is really running the show. The Jews are the true globalists as they are the world’s foremost international people. They show more loyalties to fellow Jews around the world than the country in which they reside. They have perfected the art of international trade and banking and have been doing so since ancient times.

The powers to be” – ditto above

The “Russian” mafia – A notorious criminal organization that originated in Russia and other eastern European countries. The “Russian” Mafia members are Ashkenazi Jews.

Indian traders, Arab traders, Muslim traders, Portuguese traders, etc. all refers to Jewish traders. Gentiles historically have been settled people who have worked the land and done manual labor while Jews have typically avoided doing manual labor. Gentiles are anti-Capitalist by nature while Jews are capitalist.

ISIS Wonder why ISIS has targeted Muslims and has never attacked Israel? Probably because ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. ISIS does the dirty work for Zionist Jewry while it’s counterpart, the Jewish controlled media, does the blaming of the victims for the crimes of ISIS.

Crypticism may have been a necessity for Jews in the past to minimize the risk of persecution where antisemitism was rampant, such as in medieval Europe. However in modern times, the incidences of antisemitism has fallen dramatically, especially in the West. Despite that, influential Jews continue to hide their identity. The only reason they would do that is to continue to commit acts that would otherwise not be tolerated by the masses. Many Jews may tell you that crypticism was necessary to escape persecution. But one needs to ask, what caused persecutions to begin with?