Why I think Kyle Hunt and Renegade Tribune is Controlled Opposition

Renegade Tribune is an alternative news site that provides exposure of Jewish/Zionist power. Renegade Broadcasting is their sister site that presents similar information in an audio form. They have many different guests and contributors. Kyle Hunt is the man and brains behind the whole operation – or at least that’s what we have been led to believe. Before I start off I would like to thank Kyle for publishing one of my videos and their desire to interview me. Now with that out of the way I would like to take a hard serious look at Renegade.

I was a big fan of Renegade. I thought they were putting out real hard hitting stuff. They exposed Jewish power like few other sites. Their promotion of white nationalism was relatively mild (I am not white BTW), as they included contributors (including me) of non-white origin. I thought all was good. There were however some things with Renegade that didn’t quite add up such as Kyle being a one man show and the removal of key contributors to the site. But as long as they put out seemingly good material why focus on those things? Perhaps I didn’t want to think about those things. I was looking more at what they were getting right instead of paying attention to potential red flags. I thought I knew most everything I needed to know about controlled opposition. Renegade exposed the bible and Judaeo-Christianity (though some of the most hard-hitting articles have disappeared), they exposed the two-party system, and they were not bashing (at least not as hard) the Arab/Muslims like the rest of the alt-right. Those types of red flags typified the propaganda of so many alternative sites. Also Renegade had a relatively low amount of viewers. I thought if those red flags were not present, then I could trust the site. However, I didn’t realize how psychologically vulnerable I was to a different type of mind control. There were indeed red flags but it didn’t necessarily come from the content – though some of their material were indeed dubious. These red flags I was ignoring because I came to see Renegade as some sort of savior and friend. They had been friendly with me. They seemed to be one of the few sites that seemingly exposed “everything”. I was wanting me to believe that they were legit. I simply ignored the question marks and put them aside. Now because I had a recent fallout with them (more on this later), I see them with a completely different pair of eyes. I now see the red flags that I was ignoring much more clearly. I suppose the fallout changed the entire way I thought of their operation. And instead of Renegade seeing me as a contributor, they saw me as a pest.

A One Man Show?

Kyle Hunt received his Bachelor of Arts in psychology and theater, worked briefly in Silicon Valley, and then became involved in the alternative media in 2008. Over the years he has covered topics such as symbolism, mythology, occultism, spirituality, paganism, racial realities, revisionist history, politics, and anything else that might pique his interest. Kyle is best known for hosting a popular online radio show, founding Renegade Broadcasting, and leading the controversial 2014 White Man March in an effort to raise awareness concerning the ongoing genocide of European people across the world. In short, Kyle is a man on a mission.

– statement from his Renegade Broadcasting site

Kyle Hunt supposedly is THE MAN behind Renegade. He is multi-talented. He is a professional website designer and that is the reason why both Renegade Tribune and Renegade Broadcasting look so polished. Kyle writes hundreds of articles and does many many broadcasts and interviews. He tweets throughout the day. Kyle organizes rallies for white nationalists and organizes marches against organizations such as AIPAC. He is also an artist and does dozens of paintings (and sells them on Renegade).

Have you ever thought whether it is possible for one man to do all that? On top of that, how does he earn a living? If you think it’s through donations, he claims the donations are barely enough to run the site.

A Number of Authors Removed

While they have stopped publishing articles by the obvious con-artists such as David Duke, Jim Corbett, and Lasha Darkmoon they have dropped a number of high quality hard-hitting authors. Most notable are those by Axe of Perun and Digger for Truth. Axe of Perun is not only gone from Renegade but all of his articles have been deleted as well. Thankfully the West’s Darkest Hour has some of them archived. The articles of Axe were very deep as he provided extensive exposure of the bible and Judaeo-Christianity.

As for Digger for Truth, while some articles are still there, Digger has been MIA for a couple of years. He was one of the few authors who recognized the fact that ALL Gentiles are under attack – not just whites. Digger had a game-plan and was a serious activist. That must not have rubbed well with Renegade. If Digger was killed off, Renegade should have provided some sort of eulogy. If he was not killed, then Renegade should have said something anyway because Digger had a growing fan-base. But he just quietly disappeared from the scene and not a word was said.

No solutions

Renegade provides no solutions to any of our problems. Once in a while they’ll pay lip service to activism to give you the impression that they are being pro-active. Most of their so-called activism is channeled into encouraging you to take individualistic action. What do they advocate? They advocate planting a garden, taking herbal supplements, and spending at least 20 minutes a day in the sun. They advocate not sitting in front of a computer for more than 30 minutes at a time. Certainly personal development has a place in society, but how can you defeat the establishment with this?

The reason Renegade floods their channel with this type of material is to encourage pacifism. They want you to do the exact opposite of what the establishment does. The establishment operates as an aggressive cohesive group. They are as powerful as they are because they take ACTION and take it collectively. The establishment wants us to act as individualists because individualists are of little threat to powerful groups. Sitting in front of the computer doing nothing but reading and listening is not being pro-active. Yes, you need to educate yourself on the nature of the enemy but at some point you have to get up and do something about it.

Because Renegade wants to channel your energy into reading and watching, when you do present someone who does try to do something about the problems (i.e. PMTMR/Jim How) they immediately launch attacks.

The establishment is not scared of folks like Kyle Hunt. If they were he would have been eliminated a long time ago. It is only when you have a serious game plan to directly take them down that they become worried. They are especially scared of those who are the motivational speaker type that can lead the charge and rally the troops. PMTMR made it clear in his videos that the only way he could be stopped would be a bullet to his head.

Telling You What You Want to Hear

(We) shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards. – Protocols of Zion

Renegade caters to those who are skeptical of the Jewish establishment, are skeptical of Judaeo-Christianity, are skeptical of the left-right political paradigm, and are skeptical of the wars in the Middle East. In other words, they cater to those that already know about the JQ and know it well. They tell those people what they want to hear. They threw out David Duke, Jim Corbett, Lasha Darkmoon, and others because readers were wising up. People on Renegade do not have an original thought. They seem to flow like water depending on where the sentiment is. They have no real opinions or strong stances. Whatever we want they give to us. Whatever we deem as unacceptable, they stop. They take information from others and adopt it for their own purpose.

I posted a criticism that suggested that their content was too sensational and that there was not enough activism. Instead of taking that as a suggestion to improve their site, they tried to make me feel guilty.

Kyle says his site is not a forum for activism, yet he has repeatedly said that “we” will win and “we” will defeat ZOG. Listen to the podcast below from 34:58 to 35:00:


Real truthers don’t make blanket statements like that. Kyle is simply telling you what you want to hear.

Kyle claims he has a degree in psychology but ironically has not presented much on recognizing controlled opposition and mind control. Mike Stathis on the other hand who has no psychological background discusses extensively con-artists and shills in the alternative media and how to avoid being taken by psychological deception. Renegade doesn’t want to train you on how to think. They don’t want you to think beyond what you can immediately see and hear.

Real Truthers Are Silenced

Real truthers are SILENCED. Folks like PMTMR, Right Libertarian Universe, and Mike Stathis are NOT promoted. Renegade ignores them. Those people just mentioned have strong bold personalities. You can’t push them around. They don’t deviate from their line. They are not there to tell you what you want to hear. They know the reality is ugly and depressing. A lot of their material is repulsive even to fans of theirs. There’s a big difference between those that tell you what you want to hear and those that tell you the way it really is. PMTMR often shows disturbing photos of mutilated bodies of German soldiers and civilians during WWII. He does the same with the victims of the War on Terror. He wants to portray reality. Mike Stathis uses strong language throughout his broadcasts. He uses it to the point where many people are turned off by him. But Stathis does not want you to listen to him because you like him. He wants you to listen to him for the content. Renegade likes to interview easy going people that will not challenge them. They promote people who are not likely to lead a charge and are of little to no threat to the establishment. Among the reasons why Renegade refuses to interview the likes of Stathis and PMTMR is because they they can’t easily be pushed around. They are original and they don’t simply regurgitate information. I guess the reason Renegade promoted one of my videos is because I have a relatively soft personality and that I have endorsed Renegade in some of my prior videos.

You may now be asking what about Scott Roberts? Roberts is a hard-hitting guy that Renegade has published some stuff. Roberts makes it clear that powerful and influential Jews are behind the world order. But unlike PMTMR he is a white nationalist. Now I have no problem with those who stand up for their people (and they should) but Roberts has kept promoting the fact that it is only the WHITES that are under attack. PMTMR on the other hand has made it clear in his videos that although there are many problematic traits of minorities such as blacks, all Gentiles are under attack. Whether intentional or not, Roberts’ material is that of creating polarization. He paints things completely as black and white. Every controlled media outlet does the same thing. They never paint anything in shades of gray because they want to leave no ambiguity in your mind on issues they present. As far as I’m aware Scott Roberts has not mentioned PMTMR or Stathis in any of his videos. PMTMR did make mentions of Roberts on the other hand. When PMTMR disappeared a year and a half ago, Roberts said nothing.

Real Truthers Do Not Rally in Front of the Public

Real truthers do not generate publicity by rallying in front of AIPAC or organizing marches. Kyle protesting at AIPAC reminds me of Alex Jones protesting at Bohemian Grove. A real hard-hitting guy would be eliminated if they did what Kyle and Alex did. Because those guys are almost certainly controlled, there is nobody going after them. They can expose themselves all they want without fear. Additionally, real truthers do not reveal their name AND show their face. They may do one of the two but not both.

Real Truthers Don’t Ask for Money

Real truthers don’t go around begging for money. Nor do real truthers promote items on their website. These are classic Jewish tactics in milking the dumb goyim.

Real Truthers Don’t Promote Facebook

Real truthers do not bash Facebook and then promote them. That’s what Renegade does. That’s what Alex Jones does. They may pretend to hate social media but they use them to the fullest extent. We know that Facebook is a Jewish operation that uses your personal information and sells them to corporations and government officials. If you put enough info out there they not only can pinpoint who you are but can determine where you live. Real Truthers know the danger of social media.

Real Truthers Don’t Get Exposure

Real truthers get harassed and get their material suppressed. Look at the figures above. If those numbers are accurate, Renegade received 13 million views over the past year. My blog averages a mere 3-4 hits per day. My youtube videos average 200 views each. PMTMR’s channel has been deleted on youtube. Same with Mike Stathis. Even when they were active they were only averaging around 500 views per video. Renegade along with the rest of the controlled sites make sure material from real truthers stay suppressed. When former Renegade Broadcaster Nick Spero passed away, Kyle gave a two hour podcast eulogizing the man. When Axe of Perun and Digger for Truth disappeared, not a word was said.


Renegade is designed for those who are not easily swayed by the obvious conman such as Jeff Rense, David Duke, and Andrew Anglin. It is the establishment’s final straw for those who are very well acquainted with the JQ and less easily swayed by obvious disinfo agents. This is where you have to go beyond the written word. You have to go beyond the blabber that comes out of one’s mouth. You have to go beyond what you perceive as true. You have to be able to train yourself to distinguish between those telling you what you want to hear and those telling how it really is. You need to have a bird’s eye view of what is really going on. Among the first things you should ask yourself is what purpose he or she serves. Think about the establishment. What are they doing versus what the masses are doing? Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself this. If you are part of the establishment, are you really going to be scared of people like Kyle Hunt and Sinead McCarthy?

Another thing, there is no audience size that is too small for the establishment to ignore. They are extremely paranoid and want to get every single soul on this planet under their control. They have all angles covered.

… to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair. THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord.

– The Protocols of Zion

Renegade fulfills the agenda of the establishment. They get you to spend endless amounts of time reading, watching, and listening. The shows they do average 1-2 hours each and they do a show almost daily. Much of the stuff is recycled and much of it is distraction. Those who otherwise should be going out and doing something about these problems are instead being couch potatoes.

We need real warriors. We need people who are not afraid of death. Folks like PMTMR was one of those who was not afraid of death. Even though he got far more stuff wrong than Renegade, he was actually trying to do something about our problems. Renegade on the other hand may have gotten more stuff right, but at the end of the day, what counts is whether your material has led to any meaningful action or not.


The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah

Ezra-Nehemiah of the Hebrew bible is mainly concerned about the maintenance of Jewish racial purity and that they should not intermarry because the Goyim are inferior.

Racial Purity

Ezra 9:1 After these things had been done, the leaders came to me and said, “The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples with their detestable practices, like those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites. 2 They have taken some of their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons, and have mingled the holy race with the peoples around them. And the leaders and officials have led the way in this unfaithfulness.”

3 When I heard this, I tore my tunic and cloak, pulled hair from my head and beard and sat down appalled.

7 From the days of our ancestors until now, our guilt has been great. Because of our sins, we and our kings and our priests have been subjected to the sword and captivity, to pillage and humiliation at the hand of foreign kings, as it is today.

11 you gave through your servants the prophets when you said: ‘The land you are entering to possess is a land polluted by the corruption of its peoples. By their detestable practices they have filled it with their impurity from one end to the other. 12 Therefore, do not give your daughters in marriage to their sons or take their daughters for your sons. Do not seek a treaty of friendship with them at any time, that you may be strong and eat the good things of the land and leave it to your children as an everlasting inheritance.’

13 “What has happened to us is a result of our evil deeds and our great guilt, and yet, our God, you have punished us less than our sins deserved and have given us a remnant like this. 14 Shall we then break your commands again and intermarry with the peoples who commit such detestable practices? Would you not be angry enough with us to destroy us, leaving us no remnant or survivor?

Ezra 10:2 Then Shekaniah son of Jehiel, one of the descendants of Elam, said to Ezra, “We have been unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women from the peoples around us. But in spite of this, there is still hope for Israel. 3 Now let us make a covenant before our God to send away all these women and their children, in accordance with the counsel of my lord and of those who fear the commands of our God. Let it be done according to the Law.

10 Then Ezra the priest stood up and said to them, “You have been unfaithful; you have married foreign women, adding to Israel’s guilt. 11 Now honor the Lord, the God of your ancestors, and do his will. Separate yourselves from the peoples around you and from your foreign wives.”

14 Let our officials act for the whole assembly. Then let everyone in our towns who has married a foreign woman come at a set time, along with the elders and judges of each town, until the fierce anger of our God in this matter is turned away from us.”

16 On the first day of the tenth month they sat down to investigate the cases, 17 and by the first day of the first month they finished dealing with all the men who had married foreign women.

44 All these had married foreign women, and some of them had children by these wives.

Nehemiah 2:20 I answered them (Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official and Geshem the Arab) by saying, “The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it.”

9:2 Those of Israelite descent had separated themselves from all foreigners. They stood in their places and confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors.

10:30 “We promise not to give our daughters in marriage to the peoples around us or take their daughters for our sons.

13:3 When the people heard this law, they excluded from Israel all who were of foreign descent.

23 Moreover, in those days I saw men of Judah who had married women from Ashdod, Ammon and Moab. 24 Half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod or the language of one of the other peoples, and did not know how to speak the language of Judah. 25 I rebuked them and called curses down on them. I beat some of the men and pulled out their hair. I made them take an oath in God’s name and said: “You are not to give your daughters in marriage to their sons, nor are you to take their daughters in marriage for your sons or for yourselves.

27 Must we hear now that you too are doing all this terrible wickedness and are being unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women?”

30 So I purified the priests and the Levites of everything foreign, and assigned them duties, each to his own task.

Return to Israel

Nehemiah 1:8 “Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, 9 but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’

Profiting off your fellow Jews is wrong

5:1 Now the men and their wives raised a great outcry against their fellow Jews. 2 Some were saying, “We and our sons and daughters are numerous; in order for us to eat and stay alive, we must get grain.”

3 Others were saying, “We are mortgaging our fields, our vineyards and our homes to get grain during the famine.”

4 Still others were saying, “We have had to borrow money to pay the king’s tax on our fields and vineyards. 5 Although we are of the same flesh and blood as our fellow Jews and though our children are as good as theirs, yet we have to subject our sons and daughters to slavery. Some of our daughters have already been enslaved, but we are powerless, because our fields and our vineyards belong to others.”

6 When I heard their outcry and these charges, I was very angry. 7 I pondered them in my mind and then accused the nobles and officials. I told them, “You are charging your own people interest!” So I called together a large meeting to deal with them 8 and said: “As far as possible, we have bought back our fellow Jews who were sold to the Gentiles. Now you are selling your own people, only for them to be sold back to us!” They kept quiet, because they could find nothing to say.

9 So I continued, “What you are doing is not right. Shouldn’t you walk in the fear of our God to avoid the reproach of our Gentile enemies? 10  I and my brothers and my men are also lending the people money and grain. But let us stop charging interest! 11 Give back to them immediately their fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, and also the interest you are charging them—one percent of the money, grain, new wine and olive oil.”

12 “We will give it back,” they said. “And we will not demand anything more from them. We will do as you say.”

6:1 When word came to Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall and not a gap was left in it—though up to that time I had not set the doors in the gates

Bertram Korn on the Jewish Slave Trade

All quotes are from Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South by rabbi Bertram Korn published by the Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel in 1961.

Very few Jews spoke out against slavery

Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless blacks. (p34)

Slave-dealing obviously did not disqualify Jews from receiving the friendship and esteem of their co-religionists any more than it disqualified Christians; engaging in business transactions in Negro flesh was not regarded as incompatible with being a good Jew. (43)

The largest Jewish slave-trading firm in the South seems to have been the Davis family of Petersburg and Richmond, including Ansley, Benjamin, George, and Solomon.” They were the only Jews mentioned by Harriett Beecher Stowe in her little-known commentary, “A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. Mrs. Stowe quotes a letter by Dr. Gamaliel Bailey, referring to them:

“The Davises, in Petersburg, are the great slave-traders. They are Jews, came to that place many years ago as poor peddlers . . . These men are always in the market, giving the highest price for slaves. During the summer and fall they buy them up at low prices, trim, shave, wash them, fatten them so that they may look sleek, and sell them to great profit.” (47)

Chapter 8, Opinions of Jews About Slavery

Page 57:

This study has thus far traced a pattern of almost complete conformity to the slave society of the Old South on the part of its Jewish citizens. They participated in the buying, owning, and selling of slaves, and the exploitation of their labor, along with their neighbors. The behavior of Jews towards slaves seems to have been indistinguishable from that of their non-Jewish friends.

No Jewish political figure of the Old South ever expressed any reservations about the justice of slavery or the rightness of the Southern position. Men like David Levy Yulee of Florida and David S. Kaufman of Texas were typical exponents of Southern views on states’ rights and the spread of slavery.

Pages 59-63:

Nor was there anyone among the many Jewish journalists, writers, and publicists of the Old South who questioned the moral, political, or economic justice of slavery. Jacob De Cordova, the Texas real-estate promoter, newspaper editor and geographer, emphatically denied charges that he had given voice to “free-soil doctrines” during his 1858 lecture tour in the North, and “wish[ed] it distinctly understood that our feelings and education have always been pro-slavery.” Isaac Harby, the Charleston dramatist and political essayist, was writing in Charleston in opposition to “the abolitionist society and its secret branches,” as early as 1824. Jacob N. Cardozo, the editor and political economist, asserted that slavery was defensible both economically and morally. In the former respect, he maintained that

“Slavery brought not only great wealth to the South, but to the slaves a greater share of its enjoyment that in many regions where the relation between employer and employee was based on wages.”

In regard to the ethical question, he placed the responsibility squarely on the Deity: “The reason the Almighty made the colored black is to prove their inferiority.” After the Civil War, in his well- known Reminiscences of Charleston, Cardozo expressed his sympathy with the planters who were now suffering great privation:

“The owner of two hundred to five hundred slaves, with a princely income, has not only to submit to the most degraded employments, but he frequently cannot obtain them. In some instances, he has to drive a cart, or attend a retail grocery, while he may have to obey the orders of an ignorant and course menial. There is something unnatural in this reverse of position — something revolting to my sense of propriety in this social degradation.”‘

Edwin De Odeon, the journalist and Confederate diplomat, devoted many pages of his reminiscences to an extended apologia for slavery. His brother, Thomas Cooper De Leon, one of the most prolific Southern litterateurs of the second half of the nineteenth century, wrote many novels and other works in the Southern romantic style of which he was a major practitioner. In one of his most famous works, Belles, Peaux and Brains of the Confederacy, De Leon described all talk of cruelty in the slave system as propaganda and mythology; he underlined the fact that Harriett Beecher Stowe was compelled to ascribe a Yankee origin to her famous character, Simon Legree. Samuel Mordecai, the bachelor journalist of Richmond, derived part of his income from his articles in Edmund Ruffin’s The Farmer’s Register, a journal devoted primarily to the interests of Southern employers of slave labor forces. Mordecai loved everything about old Virginia, and wrote tenderly of the old colored aristocracy, in his Richmond in By-Gone-Days. He too regarded slavery as a natural and desirable condition of society.

Even in the days of the secession crisis, and the subsequent prolongated war and eventual defeat, many Southern Jews believed slavery to be indispensable to their happiness and security. George W. Mordecai, born a Jew but now an Episcopalian banker, railroad executive, and plantation owner in North Carolina, wrote to a Northern Republican in Dec 1860:

“I would much sooner trust myself alone on my plantation surrounded by my slaves, than in one of your large manufacturing towns when your laborers are discharged from employment and crying aloud for bread for themselves and their little ones.”

In 1864, Private Eugene Henry Levy of the Confederate Army objected to the radical suggestion that Negroes be utilized in the war effort and be freed for this assistance. “The slaves,” he said, “are in their proper sphere as they are at present situated within the boundaries of the Confederacy.”

After the war was over, some Southern Jews still believed that slavery had been a necessary foundation of human society. Eleanor H. Cohen, the daughter of Dr. Philip Melvin Cohen of Charleston, said in the innocent selfishness of young maidenhood:

“I, who believe in the institution of slavery, regret deeply its being abolished. I am accustomed to have them wait on me, and I dislike white servants very much.”

Perhaps no more concise and self-deceptive rationalization of slavery was ever written than the observations which were recorded by Solomon Cohen, the distinguished civic leader and merchant of Savannah, who had lost a son in the war, in a letter which he wrote to his sister-in-law, Emma Mordecai, shortly after the end of the war:

“I believe that the institution of slavery was refining and civilizing to the whites — giving them an elevation of sentiment and ease and dignity of manners only attainable in societies under the restraining influence of a privileged class — and at the same time the only human institution that could elevate the Negro from barbarism and develop the small amount of intellect with which he is endowed.”

Such sentiments might well be expected of members of families long resident in the South and thoroughly acclimated to its habits and assumptions. The De Leon’s, Mordecai’s, and Cardozo’s had lived with their neighbors long enough to share their ideas and attitudes. But what of the newly immigrant German Jews who came to the South in increasing numbers beginning in the 1840’s? There is no evidence that they found it very difficult to adjust to the slave society of which they became a part. Julius Weis, of New Orleans, who came to the United States in 1845, recorded his shock at his first sight of a Negro

“being whipped upon his bare back by an overseer. The right of a human being punished in this manner was very repugnant to me, though living in the midst of a country where slavery existed. I afterwards got somewhat accustomed to it, but I always felt a pity for the poor slaves.”

But Weis’ compassion seemed to be limited to this matter of punishment, for he owned several slaves during the period from 1853 to 1857, and bought a Negro barber in 1862. He notes that “I never found it necessary to punish them in such a manner,” but his feeling of pity never led him to adopt a critical attitude toward the entire system of slavery.

Louis Stix of Cincinnati wrote of a German Jewish immigrant to the South who became violent in his pro-slavery opinions. They met at a Jewish boarding-house in New York City; at dinner one night this unidentified Southern Jew said that “Southerners could not live without slavery.” “I replied to this,” wrote Stix, “by a very uncalled-for remark not at all flattering to our race who were living in the South . . . The Southerner . . . drew his pistol to compel me to take back my words . . . I hope [he] has since learned to do without slaves, or has returned to the place from which he came, where he was almost a slave himself.””‘ But such a direct application of logic from Jewish experience in Europe to the situation of the Negroes in the South could only stem from the mind of a Northern Jew; it was never, to my knowledge, expressed in such blunt terms by a Southern Jew. To the contrary, the average Southern Jew would probably have agreed with Aaron Hirsch, who came to the United States in 1847 and worked through Mississippi and Arkansas, and who said that

“the institution of Slavery as it existed in the South was not so great a wrong as people believe. The Negroes were brought here in a savage state; they captured and ate each other in their African home. Here they were instructed to work, were civilized and got religion, and were perfectly happy.”

Some Southern Jews, however, did not deceive themselves into thinking that the Negro slaves were “perfectly happy.” These sensitive spirits were appalled at human exploitation of the life and labor of other human beings. Most of them reacted in a purely personal way, by avoiding the owning of slaves or by helping slaves. Major Alfred Mordecai of the United States Army, reared in the South and brother to planters and defenders of slavery, purchased only one slave in his life, simply to emancipate her. He believed that slavery was “the greatest misfortune and curse that could have befallen us.” Yet he would do nothing to oppose slavery, and when the lines were drawn, he resigned his commission rather than fight for the North, without being willing to take up arms for the South.

In Betram Korn’s other book, The Jews of the Confederacy, Betram quotes Alfred Mordecai, a Jewish army general:

[I have] a sort of repugnance to the Negroes which has increased upon me as I have been less and less associated with them. Therefore, I have never wished to make a home among them. This feeling is, naturally enough, much stronger on the part of my family; we have seldom spoken of it, but I am sure that it would be utterly repugnant to the feelings of my wife and daughters to live among slaves, and if it can be avoided, I should be extremely loathe to oblige them, by residence and habit, to overcome this repugnance, even supposing it possible… I have no doubt that the race is in a better condition here than they are as savages in Africa, or than they would be as free men, from all the experience we have seen. But I never wished to be one of the agents in thus bettering their condition… and I am utterly averse to any participation in the schemes for destroying or weakening the hold of the masters on their slaves, unless they themselves are willing to abandon it. (Korn, The Jews of the Confederacy)

In his letter of March 17, 1861 to brother Samuel, Alfred Mordecai defended slavery as a constitutional right:

it appears to be sufficient to know that at the formation of our government slavery existed all over the land and was expressly protected by the Constitution from being interfered with by any authority but the states themselves; that therefore the people who have retained it are entitled to the enforcement of their constitutional rights with regard to it both in the letter and the spirit. (Korn, The Jews of the Confederacy)

Despite Rabbi Korn’s extensive documentation on the Jewish participation in black slavery in America, Korn appears to be apologetic. He believes that Jews were no different than their white-Gentile counterparts in the way they bought and sold and treated black slaves. Korn believed that because Jews were a small minority of the early American population they were heavily influenced by the customs and behaviors of the host population and they simply engaged in a practice that was widely accepted at the time. Korn like many Jews are self-deceptive. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews extensively documents, with mainly Jewish sources, that Jews had been involved in all aspects of the Trans-american slave trade and that if it wasn’t for them, the trade slave would like have never happened. Kudos for Korn exposing the Jews in the slave trade, something few other Jews would do. But he needs to go further and not be afraid to uncover who the ringleaders were behind the whole thing.

The Real Reasons for Suburbanization

Many recognize the problems of a spread out lifestyle, which is particularly common in America: traffic congestion, long commute times, the destruction of natural open spaces, and a lower social atmosphere. The post-war period has seen the exodus of families from dense urban environments into low density communities. Many of the once thriving urban communities have turned into ghost towns of abandoned homes, crime, and filth. Despite the problems suburbanization has caused, few have publicly voiced complaints. The few who have shown concern normally give the reasons for suburbanization and sprawl as having to do with low taxes, cheap land, and the “inherent” desire of Americans wanting more space and bigger things. None of those are the real reasons. The main reasons for suburbanization is to maximize consumer spending, to discourages organization, and to distract the masses. Many people recognize those things but instead of seeing it as the reasons they see it as some accidental consequences. Folks, there are few things in this world that happen by accident. This was intentional and was designed to benefit the corporations, the government, the bankers, and the Jewish establishment.

Suburbanization Maximizes Spending and Consumption.

Anytime you watch the news, one of the main themes is that of the economy and the need to get people to spend, spend, and spend. To them there is no such thing as too much growth. Any deficit in the economy is viewed as something sinister and must be stopped. Suburbanization maximizes spending and resource consumption. The shear amount of resources used to create this highly individualistic atomized lifestyle is mind boggling. Think about the amount of building materials, the amount of motor vehicles, the amount of fuel to commute, the number of motor vehicle repair and maintenance facilities, the number of lawn care equipment, the millions of miles of concrete and tar for the roads, etc. Because the living spaces are often larger in a low density setting, there is more energy that is required to heat and cool the homes and there is more furnishings and belongings that seek to occupy those large living spaces.

Suburbanization also discourages the sharing of resources. Tools, lawn care equipment, and recreational equipment (boats, bicycles, etc) could be shared but instead are being repeated for each home. A lot of those things sit around being unused most of the time. Obviously, someone is making a lot of money from this system.

Suburbanization Encourages Materialism and Decreases Spiritualism

Suburbanization encourages materialism, flaunting of wealth, and “keeping up with the Jones”. People are more likely to show-off their status by having nice vehicles, manicured lawns, and large decorated stately homes than if they lived in densely populated areas where there are fewer opportunities to show-off. In fact many see material goods as a way to make up for the lack of a genuine social life. Because of the fewer opportunities for genuine friendships many make up for it by excessive television and movie watching which encourages even more materialism.

Suburbanization Keeps A Person Distracted

Think about the amount of time it takes to care for a large house with a large lawn and all the material goodies in that house. And think about when it comes time to move, the sheer amount of time a couple spends hunting for their next home and starting the process over again. Since suburbanization increases distraction, suburbanization also increases apathy towards the real problems in our world. Most people won’t give a damn about anything as long as their personal situation is satisfied. They’ll care less about the sufferings of their neighbors and the world in general.

Suburbanization Destroys A Sense of Community

Suburbanization discourages community and encourages radical individualism. This point is very important. The ones who are enslaving us are not just merely elites who happen to be rich and powerful. They are a mafia. They are very cohesive and ethnocentric but discourage us common folks from acting the same because they don’t want competition. (If you have glanced at any of my other posts you know which group I’m talking about.) It is solidarity of the commoners that has historically given the establishment the most problem in enslaving the masses. Groups are far more powerful than individuals and individuals are easier to enslave. Individuals tend to mind their own business and focus only on personal goals. Sprawl makes it very difficult for citizens to effectively organize and makes it especially difficult to organize against the establishment. Sprawl discourages people from brainstorming together to solve problems and instead encourages them to turn to the system (i.e. corporations, government, media, and police). People tend to have a high sense of mistrust among one another in a suburban type of setting.

Suburbanization Increases Stress

Suburbanization increases social isolation and decreases social skills and a sense of trust among one another. Millions of Americans suffer from loneliness and depression. Millions of Americans spend billions of dollars on counseling, therapy, and drugs (legal and illegal). This is yet another way the elites are profiting and ties in with the first point in regards to increased consumerism.

Laws Prevent Communal Living

To create the spread out lifestyle requires many laws. There are laws separating residential and commercial areas, laws to maintain the number of parking spaces per square footage of business space, laws that regulate the distances from the front door of a house to the road, laws that regulate the size of the lot a home is to be built on, etc. All this discourages walking and encourages the use of cars.

Jews and the Neoconservative Movement

Note: Kevin MacDonald is controlled-opposition and could very well be a Jew in disguise. Nonetheless, he presents some interesting information. They have to do this in order to build their audience. I did this write-up before I was aware of that fact.

Zionism and the War on Terror

This essay deals with Kevin MacDonald’s book Understanding Jewish Influence (2004) (recently banned on Amazon but can be found on archive.org). MacDonald was a professor of psychology at California State University-Long Beach. He has a number of books and papers examining the role that influential Jews have played in shaping academia, the media, and foreign policy. MacDonald’s best known work, The Culture of Critique, also banned on Amazon, explains how influential Jews have been key figures in shaping the social sciences, academic think-tanks, and numerous civil rights organizations such as the NAACP, ACLU, and SPLC. Understanding Jewish Influence discusses Jews in the neoconservative movement. In this book MacDonald documents that the War on Terror and America’s numerous entanglements in the Middle-East originates from powerful Jewish and pro-Israeli interests. The neoconservative movement is primarily concerned with protecting the state of Israel.

(Unless otherwise stated, quotes are from Understanding Jewish Influence.)

In the contemporary world, organized American Jewish lobbying groups and deeply committed Jews in the Bush administration and the media are behind the pro-Israel U.S. foreign policy that is leading to war against virtually the entire Arab world. – Kevin MacDonald


In order to understand the current Middle-Eastern conflict you have to understand the history of the region. There has been a virtual conflict between Israel and the surrounding Arab states since the founding of modern-day Israel in 1948. It is essentially an ethnic war between the Jews and the Arabs. Both groups of people are highly ethnocentric. Both groups of people are intensely committed to their people and their land. Both groups of people see their people as one big family in their struggle for a common cause.

Some of the more notable conflicts in that region over the past half-century have been the the Six-Day War of 1967, the Yom-Kippur war of 1973, the Iran-Iraq war during the 1980s, the Gulf War of the 1990s, and the present War on Terror. Zionist leaders have long been intent on transforming the politics of the Middle-East to produce Arab leaders that are on good terms with Israel.

Proposals for regime change, such as found in “A Clean Break,” have a long history in Israeli thought. For example, in 1982 Israeli strategist Oded Yinon echoed a long line of Israeli strategists who argued that Israel should attempt to dissolve all the existing Arab states into smaller, less potentially powerful states. These states would then become clients of Israel as a regional imperial power. Neocons have advertised the war in Iraq as a crusade for a democratic, secular, Western-oriented, pro-Israel Iraq. (MacDonald, p 89)

(The) Balkanization of Iraq was always an acceptable outcome, because Israel would then find itself surrounded by small Arab countries worried about each other instead of forming a solid block against Israel. (MacDonald, 89)

Anwar Sadat of Egypt became the first Arab leader to recognize Israel by signing the Camp David Accords in 1978. Sixteen years later Jordan became the second Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel. Several other Arab countries followed including Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and the UAE.

The War on Terror

The events of 9/11 have given the West an initiative for rearranging the politics of the Middle-East:

Intensely committed Zionists with close links to Israel occupy prominent positions in the Bush administration, especially in the Department of Defense and on the staff of Vice President Dick Cheney. The long-term consequence of Zionism is that the U.S. is on the verge of attempting to completely transform the Arab/Muslim world to produce governments that accept Israel and whatever fate it decides for the Palestinians, and, quite possibly, to set the stage for further Israeli expansionism. (MacDonald, 32)

Below are some of the key players that have abetted the “War on Terror” and were highly influential members of the Bush administration. It is important to point out that all those listed in this section are Jews.

Richard Perle – (Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board)

(The) defining moment in our history was certainly the Holocaust…. It was the destruction, the genocide of a whole people, and it was the failure to respond in a timely fashion to a threat that was clearly gathering…We don’t want that to happen again…when we have the ability to stop totalitarian regimes we should do so, because when we fail to do so, the results are catastrophic. – Perle on BBC’s Panorama

Expelled from Senator Henry Jackson’s office in the 70’s after the NSA caught him passing highly-classified documents to the Israeli Embassy. He is a close friend of the former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and the current prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Perle had many ties to Israeli defense companies such as Soltan and Onset Technology.

Perle is listed as a Resident Fellow of the AEI (American Enterprise Institute), and he is on the boards of directors of the Jerusalem Post and the Hollinger Corporation, a media company controlled by Conrad Black. Hollinger owns major mediaproperties in the U.S. (Chicago Sun-Times), England (the Daily Telegraph), Israel (Jerusalem Post), and Canada (the National Post; 50 percent ownership with CanWest Global Communications, which is controlled by Israel Asper and his family; CanWest has aggressively clamped down on its journalists for any deviation from its strong pro-Israel editorial policies19). (MacDonald, 64)

Paul Wolfowitz – (Deputy Defense Secretary) Was the number two leader within the administration behind the Iraq war mongering.

Within the George H. W. Bush administration, Wolfowitz was “the intellectual godfather and fiercest advocate for toppling Saddam.”199 Wolfowitz has become famous as a key advocate for war with Iraq rather than Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of September 11. (MacDonald, 87)

Like many listed here, Wolfowitz has a strong Jewish identity. His father Jacob was a life long Zionist and his sister is married to an Israeli and lives in Israel. Wolfowitz can read Hebrew.

Former CIA political analysts Kathleen and Bill Christison note that “One source inside the administration has described [Wolfowitz] frankly as ‘over-the-top crazy when it comes to Israel.’” (Christison & Christison 2003)

Douglas Feith – (Under Secretary of Defense for Rumsfeld) Feith is closely associated with the Zionist Organization of America, which even attacks Jews that don’t agree with its extremist views. Feith, like many other Jewish neocons has been suspected on spying for Israel. Feith has advocated regime change in Iraq since at least the late 1980s. He was responsible for creating the OSP (Office of Special Plans), where much of the fraudulent intelligence was manufactured that justified the attack on Iraq.

Elliott Abrams – (National Security Council Advisor) Was Bush’s top Middle East adviser. Played an important role in the Iran-Contra Scandal, which involved illegally selling U.S. weapons to Iran to fight Iraq. He is closely associated with the radical Israeli Likud party.

Abrams acknowledges that the mainstream Jewish community “clings to what is at bottom a dark vision of America, as a land permeated with anti-Semitism and always on the verge of anti-Semitic outbursts.” (MacDonald, 90)

Michael Ledeen (special adviser to Wolfowitz). In his book, War on the Terror Masters, Ledeen discloses:

Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence—our existence, not our politics—threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission….

Scooter Libby – (Cheney’s Chief of Staff) was recently found guilty of lying to Federal investigators in the Valerie Plame affair, in which Plame, a covert CIA agent, was exposed for political revenge by the Bush administration following her husband’s revelations about the lies leading to the Iraq War.

Joshua Bolton – (White House Deputy Chief of Staff) Accused Syria of having a nuclear program, so that they can attack Syria after Iraq

Ari Fleischer – (White House Spokesman) Is closely connected to Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, who follow the Kabbalah, and hold very extremist and insulting views of non-Jews.

Henry Kissinger – (Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board) Was responsible for wars that killed up to 6 million in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia during the 1970s

Eliot Cohen – (Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board) Openly admitted his hatred of Islam claiming that Islam should be the enemy, not terrorism

David Frum – (Bush’s speechwriter) Writer behind the “Axis of Evil” label. He lumped together all the lies and accusations against Iraq for Bush to justify the war

Dov Zakheim – (foreign policy adviser) Co-author of the 1997 Project for the New American Century (PNAC) paper on rebuilding America’s defenses, advocated the necessity for a Pearl-Harbor-like incident to mobilize the country into war with its enemies, mostly Middle Eastern nations.

Michael Chertoff – (Homeland Security) Co-author of the Patriot Act.

Gentiles in the Movement

Gentiles are encouraged to be in highly visible roles, mainly to lesson the appearance of the movement being overly Jewish.

Dick Cheney – A close associate of Wolfowitz, Cheney has long ties with Jewish neocons.

Both Cheney and Rumsfeld have been associated with Bill Kristol’s PNAC (which advocated a unilateral war for regime change in Iraq at least as early as 1998) and the CSP, two neocon think tanks; Cheney was presented with the ADL’s Distinguished Statesman Award in 1993 and was described by Abraham Foxman as “sensitive to Jewish concerns.” When Cheney was a Congressman during the early 1980s, he attended lunches hosted for Republican Jewish leaders by the House leadership. … He was also a member of JINSA, a major pro-Israel activist organization, until assuming his office as vice president. (MacDonald, 93)

Following the Soviet Union collapse, he and Wolfowitz attempted to draft in 1992, the Defense Planning Guidance, which advocated America’s dominance all throughout Eurasia and threatened any country that planned to challenge the US’s global hegemony. As head of the transition team for the Bush administration, he and Scooter Libby were responsible for stocking the subcabinet level with neocons.

Israel’s fight against terrorism is our fight. Israel’s victory is an important part of our victory. For reasons both moral and strategic, we need to stand with Israel in its fight against terrorism.

– Dick Cheney, April 3, 2002

Donald Rumsfeld – Has had long history of appealing to Jewish and Israeli causes.

In his 1964 campaign for reelection to Congress as representative from a district on the North Shore of Chicago with an important Jewish constituency, he emphasized Soviet persecution of Jews and introduced a bill on this topic in the House. After the 1967 war, he urged the U.S. not to demand that Israel withdraw to its previous borders and he criticized delays in sending U.S. Military hardware to Israel. (MacDonald, 95)

Rumsfeld however has been less committed to the War on Terror compared to his colleagues.

Despite these links with neoconservatives and Jewish causes, Rumsfeld emerges as less an
ideologue and less a passionate advocate for war with Iraq than Cheney. Robert Woodward
describes him as lacking the feverish intensity of Cheney, as a dispassionate “defense
technocrat” who, unlike Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Feith, would have been content if the U.S. had
not gone to war with Iraq.- (MacDonald, 95)

Zionist Organizations

These are some of the Pro-Israel organizations that have a powerful influence in our government and media:

ADL: Anti-defamation League of B’nai B’rith – Part of the ADL’s mission statement is “We fight anti-Semitism and all forms of hate. We advocate for a safe and secure democratic Jewish State of Israel and combat efforts to delegitimize it.” Essentially the ADL, like so many Jewish organization, has worked tirelessly in squelching free speech. The ADL has worked hand-in-hand with major media outlets to censor anything critical of Israel.

AIPAC: America Israel Public Affairs Committee – The most powerful lobbying group in Washington. AIPAC consistently pushes for hawkish foreign policies in the interest of Israel and intimidates any politician who has criticisms of Israel or votes against policies that are in Israel’s favor

CSP: Center for Security Policy—Neoconservative think tank specializing in defense policy; formerly headed by Douglas Feith (Jewish), CSP is now headed by Frank Gaffney (Jewish); the CSP is strongly pro-Israel and favors a strong U.S. Military

JINSA: Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs—Pro-Israel think tank specializing in promoting military cooperation between the U.S. and Israel

MEF: Middle East Forum — Headed by Daniel Pipes (Jewish), the MEF is a pro-Israel advocacy organization. They are behind Campus Watch, an organization that monitors university professors who criticize Israel. The MEF (along with the ADL, American Jewish Committee, and American Jewish Congress) were able to convince the US House to approve a bill that authorized monitoring of Middle-Eastern studies throughout US universities.

PNAC: Project for the New American Century—Headed by Bill Kristol (Jewish), the PNAC issues letters and statements signed mainly by prominent neocons and designed to influence public policy

ZOA: Zionist Organization of America – Pro-Israel lobbying organization associated with the more fanatical end of the pro-Israel spectrum in America.

These two other organizations, though not having significant influence in Washington, is worth noting:

JDL: Jewish Defense League – According the the FBI report, Terrorism 2000/2001, the JDL has been classified as a “violent extremist Jewish organization”. The JDL’s stated goal has been to “protect Jews from antisemitism by whatever means necessary”. According to the FBI, the JDL has been involved in plotting and executing acts of terrorism within the United States since at least 1980.

JIDF: Jewish Internet Defense Force – JIDF is primarily concerned with fighting “anti-Semitism” and “hate speech” on the Internet.

Origins of Neoconservatism

In alliance with virtually the entire organized American Jewish community, neoconservatism is a vanguard Jewish movement with close ties to the most extreme nationalistic, aggressive, racialist and religiously fanatic elements within Israel. (MacDonald, 59)

The neoconservative movement is primarily Jewish in origin. Neoconservationism became popular among some influential Jews because many began to see leftism as detrimental to Jewish interests. Though organized Jewry had been unified in leftist causes, including communism, during the early 20th century, the movement started to fracture during the late 1920s. Many influential Jews began to see communism as harmful to Jewish interests and they believed that an open democratic society would be less restrictive. The 1960s onward saw greater inroads into the neoconservative movement as more Jews abandoned the left. One of the primary reasons was because the left had become critical of Zionism and Israeli’s attitude towards their Arab neighbors, particularly the Palestinians. Another reason was because they saw affirmative-action as being discriminatory against Jews, many of whom are highly successful in academics. And because many Jews belonged in the upper class of society, many saw leftism as harmful to high income earners.

Jewish Ethnocentricism

Jews are highly ethnocentric. They are cohesive and have strong ties to family and community. Group goals are emphasized over individual goals. Ethnocentric societies are typically collectivist and strong authoritarian leadership is valued. Ethnocentric people have high regards for people of their own kind and look upon outsiders with suspicion. They tend to have an exaggerated sense of victimization and view criticism of their people and their leaders as an attack on their entire race. They carry an “us” versus “them” attitude. Ethnocentricity likely evolved as a defense mechanism against invasion from enemy groups over territory and resources. These people evolved where the population was relatively dense and conflicts with neighbors were common. Cooperation among peers was of prime importance and there was a sense of joining together with fellow “brothers” to fight for a common cause. The ingroup-outgroup barrier is strong and impermeable. Ethnocentric people tend to have a long memory. In the case of Jews, events that happened centuries ago influence their current thinking:

Indeed, a recent article on Assyrians in the U.S. shows that many Jews have not forgiven or
forgotten events of 2,700 years ago, when the Northern Israelite kingdom was forcibly relocated
to the Assyrian capital of Nineveh:“Some Assyrians say Jews are one group of people who seem to be more familiar with them. But because the Hebrew Bible describes Assyrians as cruel and ruthless conquerors, people such as the Rev. William Nissan say he is invariably challenged by Jewish rabbis and scholars about the misdeeds of his ancestors.” (MacDonald, 10)

Jewish Neoconservatives on Anti-Semitism

Norman Podhoretz, editor of Commentary, a premier neoconservative journal published by the American Jewish Committee:

My own view is that what had befallen the Jews of Europe inculcated a subliminal lesson. The lesson was that anti-Semitism, even the relatively harmless genteel variety that enforced quotas against Jewish students or kept their parents from joining fashionable clubs or getting jobs in prestigious Wall Street law firms, could end in mass murder.

Nathan Glazer in 1969, commented on black anti-Semitism and the murderous urges of the New Left:

Anti-Semitism is only part of this whole syndrome, for if the members of the middle class do not deserve to hold on to their property, their positions, or even their lives, then certainly the Jews, the most middle-class of all, are going to be placed at the head of the column marked for liquidation. (MacDonald, 73)

David Horowitz:

The Middle East struggle is not about right versus right. It is about a fifty-year effort by the Arabs to destroy the Jewish state, and the refusal of the Arab states in general and the Palestinian Arabs in particular to accept Israel’s existence. The Middle East conflict is not about Israel’s occupation of the territories; it is about the refusal of the Arabs to make peace with Israel, which is an expression of their desire to destroy the Jewish state. (MacDonald, 9)

Lawrence Auster:

Now when Jews put together the idea that “all social prejudice and exclusion leads potentially to Auschwitz” with the idea that “all bigotry is indivisible,” they must reach the conclusion that any exclusion of any group, no matter how alien it may be to the host society, is a potential Auschwitz. So there it is. We have identified the core Jewish conviction that makes Jews keep pushing relentlessly for mass immigration, even the mass immigration of their deadliest enemies. In the thought-process of Jews, to keep Jew-hating Muslims out of America would be tantamount to preparing the way to another Jewish Holocaust.(MacDonald, 10)

Kim Chernin on Jewish ethnocentricism:

1. A conviction that Jews are always in danger, always have been, and therefore are in danger now. Which leads to: 2. The insistence that a criticism is an attack and will lead to our destruction. Which is rooted in: 3. The supposition that any negativity towards Jews (or Israel) is a sign of anti-Semitism and will (again, inevitably) lead to our destruction. 6. An even more hidden belief that a sufficient amount of suffering confers the right to violence. 7. The conviction that our beliefs, our ideology (or theology), matter more than the lives of other human beings. (MacDonald, 8)

Chernin on the Jewish attitude of that of being eternal victims:

Our sense of victimization as a people works in a dangerous and seditious way against our capacity to know, to recognize, to name and to remember. Since we have adopted ourselves as victims we cannot correctly read our own history let alone our present circumstances.

The Push for Democracy

Influential Jews have been heavy promoters of the fragmentation of Gentile societies. They see an open democratic society as one that is conducive towards Jewish interests. Historically organized Jewry’s biggest roadblock has been Gentile solidarity – particularly one aligned against the Jews. Nazi Germany was an extreme example of that society. A democratic society in contrast is non-discriminatory. Democracies tend to promote fragmentation and individualism. A fragmented society makes it easier for powerful ethnocentric groups to control and influence from within. By contrast autocratic societies, such as those in the Middle-East, has made it difficult for powerful outside groups to penetrate.

The media has been involved in the heavy promotion of democracy around the world. They have labeled any country that is non-democratic as the embodiment of evil. They have been labeling the War on Terror as the good fight – that of being moral democratic governments against “evil” dictatorships. Because of the European-based people’s tendency towards individualism and a simple family structure, they can more easily identify with a system of strong individual rights and representative government. Those same people are relatively easy to convince that the spread of democracy and Western values is a good idea. In contrast groups like the Arabs have evolved based on extended family and kinship based networks.

The Media

Perhaps the most telling feature of this entire state of affairs is the surreal fact that in this entire discourse Jewish identity is not mentioned. When Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Michael Rubin, William Safire, Robert Satloff, or the legions of other prominent media figures write their reflexively pro-Israel pieces in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or the Los Angeles Times, or opine on the Fox News Network, there is never any mention that they are Jewish Americans who have an intense ethnic interest in Israel. When Richard Perle authors a report for an Israeli think tank; is on the board of directors of an Israeli newspaper; maintains close personal ties with prominent Israelis, especially those associated with the Likud Party; has worked for an Israeli defense company; and, according to credible reports, was discovered by the FBI passing classified information to Israel—when, despite all of this, he is a central figure in the network of those pushing for wars to rearrange the entire politics of the Middle East in Israel’s favor, and with nary a soul having the courage to mention the obvious overriding Jewish loyalty apparent in Perle’s actions, that is indeed a breathtaking display of power. (MacDonald, 98)

There is no organization that is more effective in shaping the minds of the masses than the media. The owners and chairmen of most of the major media companies are Jewish. For instance NBC’s chairman, Bob Greenblatt, ABC’s chairman, Dana Walden, CBS’s chairman, Strauss Zelnick, MSNBC’s chairman, Ron Meyer, CNN’s president, Jeff Zucker, NPR’s president, Jarl Mohn, US News and World Report’s owner Mortimer Zuckerman, Time magazine’s editor-in-chief, Edward Felsenthal, and New York Times owner, the Sulzberger family, are all Jews. Being of the same background as those from Israel, they will be reluctant to criticize Israel and will not be hesitant to ostracize the perceived enemies of their people.

Biblical Prophesies?

The tenets of Zionism requires that the interpretation of Judaic scriptures be taken literally. The War on Terror may also be a plan to fulfill biblical prophecies and to expand the borders of Israel far beyond what they are now.

Genesis 15:18-20 To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates, the land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.

Isaiah 13:4-5 A Prophecy Against Babylon (Babylon is in modern day Iraq, just south of Baghdad)

The Lord Almighty is mustering an army for war. They come from faraway lands, from the ends of the heavens—the Lord and the weapons of his wrath—to destroy the whole country.

Isaiah 17:1 A Prophecy Against Damascus

Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.

Ezekiel 30:5  Cush and Libya, Lydia and all Arabia, Kub and the people of the covenant land will fall by the sword along with Egypt.



Jewish-led movements have had a long (and successful) history of crushing the opposition, with neoconservatism being an example. Organized Jewry has also had a long history of aggressively pursuing policies without compromise. Instead of offering a fair and open dialogue investigating the reasons why their relationship with Gentiles have often been so rocky, they instead automatically label any criticism of them as hate. Their solution is not to answer questions about whether their behavior and actions itself lead to anti-semitism but to automatically treat anyone critical of them as an enemy that needs to be dealt with by censorship or force.

Eustace Mullins’ Curse of Canaan is Disinformation

I read The Curse of Canaan a couple years ago based on recommendations from fans of Eustace Mullins. Many of his fans are deep into New World Order conspiracies and in particular the Jewish question. CofC is probably Mullins’ best known work. At that time I was just getting into the JQ. I have to say I was highly disappointed with the book – whether it was back then or now. It was sloppily researched, had numerous editing problems, and had little in the way of documentation and references cited. Now that I know much more about the JQ, especially in regards to the bible, I can confidently say that Mullins is a gatekeeper. I am going to dissect only the first chapter (The War Against Shem) of the book. I don’t have the time, nor do I think it is necessary to dissect the entire book. I have to say this book was an insult to my intelligence. The entire thesis of the book is that it was the Canaanites (instead of the Israelites) who are behind the world order and that world order started around biblical times and continues to this day. On page 32 of CofC:

The Will of Canaan today remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the World Order.

Now I don’t know whether the Canaanites were real groups of people or whether they were metaphors for certain groups of people. Mullins makes his case with sloppy research, taking passages out of context, and pulling things out of thin air like a magician. According to Mullins, the Canaanites represent every evil that the world has seen. On page 21:

The Curse of Canaan was extended to the land which was named after him, the Land of Canaan. The Canaanites themselves, the people of this land, became the greatest curse upon humanity, and so they remain today. Not only did they originate the practices of demon-worship, occult rites, child sacrifice, and cannibalism, but as they went abroad, they brought these obscene practices into every land which they entered. Not only did they bring their demonic cult to Egypt, but, known by their later name, the Phoenicians, as they were called after 1200 B.C., they became the demonizers of civilization through successive epochs, being known in medieval history as the Venetians, who destroyed the great Byzantine Christian civilization, and later as “the black nobility,” which infiltrated the nations of Europe and gradually assumed power through trickery, revolution, and financial legerdemain.

That passage is an example of pulling things out of a hat. Mullins claims that the Canaanites brought those practices of child sacrifice and cannibalism in every land in which they entered but provides absolutely no references to back that up. Even the Jewish Encyclopedia says that child sacrifices were unlikely to have been a part of Canaanite worship:

Apart from the offerings of fruits from the earth and the firstlings of cattle, much is not known with regard to the rites of the popular Ba’al-Worship. Self-torture and mutilation characteristic of the Phenician type (I Kings xviii. 28) were probably absent from the simpler and freer usages of the primitive local observances. It is also doubtful whether the sacrifice of children, proper to the service of Molech, was ever a feature of inland Canaanitic Ba’al-Worship (Jer. xix. 5 is to be corrected by the LXX.). The shrines were little more than altars with the symbol of the Ashtoreth planted beside it—the sacred tree-stem or pole named from an old Canaanite goddess, Ashera, with whom Ashtoreth was identified.

Continued on page 22 of CofC:

The reputation of Canaan is to be found in many ancient records, although its foul history has been carefully expunged from even more of the historic archives and libraries. In 1225 B.C., the Pharaoh Merneptah, who, because of his victories in the Canaanite region, was known as “Binder of Gezer,” set up a stele to commemorate his successes. Among the inscriptions placed thereon was this: “Plundered is the Canaan, with every evil; All lands are united and pacified.”

Which ancient records? How about listing them Mr. Mullins?

Page 25:

Nimrod became the first man to rule the whole world.

Where does that come from?

Page 27:

The records of the genocide against the people of Shem are apparent throughout the archives of history, but there is not a school or university whose faculty will apprise its students of this simple fact. This in itself explains much which is usually dismissed as being “beyond explanation.” The reason or this odd development is that the descendants of Ham traditionally have usurped the educational process, through their earlier usurpation of the priesthood to carryon their Satanic work. They have controlled the educational system ever since, converting it to their own evil purposes. It is of even greater interest that not a single school of theology anywhere in the world takes note of this central fact of history, a red thread which runs continuously through the record of events.

Again, more unsupported assertions.

Page 27:

However, a much more important point, and one that has again been obscured or hidden by the priests who controlled the educational system throughout the last three thousand years, is the fact that it was Shem who founded and built the great civilization of Egypt.

Where the hell did he get that from?

Page 29:

Not only did the priests falsify the records of Shem, but they also succeeded in eliminating most of the subsequent history of his fair-skinned descendants, the Shemites, or, as they are sometimes called, the Semites.

It is not clear what lineage the bible classifies the fair-skinned descendants (whites), if they were even classified at all. If they did come from the line of Shem, they certainly did not come from the line of Jacob. Again Mullins needs to back up his claims. He certainly doesn’t mention that the Edomites also came from the line of Shem.

Page 32:

The Will of Canaan has always been concealed from them because it is the basic program of conspiracy and secret rites which enable the Canaanites to wreak their hatred upon the descendants of Shem.

Who has been wreaking havoc on whom? The fact is the Israelites, the descendants of Shem, have been brutally wreaking havoc on all the Gentiles. See my posts concerning the Books of Deuteronomy, Joshua, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel.

Page 35:

The prohibition against mingling with the demon-worshipping Canaanites remained one of God’s strongest commands. God said, “So shall we be separated, I and all of Thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth” (Exodus 3:16).

In actuality God prohibited the Israelites from mingling with ANY FOREIGNER – not just the Canaanites which Mullins likes to demonize. For example in Ezra 10:10-11:

Then Ezra the priest stood up and said to them, “You have been unfaithful; you have married foreign women, adding to Israel’s guilt. Now honor the Lord, the God of your ancestors, and do his will. Separate yourselves from the peoples around you and from your foreign wives.”

This racism is promoted to this very day in Israel, where interracial marriages remain illegal.

Page 38:

The Canaanites were divided into the Amorites, Hittites, Moabites, Midianites, Philistines, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, Sepharvaims, Perizzites, and affiliated tribes, all of which are routinely denounced in the Bible.

WRONG. The Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites are descendants of Shem, not of Ham and certainly not of Canaan. Mullins hoped readers would not notice that because that would destroy his theory that the Shemites were the victims.

Page 38

The destructive nature of the Canaanites upon other nations in which they settled is nowhere more strongly demonstrated than in Egypt, the first land to be corrupted by their barbaric practices.

Again more examples of making an assertion without citing references. Now I’m not necessarily saying that Mullins has been making stuff out of thin air, though I believe a good bit of the book has been made up, but why does he not document these things? Where could I go to look for this material?

Page 40:

It was not long before the simple ceremonies of vice began to pall on the worshippers of Baal. They sought greater excitement in rites of human sacrifice and cannibalism, in which the torture and murder of small children were featured. To consolidate their power over the people, the priests of the Canaanites claimed that all firstborn children were owed to their demon gods, and they were given over for sacrifice. This lewd and barbaric practice was noted in Isaiah 57:3-5: “But you, draw near hither, sons of the sorceress, offspring of the adulterer and the harlot. Of whom are you making sport? Against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? Are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood? Inflaming yourself with idols under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys under the cleft of the rocks?”

That passage in Isaiah does not refer specifically to the Canaanites. It refers to any group of people considered the enemies of the Israelites.

Though I only intended to cover chapter 1, an Amazon reviewer pointed out to this error in Chapter 2:

The first paragraph in Chapter 2 is in significant error. Tubal-cain was NOT Noah’s brother. Noah was born through a man named Lamech in Adam’s downline, not Cain’s downline. Cain’s downline had a man named Lamech too but not the same Lamech that was born of Methusaleh.

Quoting From the Bible out of Context

Mullins quote many things out of context from the bible, which is not unusual among con-artists. On page 37:

“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day, that all these curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee: …. The stranger that is within thy gates [the Canaanites or their descendants-Ed.] shall get up above thee very high, and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shall not lend to him; he shall be the head and thou shalt be the tail” (Deuteronomy 28: 15, 43-44).

Again, Mullins makes the Canaanites out to be the evil ones which is why he puts their name in the brackets when the actual intention of the verse is to ANY GENTILE. This is one of the most egregious pieces of disinformation in the book. What Chapter 28 (verses 15 to the end) of Deuteronomy is, is the lists of punishments that Yahweh threatens the Israelites if they do not heed all his commands as laid out under Mosaic Law. Among the commands are that of the extermination of all the native inhabitants of Canaan (which the Israelites plan to reside) which includes the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Also among the commands are that of a choice of enslavement or extermination to Gentiles who are not in the vicinity of where the Israelites reside. Deuteronomy 20:10-12, 15:

When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city … 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.

The verses of Deuteronomy 28: 15, 43-44 that Mullins cites is actually Yahweh’s punishment to the Israelites that if they don’t enslave the Gentiles through usury, the Gentiles will enslave THEM through usury. Deuteronomy 28:12 is what Yahweh instructs the Israelites:

You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. The Lord will make you the head, not the tail.

Deuteronomy 23:20 in the Living Torah:

Do not deduct advance interest from your brother, whether it is interest for money, interest for food, or interest for anything else for which interest is normally taken. Although you may take such interest from a gentile, you may not do so from your brother. If you keep this rule, God will bless you in all your endeavors on the land to which you are coming to occupy.

That paragraph right after Mullins’ Deuteronomy quote:

Certainly this is the situation which exists in the United States today. The Venetians control the Federal Reserve System; they lend to us, but we do not lend to them; they are the head, and we are the tail.

The Venetians control the Fed? Are you kidding me?

You really don’t need to read past the preface of this book. On the bottom of page 9 of the preface:

It is for this reason that politicians, of necessity, must become followers of Satan in the rebellion against God. Politicians must deceive the people in order to gain power over them, just as Satan must deceive the whole world if he is to continue his rebellion against God.

Though Mullins is correct that the ugly history of the struggles of the world is that of society fighting against a Satanic order, he absolves the real Satanists and points the finger at the wrong group of people. He like many in the controlled media, makes the enemies look like the good guys while making the victims out to be the perpetrators. If you have read any of my previous posts addressing the nature of the God (Yahweh) of the bible, you know that Yahweh is not the loving universal god that he is made out to be. In fact he is the exact opposite. Mullins is either a gatekeeper or a dupe. Unfortunately many have fallen for conman like him.

Mullins’ Bio

In forty years of dedicated investigative research, Eustace Mullins has drawn considerable return fire. He was kept under daily surveillance by agents of the FBI for thirty-two years; no charges were ever placed against him. He is the only person ever fired from the staff of the Library of Congress for political reasons. He is the only writer who has had a book burned in Europe since 1945. After serving thirty-eight months in the U. S. Army Air Force during World War II, Eustace Mullins was educated at Washington and Lee University, Ohio State University, University of North Dakota, and New York University.

I find it quite odd that for someone who’s been doing 40 years of investigative research, worked in the Library of Congress, and attended four different universities he has not been able to provide any sort of real documentation backing up his claims in Curse of Canaan. If you are presenting a piece of work that is highly revisionist and highly anti-mainstream then the burden is on you to make your case and you had better back up your claims carefully. He doesn’t. When you see “credentials” like that stated just above then you should immediately be suspicious. How does one with all those credentials have little in the way of actual research to show? Eustace Mullins has quite a fan base which is odd for someone who is anti-establishment. The man also lived to a ripe old age of 87. Go figure.


Whether a group of people such as the Canaanites actually existed, I don’t know. Much of the bible has been a fabrication of history. However the intentions are clear. Regardless whether the Canaanites actually practiced the things that Mullins states is not the point. The problem with Mullins is that he demonizes one group of people and make them look like the perpetrators, while excusing the real perpetrators. This is a classic Jewish tactic (I’m not saying Mullins is Jewish, though he may be a Shabbos Goy). We do know that the Israelites of the bible considers every Gentile neighbor as their enemy, including the Canaanites, with no exception. The Israelites in the bible invaded Canaan and stole their land. The same thing happened 70 years ago with the Jews stealing Palestinian land to create the state of Israel.

We have seen the Jewish media make Hitler and the Germans out to be the subhumans that they were not. Ditto the Arab-Muslims who the Jewish media has constantly denigrated since 9/11. The problem is not the Canaanites, the Edomites, the Moabites, or Jebusites. The problem is the Israelites who author after author has made them seem like the good guys. Now much of the stories of the bible were fabrications of history, but the point is that the stories are taken seriously by those who are in power.

Unfortunately people will continue to be duped by Judaeo-Christian gatekeepers such as Eustace Mullins, Michael Hoffman, Nathaniel Kapner, and E Michael Jones because it is easy to trick people with the bible. Most people have a very superficial understanding of it and have never examined it carefully. The main theme of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is that of racial separatism. The bible requires that the Israelites MUST remain apart from everyone else. They must remain apart because they feel they are superior to everyone else and do not want to be tainted by “lesser” blood. Some feel that in order to remain separate, they must even exterminate their immediate neighbors to eliminate the risk of becoming assimilated. And in order to get the Israelites motivated to destroy their neighbors, they feel they must demonize their neighbors by spreading exaggerated fears of them as being dangerous and violent. That’s the reason why the bible vilify groups of people such as the Canaanites, Edomites, Moabites, or any other “ites”. They want to present them as dangerous subhuman savages so the Jews will continue to remain separate from them.

Update (1/24/22)

It’s been over three years since my original write-up and my conclusions on Curse of Canaan is the same. Since that time I have reread some of the books in the Bible and have decided to add some more info. As of note, one needs to wonder why the Curse of Canaan is allowed to remain on Amazon while so many other books are banned.

I want to reiterate that the Jews, according to the Bible, are not of the line of Ham and are indeed of the lineage of Shem. In the Book of Genesis, Noah had three sons, Shem, Japeth, and Ham. The entire line of Ham and Japeth are represented by Gentiles. Most of the line of Shem also represented Gentiles, with the exception of Jacob who represented Israel. His twelve sons depicts the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob is the son of Isaac, who is the son of Abraham. Abraham descended from the lineage of Shem. Moses descended from Levi, one of the twelve sons of Jacob. Although these stories are almost assuredly myth, they are taken seriously by radical Zionists and are a blueprint for world domination. Because of that we must take those stories seriously as well.


The Jews indeed are of the lineage of Shem. The New Testament makes numerous references to the Jews being the “people of the Law.” The Law is what is disclosed in the Torah. The Torah is the first five books of the Old Testament. It is known as Mosaic Law. There are various passages in Acts, the fifth book of the New Testament that describes that the Jews are followers of the Law.

In Acts 10:27-28, Peter arrives at the house of his friend Cornelius in Caesarea:

While talking with him, Peter (a Jew) went inside and found a large gathering of people. He said to them: “You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile.

In Acts 13:38-43, Paul addresses an audience at a synagogue in Antioch.

“Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses. Take care that what the prophets have said does not happen to you:

“ ‘Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe, even if someone told you.’ ”

As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people invited them to speak further about these things on the next Sabbath. When the congregation was dismissed, many of the Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of God.

In Acts 21:20-24 the people in Jerusalem addresses Paul:

When they heard this, they praised God. Then they said to Paul: “You see, brother, how many thousands of Jews have believed (in Jesus), and all of them are zealous for the law. They have been informed that you teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn away from Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or live according to our customs. What shall we do? They will certainly hear that you have come, so do what we tell you. There are four men with us who have made a vow. Take these men, join in their purification rites and pay their expenses, so that they can have their heads shaved. Then everyone will know there is no truth in these reports about you, but that you yourself are living in obedience to the law.

In Acts 22:1-3 Paul speaks in Jerusalem:

“Brothers and fathers, listen now to my defense.”

When they heard him speak to them in Aramaic, they became very quiet. Then Paul said: “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city. I studied under Gamaliel and was thoroughly trained in the law of our ancestors.

Every Jewish trait that you are familiar with (or at the least you should be familiar with) is there in the Torah:

Circumcision as a Jewish requirement

Genesis 17:9-11 Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.

Lies and deception towards the gentiles

Genesis 12:17-19 But the Lord inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram’s (Abraham’s) wife Sarai (Sarah). So Pharaoh summoned Abram. “What have you done to me?” he said. “Why didn’t you tell me she was your wife? Why did you say, ‘She is my sister,’ so that I took her to be my wife?

Genesis 26:8-9 When Isaac had been there a long time, Abimelek king of the Philistines looked down from a window and saw Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah. So Abimelek summoned Isaac and said, “She is really your wife! Why did you say, ‘She is my sister’?”

Genesis 31:20 Moreover, Jacob deceived Laban the Aramean by not telling him he was running away.

Obsessions of wealth

Genesis 13:1-2 So Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev, with his wife and everything he had, and Lot went with him. Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold.

Genesis 26:12-14 Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him.

Subversion of gentile society

Genesis 47:20-21 So Joseph (son of Jacob) bought all the land in Egypt for Pharaoh. The Egyptians, one and all, sold their fields, because the famine was too severe for them. The land became Pharaoh’s, and Joseph reduced the people to servitude, from one end of Egypt to the other.

While the Gentiles worshiped idols, the Jews did not worship any idols

(Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Old Testament and the last book of the Torah. In this book Moses addresses the Israelites in a series of speeches.)

Deuteronomy 4:23 Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden.

The need to scatter their people all over the earth to infiltrate the gentiles

Deuteronomy 30:1-5 When all these blessings and curses I have set before you come on you and you take them to heart wherever the Lord your God disperses you among the nations, and when you and your children return to the Lord your God and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command you today,  then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you.  Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back. He will bring you to the land that belonged to your ancestors, and you will take possession of it (modern day Israel).

Obsession with ruling over all others

Deuteronomy 15:6 – You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.

Usury to enslave the masses

Deuteronomy 23:19-20 Do not charge a fellow Israelite interest, whether on money or food or anything else that may earn interest. You may charge a foreigner interest, but not a fellow Israelite, so that the Lord your God may bless you in everything you put your hand to in the land you are entering to possess.

The Unholy Bible: Yahweh Revealed

Our philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the various beliefs of the “goyim,” but no one will ever bring under discussion our faith from its true point of view since this will be fully learned by none save ours who will never dare to betray its secrets. – The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Below are a sample of 30 verses (out of hundreds) that I have come across from my reading of the Old Testament, proving that Yahweh, the god of the Jews (and therefore the god of all other Abrahamic religions), is a sick psychopath. It was not easy to choose which verses to include because there were so many malicious ones. If you wanted to see a more extensive list, check out my posts on the Book of Deuteronomy, Joshua, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and the Minor Prophets.

1) Deuteronomy 2:25 This very day I will begin to put the terror and fear of you on all the nations under heaven. They will hear reports of you and will tremble and be in anguish because of you.

2) Deuteronomy 7:15 The Lord will keep you free from every disease. He will not inflict on you the horrible diseases you knew in Egypt, but he will inflict them on all who hate you. 16 You must destroy all the peoples the Lord your God gives over to you. Do not look on them with pity

3) Deuteronomy 11:24 Every place where you set your foot will be yours: Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea. 25 No one will be able to stand against you. The Lord your God, as he promised you, will put the terror and fear of you on the whole land, wherever you go.

4) Deuteronomy 12:1 These are the decrees and laws you must be careful to follow in the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possess—as long as you live in the land. 2 Destroy completely all the places on the high mountains, on the hills and under every spreading tree, where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods. 3 Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places.

The Protocols of Zion (#14) repeats the same message:

When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion than ours of the One God with whom our destiny is bound up by our position as the Chosen People and through whom our same destiny is united with the destinies of the world. We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief.

5) Deuteronomy 20:10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.

6) Deuteronomy 20:16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.

7) Deuteronomy 23:20 You shall not deduct interest from loans to your countryman, whether in money or food or anything else that can be deducted as interest. You may deduct interest from loans to foreigners, but not from loans to your countryman – so that the Lord your God may bless you in all your undertakings in the land which you are about to invade and occupy.

8) Joshua 6:20 When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. 21 They devoted the city (Jericho) to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.

9) Joshua 8:25 Twelve thousand men and women fell that day—all the people of Ai. 26 For Joshua did not draw back the hand that held out his javelin until he had destroyed all who lived in Ai. 27 But Israel did carry off for themselves the livestock and plunder of this city (unlike Jericho where they were specifically instructed not to), as the Lord had instructed Joshua. 28 So Joshua burned Ai and made it a permanent heap of ruins, a desolate place to this day.

10) Joshua 11:12 Joshua took all these royal cities and their kings and put them to the sword. He totally destroyed them, as Moses the servant of the Lord had commanded. 13 Yet Israel did not burn any of the cities built on their mounds—except Hazor, which Joshua burned. 14 The Israelites carried off for themselves all the plunder and livestock of these cities, but all the people they put to the sword until they completely destroyed them, not sparing anyone that breathed.

11) Joshua 2:24 “The Lord has surely given the whole land into our hands; all the people are melting in fear because of us

12) Joshua 9:24 They answered Joshua, “Your servants were clearly told how the Lord your God had commanded his servant Moses to give you the whole land and to wipe out all its inhabitants from before you. So we feared for our lives because of you, and that is why we did this.”

13) Joshua 10:40 He left no survivors. He totally destroyed all who breathed, just as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded.

14) Joshua 11:20 For it was the Lord himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

15) Joshua 11:21-22 Joshua totally destroyed them and their towns.  No Anakites were left in Israelite territory; only in Gaza, Gath and Ashdod did any survive.

16) Isaiah 19:2 “I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian— brother will fight against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. 3 The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will bring their plans to nothing; they will consult the idols and the spirits of the dead, the mediums and the spiritists. 4 I will hand the Egyptians over to the power of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them,” declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty …

… 7 And the land of Judah will bring terror to the Egyptians; everyone to whom Judah is mentioned will be terrified, because of what the Lord Almighty is planning against them.

17) Isaiah 13:15 Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword.16 Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated. (Tanakh: And their wives shall be raped)17 See, I will stir up against them the Medes, who do not care for silver and have no delight in gold. 18 Their bows will strike down the young men; they will have no mercy on infants, nor will they look with compassion on children. 19  Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the pride and glory of the Babylonians, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah. 20 She will never be inhabited or lived in through all generations;

18) Isaiah 24:1-3 The Lord’s Devastation of the Earth

1 See, the Lord is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it; he will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants—2 it will be the same for priest as for people, for the master as for his servant, for the mistress as for her servant, for seller as for buyer, for borrower as for lender, for debtor as for creditor. 3 The earth will be completely laid waste and totally plundered. The Lord has spoken this word.

19) Isaiah 30:31 The voice of the Lord will shatter Assyria; with his rod he will strike them down. 32 Every stroke the Lord lays on them with his punishing club will be to the music of timbrels and harps,

20) Isaiah 34:2 The Lord is angry with all nations; his wrath is on all their armies. He will totally destroy them, he will give them over to slaughter. 3 Their slain will be thrown out, their dead bodies will stink; the mountains will be soaked with their blood.

21) Jeremiah 1:9-10 Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me (Jeremiah), “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”

22) Jeremiah 25:33 At that time those slain by the Lord will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like dung lying on the ground.

23) Jeremiah 46:28 Do not be afraid, Jacob my servant, for I am with you,” declares the Lord. “Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you.

24) Ezekiel 39:17 this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Call out to every kind of bird and all the wild animals: ‘Assemble and come together from all around to the sacrifice I am preparing for you, the great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel. There you will eat flesh and drink blood. 18 You will eat the flesh of mighty men and drink the blood of the princes of the earth as if they were rams and lambs, goats and bulls

25) Ezekiel 25:7 therefore I will stretch out my hand against you (Ammonites) and give you as plunder to the nations. I will wipe you out from among the nations and exterminate you from the countries. I will destroy you, and you will know that I am the Lord.’”

26) Ezekiel 29:5 I will leave you in the desert, you and all the fish of your streams. You will fall on the open field and not be gathered or picked up. I will give you as food to the beasts of the earth and the birds of the sky.

27) Psalms 110:5 The Lord is at your right hand; he will crush kings on the day of his wrath. 6 He will judge the nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth.

28) Zephaniah 1:2 “I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth,” declares the Lord. 3 “I will sweep away both man and beast; I will sweep away the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea— and the idols that cause the wicked to stumble.” “When I destroy all mankind on the face of the earth,” declares the Lord, 4 “I will stretch out my hand against Judah and against all who live in Jerusalem.

29) Zephaniah 3:6 “I have destroyed nations; their strongholds are demolished. I have left their streets deserted, with no one passing through. Their cities are laid waste; they are deserted and empty. 7 Of Jerusalem I thought, ‘Surely you will fear me and accept correction!’ Then her place of refuge would not be destroyed, nor all my punishments come upon her. But they were still eager to act corruptly in all they did. 8 Therefore wait for me,” declares the Lord, “for the day I will stand up to testify. I have decided to assemble the nations, to gather the kingdoms and to pour out my wrath on them— all my fierce anger. The whole world will be consumed by the fire of my jealous anger.

30) Zechariah 7:14 ‘I (God) scattered them (Israelites) with a whirlwind among all the nations, where they were strangers. The land they left behind them was so desolate that no one traveled through it. This is how they made the pleasant land desolate.’”


The Minor Prophets Revealed

The minor prophets which are the Books of Hosea, Amos, Micah, Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi in the Old Testament are relatively unknown. However, there is a wealth of information in some of those books that along with Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Deuteronomy, point to the destructive nature of the Jews. Though much of the stories are made up, the intentions are clear and that is the destruction and enslavement of the Gentiles.

Ruthlessness Against Gentiles

Joel 2:20 “I will drive the northern horde far from you,
pushing it into a parched and barren land;
its eastern ranks will drown in the Dead Sea
and its western ranks in the Mediterranean Sea.
And its stench will go up;
    its smell will rise.”

Joel 4:18 “In that day the mountains will drip new wine,
and the hills will flow with milk;
all the ravines of Judah will run with water.
A fountain will flow out of the Lord’s house
and will water the valley of acacias.
19 But Egypt will be desolate,
    Edom a desert waste,
because of violence done to the people of Judah,
in whose land they shed innocent blood.

Read the full post »

The Book of Isaiah Revealed

Ruthlessness Against Gentiles

11:13 Ephraim’s jealousy will vanish,
and Judah’s enemies will be destroyed;
Ephraim will not be jealous of Judah,
nor Judah hostile toward Ephraim.
14 They will swoop down on the slopes of Philistia to the west;
together they will plunder the people to the east.
They will subdue Edom and Moab,
and the Ammonites will be subject to them.
15 The Lord will dry up
the gulf of the Egyptian sea;
with a scorching wind he will sweep his hand
over the Euphrates River.
He will break it up into seven streams
so that anyone can cross over in sandals.

24 The Lord’s Devastation of the Earth

1See, the Lord is going to lay waste the earth
    and devastate it;
he will ruin its face
    and scatter its inhabitants
2 it will be the same
for priest as for people,
for the master as for his servant,
for the mistress as for her servant,
for seller as for buyer,
for borrower as for lender,
for debtor as for creditor.
The earth will be completely laid waste
    and totally plundered.
The Lord has spoken this word.

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How the Bible Enslaves it’s Followers

The Holy Bible is the heart of Judeo-Christianity. It contains both the Jewish scriptures (Old Testament or Hebrew Bible) and the Christian scriptures (New Testament). The following will discuss how the Bible enslaves it’s adherents. I’ll compare both of the scriptures and reason why the former is advantageous to the Jews and the latter is disadvantageous to their Gentile adherents. One is based along tribal lines and the other on all-inclusiveness and faith. Many who read the bible are confused as to what they are reading. The reason they are confused is because the Old Testament (OT) and the New Testament (NT) are actually the polar opposites of one another.

(The) “Old” and “New” Testament are like water and oil – entirely incongruent. By simply cross-comparing the common core patterns between the two books, one can see with crystal clarity just how dissimilar they are … Yahweh, shares his covenant with “his people” (the Jews). This covenant is a worldly one that focuses on material gains and the acquirement of power on planet Earth rather than the reward of a glorious afterlife, as promised by the god of the “New Testament.” – D Berns

Christianity is a religion that sounds good on the surface. It is against materialism and greed. It promotes endless love and stresses being humble. However, those ideas promote a “loser” mentality that has been harmful to the long-term development of their adherents and has allowed them to be easily controlled by adversaries.


One of the main reasons why Jews are so successful is that they do not focus on the afterlife. Nowhere in the Hebrew Bible is there any talk of the afterlife. Jews believe that this world they live in is the only world that exists. Reform Rabbi Samuel Stahl on the afterlife:

Indeed, we Jews have believed in resurrection or in the immorality of the soul or in living on through memory. Yet, regardless of our particular view of an afterlife, we primarily place our emphasis on that phase of existence between one’s physical birth and physical death and not on life beyond the grave. It is during this span of our earthly years that we are granted the opportunity to express and develop our highest selves.

Jews are successful because they deal with reality and realize that any consequences of their action has a direct bearing on it. Jews know how harmful it is to think about things that are beyond one’s control and are absolutely unknown. (Also when you believe of being gone forever after death, you are more motivated to create a lasting legacy for yourself and your people.)

Christians, by contrast, believe their punishment for not listening to God will happen in the NEXT world instead of this one. Jesus tells his followers that the real world you are living in is less important than in the (supposed) afterlife:

If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched.”
– Mark 9:43-48

Yahweh promises the Jews the death of their enemies, gold, silver, land, and the subservience of all foreign nations. (Q)uite a contrast to the promise made by the character, Jesus, in which your only reward for your allegiance is some fairytale afterlife when you are dead and gone. – Berns

What is even worse than the belief of an eternal afterlife is the requirements for obtaining that eternal afterlife. The ticket to heaven does not call for good charitable contributions for the long-term advancement of one’s people and community, though that may be encouraged, but instead it only requires the simple belief that the deity Christ is savior and that one repent of their sins. This requirement for eternal paradise is actually incredibly selfish and of no benefit to humanity. It calls for one to abandon their own people at the expense of themselves:

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn

‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

– Matthew 10:32-39

By contrast, Commandment number 5 of the Ten Commandments in Exodus and Deuteronomy says,

“Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

Jesus considers us all equal, regardless of our abilities or needs. A lunatic who lived just a few years and didn’t learn anything, never understood what’s going on in his environment, never met a challenge in his life and perhaps never loved anyone, will go to heaven if he (believes in Christ), whereas a person who loved nature, gave his life for his people, discovered the secrets of this universe and never had a single second free of challenges, goes to hell if he (doubts Christ) …

By bringing people from the death he (Jesus) is fulfilling a caprice, he is rewarding people who don’t accept the necessity of death in order to create life. – Berns

Disconnect from Reality

Christianity strongly discourages their followers to deal with reality:

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:18

For we live by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

1 John 2:15-17 (also Titus 2:12-13; 1 Corinthians 3:3; 2 Corinthians 1:12, 5:16; Colossians 2:17)


Christianity promotes passivity and not fighting back. When you deal with those who are more aggressive than you, this is a recipe for enslavement and will eventually destroy your people.

You have heard that it was said, Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

– Matthew 5:39-44 (also in Luke 6:27-31)

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is
right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it
depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take
revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the
Lord. On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning  coals on his head.”

– Romans 12:17-20


Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly
loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness,
humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other
and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance
against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And
over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all
together in perfect unity.

– Colossians 3:12-14

Judaism does not promote love, gentleness, and forgiveness towards strangers but the exact opposite:

… and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
– Deuteronomy 7:2
You shall not have pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”
– Deuteronomy 19:21

Whoever is captured will be thrust through;
all who are caught will fall by the sword.

Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
their houses will be looted and their wives violated (raped).

– Isaiah 13:15-16, the prophecy against Babylon


(Therefore) I will stretch out my hand against you (Ammonites, a Gentile group) and give you as plunder to the nations. I will wipe you out from among the nations and exterminate you from the countries. I will destroy you, and you will know that I am the Lord.

– Ezekiel 25:7

Taking Action
Judaism is pro-active. Jews don’t look to God to fulfill His words. It is up to them to fulfill those words for Him. And their punishment for not listening to God will happen in THIS world:
But if you do not listen to Me and do not perform all these commandments, and if you despise My statutes and reject My ordinances, not performing any of My commandments, thereby breaking My covenant, then I too, will do the same to you; I will order upon you shock, consumption, fever, and diseases that cause hopeless longing and depression.
– Leviticus 26:14-46

Racial Purity

Judaism is aimed at preserving the Jewish race. The scriptures require the Jews to stick to their own type and to not engage in miscegenation.

Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.
– Deuteronomy 7:3-4

Christianity is a universal religion by contrast. There is absolutely nothing in the New Testament that talks of protection of one’s race. In Christianity, humans are equal in the eyes of God, including both Jews and Gentiles:

He did not discriminate between us and them (Jew and Gentile), for he purified their hearts by faith. Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear?

Acts 15:9-10

This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Romans 3: 22-23

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Galatians 3:26-29

Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free.

Colossians 3:11


Eugenics and Dysgenics

Judaism recognizes that those with defects are detrimental to the long-term development of their people.

Speak to Aaron, saying: Any man among your offspring throughout their generations who has a defect, shall not come near to offer up his God’s food. For any man who has a defect should not approach: A blind man or a lame one, or one with a sunken nose or with mismatching limbs; or a man who has a broken leg or a broken arm; or one with long eyebrows, or a cataract, or a commingling in his eye; dry lesions or weeping sores, or one with crushed testicles. Any man among Aaron the kohen’s offspring who has a defect shall not draw near to offer up the Lord’s fire offerings.
Leviticus 21:17-24
Christianity by contrast embraces the undesirables and the state of being undesirable:

If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut
it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire.

Matthew 18:8

He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you host a dinner or a banquet, don’t invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors so you can be invited by them in return and get repaid. But when you host an elaborate meal, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. Then you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

Luke 14:12-14


Judaism is a religion that maintains the tribalism of their people, the Jews, while destroying the tribalism of the Gentiles and their ancient pagan beliefs. Judaism’s dual code of conduct is all throughout their scriptures but is especially obvious in Deuteronomy 23:20.

You shall not deduct interest from loans to your countryman, whether in money or food or anything else that can be deducted as interest. You may deduct interest from loans to foreigners, but not from loans to your countryman – so that the Lord your God may bless you in all your undertakings in the land which you are about to invade and occupy.

Christianity values mediocrity and being low on the totem pole.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:24

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:2-4

Looking at his disciples, he said: “Blessed are you who are poor, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.”

John 12:25

The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

Luke 6:20

In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.

Luke 14:33

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written:“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”

1 Corinthians 1:18-19

Judaism by contrast values wealth, being on top, and achieving the best.
I will give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy the fat of the land. “You are also directed to tell them, ‘Do this: Take some carts from Egypt for your children and your wives, and get your father and come. Never mind about your belongings, because the best of all Egypt will be yours.’
Genesis 45:18-20 (story of Joseph in Egypt)

However, there need be no poor people among you, for in
the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you, if only you fully obey the LORD your God and are careful to follow all these
commands I am giving you today.

Deuteronomy 15:4-5

And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast.

Isaiah 61:6

Christianity is a system that has been destructive to the long-term well-being of their adherents. It subverts reason and logic and puts more emphasis on the so-called afterlife and makes one believe the world they live in is insignificant and temporary. But the worst thing of all, is that Christianity makes their adherents lazy. The focus on miracles and hope and faith has put their followers in a coma for a very long time. Christianity values mediocrity and not taking the initiative. It makes them ripe targets for enslavement and subversion.

If you have one religious group prioritizing worldly power and wealth and another devaluing the two, just ask yourself, who has the advantage here on Earth? – Michael Masters

Christianity is a manual for enslavement and mind control. It promotes weakness for the Gentiles and strength for the Jews. While the average low-level Jew may have some disliking of Christianity, the high-level Jews embrace it with open arms.

You can’t study Christian texts and history without reference to Judaism. Studying Judaism, it is hard not to see its track through history. It attempts to steer gentile religions and institutions in a Jewish direction, and will then appropriate and modify gentile ideas to claim them.

Many think that Jews fixate entirely on Christianity, but this is not true. Not all even oppose it, as we can find many conservative Jews (Savage, Levin, Prager) promoting a return to “Christian values” in the face of Christianity’s decline. I get the feeling that many of them sense that Christianity’s decline might lead to something worse for them. Christianity revolves around them and is based on Judaism, but a real European religious tradition does not need to make reference to Jews or their texts. They need gentile ideas to center on them and to be controllable.

– A Gentile

The West needs to return back to their roots and adopt a new religion. Perhaps one that protects their people instead of weakening them. The old pagan (heathen) beliefs have negative connotations with Christians and other organized religions. However this system is tailored more in line with the traits and identity of the native people instead of the far-off religions based in the Middle East.

The word heathen comes from the old English heaðen – those who live among the heaths. Heathens are the un-christianized people. Our heathen ways are a part of us. They are more than our religious beliefs, or even our gods. The heathen ways are part of our spirit. These ways are deep-rooted, and forever attached to us. It is our culture, language, worldview and simply our way of life.

Being a pagan means connecting with your ancestors – past, ancient, and prehistoric – and passing those traditions to our children. This is done through our blood and through our instruction. Being a heathen means knowing your place in the world, in nature. It is to be humble and know you are only part of it. You are a product of evolution (yes heathens agree with evolution) and other natural processes. Being a heathen means knowing your gods are part of you and they are a reflection of you and your folk. The gods are the spirit of the folk. Being a heathen means knowing your ancestors and your gods live within you. They are part of you and the world around you. You carry their legacy, and you must pass it down to future generations. – Tyler Liedeke

“The purpose of Jewish-controlled religions, especially Christianity, is to “exalt religion and mysticism above common sense and reason itself to destroy reliance on reason and objective facts and to enslave the human mind to debasing superstitions. A very few of those “scholars” may, perhaps, have been influenced by the now disproven and obsolete notion that Christianity could be used to promote the stability of a civilized society after scientific research and historical scholarship have proved, beyond peradventure of doubt, that the creed is, at every point, a denial of ascertained facts. . . The concept of a transmigration of souls is, as I have said, native to our race. There should, therefore, be a large and active market for a new religion based on metempsychosis and karma.”

– Revilo Oliver

Blowing the Lid Off Christianity with Smoking-Gun Evidence by D Berns (Though this come from Renegade Tribune, which is controlled opposition, there are some contributors who are legit.)
– 8/8/18
– revised 8/05/22