The Real Reasons for Suburbanization

Many recognize the problems of a spread out lifestyle, which is particularly common in America: traffic congestion, long commute times, the destruction of natural open spaces, and a lower social atmosphere. The post-war period has seen the exodus of families from dense urban environments into low density communities. Many of the once thriving urban communities have turned into ghost towns of abandoned homes, crime, and filth. Despite the problems suburbanization has caused, few have publicly voiced complaints. The few who have shown concern normally give the reasons for suburbanization and sprawl as having to do with low taxes, cheap land, and the “inherent” desire of Americans wanting more space and bigger things. None of those are the real reasons. The main reasons for suburbanization is to maximize consumer spending, to discourages organization, and to distract the masses. Many people recognize those things but instead of seeing it as the reasons they see it as some accidental consequences. Folks, there are few things in this world that happen by accident. This was intentional and was designed to benefit the corporations, the government, the bankers, and the Jewish establishment.

Suburbanization Maximizes Spending and Consumption.

Anytime you watch the news, one of the main themes is that of the economy and the need to get people to spend, spend, and spend. To them there is no such thing as too much growth. Any deficit in the economy is viewed as something sinister and must be stopped. Suburbanization maximizes spending and resource consumption. The shear amount of resources used to create this highly individualistic atomized lifestyle is mind boggling. Think about the amount of building materials, the amount of motor vehicles, the amount of fuel to commute, the number of motor vehicle repair and maintenance facilities, the number of lawn care equipment, the millions of miles of concrete and tar for the roads, etc. Because the living spaces are often larger in a low density setting, there is more energy that is required to heat and cool the homes and there is more furnishings and belongings that seek to occupy those large living spaces.

Suburbanization also discourages the sharing of resources. Tools, lawn care equipment, and recreational equipment (boats, bicycles, etc) could be shared but instead are being repeated for each home. A lot of those things sit around being unused most of the time. Obviously, someone is making a lot of money from this system.

Suburbanization Encourages Materialism and Decreases Spiritualism

Suburbanization encourages materialism, flaunting of wealth, and “keeping up with the Jones”. People are more likely to show-off their status by having nice vehicles, manicured lawns, and large decorated stately homes than if they lived in densely populated areas where there are fewer opportunities to show-off. In fact many see material goods as a way to make up for the lack of a genuine social life. Because of the fewer opportunities for genuine friendships many make up for it by excessive television and movie watching which encourages even more materialism.

Suburbanization Keeps A Person Distracted

Think about the amount of time it takes to care for a large house with a large lawn and all the material goodies in that house. And think about when it comes time to move, the sheer amount of time a couple spends hunting for their next home and starting the process over again. Since suburbanization increases distraction, suburbanization also increases apathy towards the real problems in our world. Most people won’t give a damn about anything as long as their personal situation is satisfied. They’ll care less about the sufferings of their neighbors and the world in general.

Suburbanization Destroys A Sense of Community

Suburbanization discourages community and encourages radical individualism. This point is very important. The ones who are enslaving us are not just merely elites who happen to be rich and powerful. They are a mafia. They are very cohesive and ethnocentric but discourage us common folks from acting the same because they don’t want competition. (If you have glanced at any of my other posts you know which group I’m talking about.) It is solidarity of the commoners that has historically given the establishment the most problem in enslaving the masses. Groups are far more powerful than individuals and individuals are easier to enslave. Individuals tend to mind their own business and focus only on personal goals. Sprawl makes it very difficult for citizens to effectively organize and makes it especially difficult to organize against the establishment. Sprawl discourages people from brainstorming together to solve problems and instead encourages them to turn to the system (i.e. corporations, government, media, and police). People tend to have a high sense of mistrust among one another in a suburban type of setting.

Suburbanization Increases Stress

Suburbanization increases social isolation and decreases social skills and a sense of trust among one another. Millions of Americans suffer from loneliness and depression. Millions of Americans spend billions of dollars on counseling, therapy, and drugs (legal and illegal). This is yet another way the elites are profiting and ties in with the first point in regards to increased consumerism.

Laws Prevent Communal Living

To create the spread out lifestyle requires many laws. There are laws separating residential and commercial areas, laws to maintain the number of parking spaces per square footage of business space, laws that regulate the distances from the front door of a house to the road, laws that regulate the size of the lot a home is to be built on, etc. All this discourages walking and encourages the use of cars.

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