Many recognize the problems of a spread out lifestyle, which is particularly common in America: traffic congestion, long commute times, the destruction of natural open spaces, and a lower social atmosphere. The post-war period has seen the exodus of families from dense urban environments into low density communities. Many of the once thriving urban communities […]
The Real Reasons for Suburbanization
Eustace Mullins’ Curse of Canaan is Disinformation
I read The Curse of Canaan a couple years ago based on recommendations from fans of Eustace Mullins. Many of his fans are deep into New World Order conspiracies and in particular the Jewish question. CofC is probably Mullins’ best known work. At that time I was just getting into the JQ. I have to […]
The Untold Story of White Slavery in America
by Alex White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America, New York University Press, 2008. I picked up White Cargo from an estate sale a couple months ago. I noted it in my post titled “Conspiracy Library”. I actually sat down and read it. White Cargo discusses white slavery of the […]