Profiles of the “Truth” Movement

We live in a dangerous world of lies, distortions, and half-truths. When it comes to staying informed there are not many you can trust. Though many know that the mainstream media cannot be trusted few realize that nearly all of the “alternative” media is tainted as well. Staying informed means sifting through sheer amounts of information (and disinformation) concerning foreign policies, wars, politics and the establishment. The levels of deception runs very deep. What makes it difficult is that a lot of those out there that seem genuine and expose many deep things. However many of them mix truths with half-truths and some of them mix truths with flat out lies. Determining those that  are legit requires you to understand the agendas of the establishment. Without understanding the agendas of the establishment you absolutely cannot determine controlled opposition (See my NWO article, titled “Agendas”). All pundits seem genuine, sweet loving, and truthful. All pundits act like your friend. These people are professionals at what they do. They have social engineering and persuasion skills like few others. The sad fact is the more you listen to them the more indoctrinated you become and the more likely you are to toe establishment agendas unconsciously.

From the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

In the hands of the States of today there is a great force that creates the movement of thought in the people, and that is the Press. The part played by the Press is to keep pointing out requirements supposed to be indispensable, to give voice to the complaints of the people, to express and to create discontent. It is in the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech finds its incarnation. But the GOYIM States have not known how to make use of this force; and it has fallen into our hands.

Also from the Protocols:

  • In the front rank will stand organs of an official character. They will always stand guard over our interests, and therefore their influence will be comparatively insignificant.

  • In the second rank will be the semi-official organs, whose part it will be to attack the tepid and indifferent.

  • In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.

The first rank is the mainstream media. These outlets are the likes of ABC, CBS, and NBC. They are considered to be left of center. The second rank is the mainstream “alternative” media. Fox News and AM talk radio are examples of this. They are considered right of center. The third rank are those that run deeper than the two and pretend to expose it all.

Before I move on I want everybody to remember this extremely important point:

Always be highly skeptical of anyone that you do not know personally.

This is especially true in regards to those on the internet and in the media. Unless you know the person as a friend or relative, you don’t know who you are really dealing with. We don’t know their backgrounds or why they are doing what they are doing. However if you understand the agendas (not just some of them but ALL of them) put out by the Jews you can usually single out the con-artists. But no guarantees.


Gatekeepers share some or most of these characteristics:

• Has a large audience
• Does not name those at the top OR …
… suggests Muslims, Nazis, the Pope, the Chinese, reptilians, globalists, the Illuminati, or UFOs as the global elite. Of course names everyone except the ones running the show.
• Is charismatic and smooth talking
• Has a professional presentation and state of the art studio for broadcasting their message (on the flip side, some shills dress and appear as an ordinary Joe with no fancy studio or presentation)
• Blames the government for every massacre, mishap, or misfortune instead of looking into those who are actually pulling the strings
• Plays the silly left-right political game
• Promotes a high degree of Arab-Muslim bashing
• Lacks consistency and flip-flops on issues. For instance calling 9/11 an insider job and then later backtracking and saying they were wrong
• Are in an entertainment mood when the actual reality is quite ugly and depressing
• Is a Jew, is married to a Jew, or has cozy relationships with Jews
• Promotes the Khazar theory and the lie that Jews today are not the same as the “biblical” Jews
• Promotes a high degree of self-improvement and personal development
• Begs for donations and/or sells a lot of useless products
• Hooks up with other shills and is willing to do interviews with them – THIS MAY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT INDICATOR OF CONTROLLED OPPOSITION
• VERY COMMON: Promotes Jews or those that kisses the asses of Jews



You have the mainstream media that names whites as the source of our problems. You have the alternative media that says it is the Muslims who are our problem. Few mention the obvious Jewish dominance and influence in media, banking, and government policies. The reluctance of those to mention that fact should by itself eliminate the vast majority of personalities out there. This category of pundits comprise 98-99 percent of the media talking heads out there and that includes all of mainstream media, talk radio, social media, and the vast majority of the alternative media. I will not name all those who are controlled. That is unnecessary and too many to count. Here are a few examples and are considered “third rank”:

Alex Jones
AJ is the 800 pound gorilla of alternative media. He has a huge following. At one time Infowars was one of my favorite channels. AJ supports the official story of 9/11 and only questions certain aspects of it. Alex Jones believes it is the “globalists” who rules the world. Of course he does not define who the globalists are. You probably have heard the “if you can’t control the opposition, you must lead it yourself.” This is exactly the role Alex Jones plays. Infowars has anywhere from 20-34 Jewish sponsors and they are heavy pushers of products and services. At the very least any discussion of the problems of Zionism and Israel would cause his sponsors to defect even if he wanted to discuss it. AJ’s ex-wife is Jewish.

Verdict: controlled

David Icke
Sort of like the British version of Alex Jones. Icke has a huge following as well. He touts that it is the “reptilians” who rule the world. Unlike Jones, he will discuss the problems of Zionism and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. My guess is that Icke has to talk about these things because the Brits are far more aware of what’s going on than the washed-up Americans are. Icke, however, still toes the official line of the Holocaust and WWII. Icke wants you to believe that it is only a few Zionists at the top that are causing problems and that here is no Jewish conspiracy.

Verdict: controlled

Donald Trump
Perhaps the biggest dupe in American history. A huge number of white nationalists and alt-righters were in full support of this Zionist shill – such as David Duke, Kevin MacDonald, and Rense. Funny that the whites whom were most concerned about the possible extinction of their race would support someone who was fully committed to a group of people whom have been the most responsible for their problems. Trump’s cabinet is mostly kosher. Some have suggested that Trump himself has some Jewish blood. Sheldon Adelson was Trump’s biggest campaign donor. This Jewish man wanted to nuke Iran off the planet. Trump’s daughter Ivanka, is married to one of his most important cabinet member, the Jew Jared Kushner. Ivanka herself converted to Judaism. But perhaps the most damning of all was the Trump family’s cozy relationship with Allen Weisselberg, who was the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization. This organization owns many ritzy properties across America and in a few other countries. The organization has come under investigation for fraud and embezzlement.

Verdict: controlled

Jared Taylor

Jared “Jews look white to me” Taylor is a prominent member of Amren, a white nationalist organization. Neither Amren nor Taylor discuss the Jewish question. They spend a lot of time bashing Muslims. Jared Taylor is part JewishKathleen R. Arnold a professor from the Political Science department at DePaul University states, “unlike many other white supremacists, Taylor is not anti-Semitic, and in fact encourages Jews to join.” Additionally Taylor has written a number of books on dieting and self-help. Exactly what we need in dealing with our enemies.

Verdict: controlled

G Edward Griffin
He seemed pretty genuine. His greatest claim to fame was The Creature From Jekyll Island, which some say was plagiarized from Eustace Mullins’s Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Griffin did admit that much of what’s happening in the world today comes straight from Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. He however claims that “it’s not just the Jews”. Ed Griffin is a pure gatekeeper and may be Jewish. Though Griffin discusses the Rothschilds extensively in The Creature From Jekyll Island, he never points out to the fact that they are Jewish. The book sells relatively well, which is a red flag as no genuine truther ever gets much exposure. Griffin was a former member of the John Birch society. He promotes the chemtrail nonsense.

Verdict: controlled

Lew Rockwell
One of the biggest names behind the libertarian movement, Lew Rockwell, a Jew, exposes big government and all the problems they’ve been creating. He is the founder of the Mises Institute, which was named after Ludwig Von Mises. Von Mises was highly influential in promoting free-market capitalism and libertarian ideas. His family fled to the US from Nazi persecutions during WWII, thanks to a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. Unsurprisingly, Rockwell and Mises never discussed the hand that fed the system. They are gatekeepers.

Verdict: controlled

Stefan Molyneux
Molyneux is another libertarian and has a large audience. Molyneux’s mother is Jewish. In the past he actually mentioned that the Jews were behind the Bolshevik Revolution, but later backtracked. Molyneux also had explained that the official story of 9/11 was wrong, but later backtracked as well.

Verdict: controlled


The ones who do mention the ones behind Hollywood, the banking system, and the media comprise a whole different category. This is probably the trickiest area to cover in terms of determining shills and disinformation agents. Over time I’ve come to the conclusion that nearly all of the ones who do discuss the Jewish question too are controlled. You really have to know the agendas of the establishment and your ability to see through manipulation to figure out the con-men here. First I’ll start off with the ones I feel are legit.

Mike Stathis

Mike Stathis runs AVA investment research. It is an investment service, which he is pretty damn good it. On the side, he discusses things such as the Jewish mafia which he knows extensively about from experience. He woke up to the damaging effects of the Jewish mafia when he himself was banned by them back when he written America’s Financial Apocalypse. He is the only person I know who actually exposes how the alternative media and controlled opposition works. Instead of just presenting information, Stathis presents things in an educational manner in an attempt to get you to think logically and not merely regurgitate things. He exposes the money-making scheme of the gold pumpers and doom and gloomers, who’s real agenda is making money off of you.

Verdict: uncontrolled


PMTMR was a former youtube personality that disappeared from the scene on August 2017 (but reappeared as of late). I feel there was no person that was more honest and more sincere about exposing the establishment than him. Though there were things he was clearly confused, such as the Bible, he was spot on when it came to the really big picture. PMTMR’s specialty was the Holocaust and WWII. He was the only one I knew who attempted to portray reality by showing real footage of mutilated bodies and torture camps of Abu Graibe and the ones of WWII. PMTMR wanted to show the way things actually were and often spoke from real life experiences. He exposed stuff you rarely see elsewhere. PMTMR knows that not everything is purely black and white and does not paint it as such. He sees a lot of grey areas and often discusses both sides of a story, something most don’t bother doing. PMTMR was NOT a white nationalist and he was not trying to divide people like so many others.

That was then. Today unfortunately PMTMR has succumbed to at least some of the controlled frauds out there. That’s due to the dumbing down of the alternative media which has gotten more powerful as time went on. For instance, he started getting into the left-right political game which he used to call out. It seemed like the older PMTMR got, the less he knew about the world order.

Verdict: uncontrolled, but he’s becoming more confused

Digger for Truth

Digger for Truth was among the few that proposed actual solutions to our problems and was NOT a white nationalist. He contributed to Renegade Tribune in the past (probably unknowingly they were controlled) and had his own blog. While Digger was against mass third world immigration to the West and was against the  promotion of miscegenation of whites with non-whites, Digger realized that ALL Gentiles were under attack. He knew that we all had the same enemies. Digger has disappeared from the scene a few years ago and nothing has been heard about him since. Yes, he got a few things wrong and he himself did not realize the full extent of controlled opposition. But like PMTMR, he knew the big picture.

Verdict: uncontrolled

Right Wing Universe

Right Wing Universe is a white nationalist. He was kicked off of youtube back in 2018 but put up a Bitchute channel (rightwinguniverse) afterwards. He discusses the Jewish Question in length – particularly WWII. RWU is a bookworm. Right Wing Universe presents things in an educational manner and has a calm approach.

RWU presents a dilemma. One the one hand, he does not hook up with other shills and ask for money or push products and services as far as I know. Like PMTMR, he is isolated and is not promoted. Controlled opposition types almost always have a tight circle of friends who give them airtime. Controlled opposition types almost always beg for money and/or push products on you. It is very difficult to separate a Jew from easy money. So far so good. However, RWU clearly pushes Jew World Order agendas. He flip-flops on certain things. After exposing Christianity as being a Jewish con, RWU all of a sudden has become a heavy supporter of it. RWU has always supported for the official story of 9/11 and other obvious false-flag terrorist attacks. He believes that non-violence is the only solution in dealing with our problems and advocates diplomacy. Lastly RWU is extremely polarizing. He may be doing some of these things to take heat off of himself, who knows. But whatever he’s doing he is certainly doing things that promote the Jew world order. Although he has some good stuff every now and then, I recommend that you avoid him.

Verdict: possibly controlled

Scott Roberts

There is a lot of similarities between Scott Roberts and PMTMR. Though Roberts is a hard hitting guy who knows who the enemies are, he promotes a high amount of polarization. Scott Roberts is a white nationalist. He is very one-sided and unlike PMTMR he paints the entire picture of reality as black and white. In one video Roberts discusses the slave trade and said that it was the blacks who benefited the most from it (because they have been infinitely better off in America rather than living in grinding poverty back in Africa). He said the sole purpose of the slave trade was to genocide the whites. That’s half-truth but the biggest reason of the slave trade was to exploit cheap labor and line the pockets of the Jewish businessmen who ran the trade. Jews have always been shrewd businessmen. Roberts says it is only the whites who are under attack, without acknowledging the Jewish genocide campaign against the other races races such as the Arabs, Africans, and Asians over the years. Roberts like so many tells you (white folks) what you want to hear. As far as I know, Roberts has not acknowledged PMTMR even though PMTMR has acknowledged Roberts. When PMTMR disappeared, Roberts made no mention of it. Also he’s been known to hook up with Mike Delaney and a few other shady characters.

Roberts is more of a rally seeker and presents little in the way of educating the audience. He shows both his face and tells his name (whether real or not does not matter) which makes me think that nobody is really going after him. He has been interviewed by Renegade at least once and had a number of his stuff posted on their site (though there appears to have been a recent fallout). Red Ice interviewed him several years back and the video got over 50k views. Roberts has hooked up with the questionable Mike Delaney in the past. Yes Roberts has only a small audience today and keeps getting banned on YouTube but a small audience does not necessarily mean one is uncontrolled. Of all people listed here, I probably learned the least amount from him. I find that his videos are pretty much more or less the same. He’s entertaining but that’s about it.

I recently found out that Scott Roberts has an Asian wife and three mixed race kids. That is something I don’t think he’s ever discussed on his videos. Though I did know he admitted to being a former race mixer and that he had traveled to China. Apparently many white nationalists are married to or have dated Asian women. I’m trying to figure this one out.

Verdict: controlled

William Pierce

William Pierce was a hard hitting man who really exposed Jewish hegemony. He’s done hundreds of audios and appeared to be very serious about what he was doing. Pierce was the founder of National Alliance which some say is controlled opposition. Like Scott Roberts, Pierce is a white nationalist and can be quite polarizing. I doubt that Pierce has offered much in the way of actual solutions to the problems. He has also been interviewed at least twice by the mainstream media, 60 Minutes on CBS. Pierce has an entry on Wikipedia which tells me he has some sort of exposure. His mentor was George Lincoln Rockwell, who has issues. Pierce is almost certainly controlled and is probably a Jew himself.

Verdict: controlled

George Lincoln Rockwell

Was a mentor to William Pierce. Rockwell was a white nationalist who was active during the 1960s until his assassination. Rockwell is highly polarizing and toed the familiar white nationalist line that all the brown people were out to get them. Back in the 60s he was propagating how bad the blacks were and yes they have some real faults (since 9/11 the line among white nationalists is how bad the Arab/Muslims are). Back in the 60s Rockwell was cheering on the Vietnam War and scolded those who were against the war as being communists. Today the line among those same type of people is how we should “contain Islam” (i.e. the enemies of Israel) and that the anti-war people are pro-terrorism.

Though I learned some valuable things from Rockwell’s book White Power I realized that his real mission, like that of pretty much all white nationalists, was that of dividing the people up and making sure that there was not a solid block of Gentile solidarity against Jewish hegemony.

Verdict: controlled

David Duke
“Doctor” David Duke is a white nationalist. He appeals to those who are getting into the Jewish Question. The fact that Duke is a household name (though not in a positive way) should make one suspicious. But what really caused me to distrust Duke was his incessant shilling for Donald Trump. He has made idiotic statements such as Trump being the last hope against Zionism and the Jew World Order. In actuality Trump has been kissing the ass of Jews and has received tens of million$ in donations from key Jewish supporters. By Duke shilling for Trump he also shills his support (at least indirectly) for Israel and Zionism, which Trump is fully committed to. Duke is affiliated with white nationalist and Stormfront founder Don Black, likely a crypto-Jew, Duke also begs for money. This pretty much confirms that Duke is controlled opposition.

Additionally, Duke (again a reminder that he had appeared in Halloween costumes) serves as a favorite punching bag for those who have reasons to attack Jewish “conspiracies” and makes genuine truthers (the few out there) look silly. He audience are those who are simple-minded.

Verdict: controlled

Kevin MacDonald

There is no work that has helped me see the light and the bigger picture than the Culture of Critique. I believe that it is one of the best material out there on Jewish behavior. That being said his endorsement of Donald Trump and controlled opposition shills like David Duke, Jared Taylor (half-Jewish), and Greg Johnson (Jewish) make me certain that MacDonald is controlled. MacDonald, Taylor, and Johnson together authored the book, The Alternative Right. MacDonald’s trilogy of books written on Judaism during the nineties were published by Greenwood Publishing, which was headed by Harold Schwartz and Robert Hagelstein. Kevin MacDonald has also joined with the rest of the alt-right in the bashing of Israel’s immediate enemies, the Arab-Muslims, who have been in conflict with Israel for a very long time. Recently he’s written a book called Radicalization (Muslim-bashing book) which contradicts his earlier work Understanding Jewish Influences (exposes the Jewish neocon’s behind the war against the Arab-Muslims). MacDonald runs the online newsletter, Occidental Quarterly, which “promotes” white interests. He has a relatively high amount of exposure and is a very recognizable name among “Jew-wise” people.

Kevin MacDonald also serves as a “punching bag” for those who look into the JQ. Like David Duke, MacDonald is probably there to make those who look into the JQ as sub-human, mentally unstable, unsophisticated, and unfit for society. When you do a web search for Kevin MacDonald, the first pages of the search is filled with articles by the SPLC and other sites linking him to Neo-Nazi and hate groups. The role MacDonald played was to grab a “Jew-wise” audience and to gradually misdirect it into supporting Jewish agendas. MacDonald is probably a Jew himself.

Verdict: controlled

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Bjerknes was one of those guys I once thought to be legit but I am now certain he is controlled opposition. Like Kevin MacDonald, Bjerknes was a guy who was much more legit in the beginning. He is now leading his followers down the path of confusion and even supporting the agendas of the establishment. This is a common tactic of controlled opps, which is to build an audience through honesty and truth-telling and then stabbing them in the back once the audience grows to a large size. Years ago along with his extensive exposure of the Bible, he was also exposing the fraud that the War on Terror was and how the war had the intention of destroying the Arabs and their land. Over the last few years Bjerknes has done a complete reversal and like so many in the alt-right circles has been bashing those very same people – no doubt for the benefit of Israel. Bjerknes is part Jewish.

Verdict: controlled

Renegade Tribune

A site that I thought was legit but found out that there were just like all the other sites out there that pretended to expose real things. Like nearly all sites out there they act like they are on your side fighting for the little guy and are actively trying to take down the enemies. There’s a lot of hot air coming out of Renegade with no real solutions. They refused to interview real truthers, such as PMTMR and Mike Stathis. Renegade resorts to attacks if they feel they are being challenged. Sinead McCarthy, a leading contributor to Renegade and the partner of Renegade founder, Kyle Hunt, had promoted the flat-earth theory in the past. They claim they are white nationalists, but archived photos have surfaced of Sinead cuddling with blacks. The duo are heavy promoters of veganism and pacifism. Renegade is a beggar of money and push a lot of bogus products on their site. Hunt and McCarthy are possibly Jewish themselves. You ought to keep in mind that some of the world’ most notorious anti-Semites have turned out to be Jews.

Verdict: controlled

Charles Giuliani

Charles Giuliani does his podcasts on Renegade Broadcasting. His specialty is the Bible and claims he was about to enter the priesthood until he read the thing and found out it wasn’t what he thought it was. Other than the Bible, Giuliani covers a dizzying array of subject matters ranging from the death of Michael Jackson, to the moon landings, to the Founding Fathers of America. A lot of the things he discusses are interesting and I would like to read up more about them. However for some odd reason Giuliani rarely publicizes his sources, though from what I’ve been told you can email Giuliani for them. The fact that he has been doing shows for years on Renegade, which I have determined to be controlled, should make one suspicious. Giuliani presents a similar problem to that of Kyle Hunt. Is he a one man show? Where does Giuliani get the time to research such an enormous diversity of subject matters while also, I presume, have time to earn a living? Despite the question marks surrounding him, I do believe you will learn “some” stuff from this man. Giuliani unlike so many out there is very consistent with his material and I have not caught him flip-flopping.

Verdict: possibly controlled

Ben Klassen

Klassen is another white-nationalist. He is possibly Jewish. Though Klassen exposes Jewish hegemony, he bashes the hell out of anyone who isn’t white. Like Renegade, promotes veganism and pacifism.

Verdict: controlled

Eustace Mullins
Eustace Mullins is considered the father of all conspiracy researchers. However I have determined him to be a gate keeper like so many who pretend to expose conspiracies. The Curse of Canaan is one big piece of disinformation intended to confuse his audience on the Jews, their scriptures, and the NWO. Mullins claims that the Jews descended predominately from the Canaanites which is flat out disinformation. He also claims to have worked in the Library of Congress, where he supposedly done most of his research. If that is true how come the Curse of Canaan has hardly any references cited. Mullins is a household name among those into the JQ and is a heavy promoter of Judeo-Christianity.

Verdict: controlled

Michael Hoffman
I know I am stepping on some toes here. Especially when it comes to Jews, Christians, and the Bible. But this man has to be exposed for what he is. Just like so many who discuss the JQ, Hoffman promotes Judeo-Christianity to a very high degree. Just the title of one of his books should tell you something: Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit. Going by the title, Hoffman wants you to believe the Talmud has little to do with biblical Judaism which is FALSE. Though he correctly tells you the Talmud is racist and condones the exploitation of the Gentiles, the same is also true for the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Old Testament in Christianity). The Bible IS the foundation of Judaism. Michael Hoffman is a Jew.

Verdict: controlled

Brother Nathan (Milton Kapner)
Another Jewish conman who claimed to have converted to Christianity. He dresses in a clergyman type of costume when presenting his info. There is no such thing as an ex-Jew – once a Jew always a Jew. While Brother Nathan appears to tell you all you need to know about the Jews, he like Hoffman and Mullins promotes Judeo-Christianity to a very high degree. He looks silly and IS silly. Brother Nathan, like many Jewish shills, begs for money and transfers wealth from the pockets of the stupid goyim.

Verdict: controlled

While Rense does discuss the Jewish question, like so many, he bashes the hell out of the “enemies” of Israel – namely the Arab-Muslims. Rense also propagates a lot of nutty theories out there like that of UFOs and chemtrails. Rense is a Zionist Jew and a huge Trump supporter. Like most Jewish shills, Rense begs for money. He has a history of marriage instability (common Jewish trait) and has been married 12 times (according to research by Mike Stathis).

Verdict: controlled

Cesar Tort

Cesar Tort is a “white nationalist” from Mexico. He published some books exposing Judeo-Christianity, though much of the material is copied from other sources. Tort heavily promotes the Jewish gold-pumping con-artist Peter Schiff on his site. I questioned him on that and he said he didn’t know that Schiff was a Jewish name and that English was not his native language. But his English seems pretty good and he listens to a number of personalities who are native English speakers. How could he not know?

Well I left it that and didn’t investigate further. I eventually purchased his book The Fair Race Darkest Hour. The book is actually not a bad read but he does promote some obvious Jews in the book. I started to sense a rat. Tort was obviously bullshitting me when he said he didn’t know Schiff was Jewish. I went back to his site and discovered that he was promoting many Jews and Zionists. In addition to Schiff and all the gold pumping clowns, Tort was promoting Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Stefan Molyneux, the Austrian School (Jewish libertarian economic thinktank), Richard Spencer (crypto-jew), and Greg Johnson (crypto-jew). Tort is almost certainly Jewish and has begged for money, though not as hard as others. Tort’s  site is no longer active as of June 2022.

Verdict: controlled

Miles Mathis

Mathis has a bunch of lengthy research articles exposing powerful families and celebrities. He is big into genealogy. Mathis is a heavy mixer of truth with lies and a heavy mixer of truth with far out bogus theories. He puts a lot of interesting things out there and which shill doesn’t? Problem is the bogus stuff he puts out there such as fake assassinations, fake celebrity deaths, and fake shootings outweigh the good. It is hard to take one seriously when they focus on that type of distraction and garbage. It also discredits the work of real researchers. According to Mathis everything is a CIA conspiracy (and a Jewish/Phoenician conspiracy). I wouldn’t be surprised if his material itself isn’t a CIA front. (I may end up writing an entire article about this dude. He has red flags all over him.)

Verdict: controlled

Suspected Jews

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Famous Russian author who wrote a three-volume series called The Gulag Archipelago. According to wikipedia, Solzhenitsyn’s father was a wealthy landowner in the Kuban region and his father’s identity had to be kept a secret. I wonder what group of people are normally wealthy landowners? And why did they have to keep his identity a secret?

Daniel Ivandjiiski (a.k.a. Tyler Durden)

Was founder of Zero Hedge, a famous financial doom and gloom site. Daniel Ivandjiiski was a former investment banker and capital-markets trader. His’s father, Krassimir was a communist general in Eastern Europe. Hmmm … both have very Jewish sounding occupations.

Other Gatekeepers (not meant to be an exhaustive list): Max Keiser, Greg Marinaro, Jesse Ventura, Glenn Beck, James Corbett, Alan Watt (not to be confused with Alan Watts), RT Network, The Young Turks, Finance & Liberty, Adam Kokesh, The Mises Institute, Jim Marrs, Texe Marrs (no relation to Jim Marrs), Webster Tarpley, Mark Dice, Ralph Epperson, Eric Dubay (flat-earth nonsense), Darkmoon, and Veterans Today.

Lists of Controlled Opps

List of Jewish Shills – some things make me scratch my head but worth look anyway



My observations are that the vast majority of those who are controlled opposition are JEWISH. My guess is 85 to 90 percent. Apparently many are crypto-Jews who hide their identities. The remaining 10 to 15 percent are Gentiles married to Jews and/or work for Jewish organizations. The most common characteristic of members of controlled-opposition is their penchant for making money. You can never separate a Jew from easy money. If an opportunity is there, they will be the first one to take advantage of it. They typically make money from one of four ways: ad-revenues, monetary donations, selling products directly on their site, and pushing gold and silver. This brings us to another set of problems …

… the problem with the nature of media

The biggest problem with the media, both MSM and alternative, is that one of their main objectives is to generate as much income as possible. This is a major conflict of interest. To generate income they must have as large of an audience as possible and make sure you come back to their site frequently. They do this by flooding their site with news and “entertainment”. This has the effect of dumbing down and distracting the audience. The audience must never be able to think outside the box or they will figure out this whole scam. They want you to remain as dumb as possible so you keep coming back to their site for “answers.” Another technique they employ to generate a large audience is to have an inner circle of friends where they all promote each other. Members of the media NEVER act in isolation.

To sum it up, the members of the media, both mainstream and alternative, are entirely Jewish or are Gentiles who have cozy relations with Jews. Jews by nature are attracted to money and will make it through any means possible. This is how they become powerful and influential. Jews will take advantage of all available platforms and will cover every single viewpoint and ideology. They know how to satisfy demand better than anyone else. Jews are tribal and know how to network better than anyone else. They all promote one other. Therefore if you know one, you know them all. Being tribal they are highly sensitive to anyone exposing conspiracies involving them. Therefore they will do anything they can to either deflect the blame on them or act as controlled opposition and steer you in a different direction. Though you have little guys out there, such as bloggers, who are trying to spread the truth, the fact is they get most of their info from the large tainted sites, so their material is tainted as well.

There is only one conclusion you can draw from all this …

Boycott all forms of media

and especially stay away from anything that discusses politics, religion, conspiracies, and current events (unless the current events directly affect your life or livelihood). The probabilities of you being duped is almost completely certain. The mainstream media is bad but the alternative media is even worse.

Revised 6/29/22

(This write-up was originally a post and I have moved it into the pages section. I decided to retain the comments)

May 27, 2019 at 5:26 am

Bjerknes is scum. He spews blatant lies, whether knowingly or not, about The Third Reich.

October 3, 2019 at 12:55 pm

Hi there, you might be interested in a channel called ‘Cultured Thug’ on bitchute. He’s a classical Fascist but has presented good info on the JQ. Him and ‘Mimir’s Head’ engaged in a six hour conversation divided into three different Youtube videos. While I don’t agree with them completely, I believe they both have what I think is the most realistic solution to the jewish problem and offer a better political solution going forward.

As everyone can recall, it wasn’t long ago when White Americans (and most other gentiles for that matter) were reluctant to race mix or marry outside of their own religion or religious sect. I think White people and other races can learn to limit their miscegenation if properly informed by the media and the education system.

prnt. sc/pecj74
October 3, 2019 at 12:55 pm

four hour conversation, not six.
September 9, 2020 at 6:11 pm

Do you still believe that Right Wing Universe [RWU] is uncontrolled?

RWU promotes this „whiteness”, for me he is just a light version of infamous Andrew Anglin. Good old divide and conquer doctrine in action.

RWU promotes Christianity, old style Roman Catholicism which is proven to be a Jewish Trojan Horse for centuries (
RWU says that this old style Roman Catholicism is good in contrast to new one after Second Vatican Council ( This is childish narrative.

RWU promotes irrational right-left paradigm. He even says that Christianity is “Rightist” ( He probably forgot about liberation theology in Latin America murdered by JP2 (whom he calls „antipope”).

September 11, 2020 at 11:27 pm

Suhail, I do admit there are things that make me scratch my head. The things that bothers me the most about RWU is that he takes events such as 9-11 and the Pittsburg synagogue shooting at face value without even giving the possibility that the official version may be incorrect. RWU used to be a critic of Christianity but then again he recently said that Biden wasn’t a true Christian (like if that really matters.) He does promote a lot of polarization which many controlled people do. Maybe he’s doing that to pander to his viewers or perhaps he’s been threatened. Anyway I’m willing to change my possition at any time. I actually do not watch that many of his videos anyway.

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1 Comment

  1. Steve

     /  September 13, 2024

    The official story of 911 is correct.
    Bin Laden had warned the US and Canada about a vote pertaining to Palestine.

    He sent a letter.

    Funny how you “truthers” missed it.


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